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What 3 teams will improve the most in 2002.

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What 3 teams will improve the most in 2002.

1. Carolina 1-15, John Fox Has to improve this team somewhat, 2-4 game improvement.

2. Colts 6-10, Adding a Dungy "D" to this team has to mean a 2-4 game improvement

3. Cowboys 5-11, They have had there best offseason in a long time. 2-3 game improvement.

Buffalo, Detroit, and the Vikes could all be sleepers in this race. Out of all of these teams I think the Colts have the best chance to make the playoffs.

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Yes, Quincy is the man in Dallas. However, I'd like to point out that he won as many games (3) his rookie year as Payton Manning, with 8 fewer starts. So, I don't have any reservations about Quincy. The Cowboys are a LOT better than they were last year, but there's no guarantee that'll translate into more W's. There were teams that played the 'Boys last year who won by 10 or 14 points, but could have won by 2x as much if they wanted to.

But I look at the last 6 games. When they were good (SF, Giants), they were very, very good, and when they were bad (Seattle, Detroit), they were awful. So they not only have to get better, they have to get more consistent. The odds are, they need one more year to really put it all together and contend for the division. I'll be happy if they're still in the playoff picture at Thanksgiving.


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I feel that going from 1-15 to 4-12 is not nearly as impressive as going from 9-7 to 12-4. But whatever.

From BAD to Mediocre: Cowboys, Lions

From Mediocre to Decent: Colts, Falcons, Seahawks

From Decent to Damned Good: Browns, Redskins (ending the season taking 8 out of 11, again, but this time making the playoffs thanks to a late-season victory over the Cowboys)

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So now I'm to believe Quincy Carter > Peyton Manning? Wow they guy started more games for the Girls than he would have started at Georgia.

Quincy Carter is Andre Ware without the Heisman!

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Why don't you ask Champ Bailey his opinion of Quincy Carter? I wonder if its similar to yours. Then again, Champ might get angry if you remind of that crispy feeling he got the last time he faced that "Andre Ware without the Heisman," so probably best just to leave him be...

Anyway, you're not going to convince me that QC isn't an NFL-caliber QB, but if you want to try, its your prerogative.

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they titans should improve too, based one one pick up alone: comella playing fback. george couldn't run last year with out a blocker clearing the way for him (plus injuries), now they have one. george should regain his from from 2000-2001 and the titans will be strong.

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champ got burned once by queezy. one good play does not make a NFL-caliber qb

Sort of the old "even a broken clock is right twice a day" argument, huh? Well, that's certainly one way to look at. Another way to would be "Every time Quincy has faced Champ in a game, he's burned him for a 64-yd TD." They're both true, but it doesn't mean that Carter will never throw another TD against Bailey, nor does it mean that Champ will get burned every game. And I'd just like to point out that I never said one good play made an NFL-caliber QB. I was just trying to point out that someone in a much better position to judge might not agree with your assessment of Quincy Carter.

Champ Bailey getting beat by Quincy Carter is every Cowboy fan's comeback for a Quincy Carter bashing. Well, what does Quincy think of Fred Smoot? You know, the guy who made Carter look bad.

Well, I'm not Quincy's psychiatrist or anything, but I'd guess that he thinks Fred Smoot is a very talented cornerback who's going to play a long time in the NFL. Just out of curiosity, why do you ask?

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The Colts will be the most improved team because they only hd to rebuild on one side of the ball, sort of like the Rams did in 2001. :)

I don't know if Carolina will be that much better, although I guess even an advance to 5-11 from 1-15 is a significant move relatively speaking......................I still see this team with no quarterback, no feature back and no offensive line.............

Buffalo will be better because of Bledsoe and the investment in the offensive line. The problem for the Bills is that the division is VERY competitive with the Dolphins and Jets also better.

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Colts and Titans will both be back to playoff form. Lions still have growing pains at QB. Dallas will be better, unfortunately. The Skins will improve the most in terms of just plain watchability. They were probably the most painful team to sit through last year. IF Weinke comes around, maybe Carolina could advance to mediocrity. Skins go 10-6, despite a tough schedule.:box:

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Buffalo will be a better team and their record should reflect it. Detroit shouldbe a better team, but I'm not sure their record will be a lot better.

The Chargers seem to me to be in good shape if they settle on Brees quickly. If they mess around with Flutie, they'll suck.

The Saints may surprise - very good off-season.

Boy, everyone likes the Colts, but I thought they had a suck draft and a ho-hum off-season. Dungy's a nice addition, but they needed some horses on defense. We'll see...

Carolina - they have to get better, don't they?

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Ok... let's finally address that Quincy Carter pass to Raghib Ismail against Bailey shall we? Let's take it for it actually was.

The Cowboys came out running the ball right from the get-go. It was their entire game plan as effective as it was. However, that gameplan wasn't devised so much out of strategy than necessity. Carter was coming back from injury and the Cowboys ariel attack was practically non-existent the ENTIRE season.

As per usual, Emitt Smith - who coincidentally was having another subpar season - ran roughshod over the Skins. I mean... Quincy Carter had 14 passing attempts all game - with the exception of the Ravens-Titans playoff game a few years ago... I can't remember a single game with a QB with so few pass attempts.

The Redskins essentially had to change their entire gameplan to focus on stopping the run.

And on that particular play - check the replay if you need further evidence - Bailey was initially stride for stride with Ismail... and then pulled off because he started to play the run. When you're preoccupied with stopping the run... that's the kind of sh!t that can happen. Bailey made an error in judgment. Carter made a good read. But wasn't anything spectacular. It's not like Carter was under pressure or had to throw a frozen rope into tight coverage.

Ismail didn't burn Bailey. He didn't blow past him or deke his pants off. Bailey put himself out of position because he guessed wrong on the play which put about 5 yards distance between them. And with the speed of a guy like ROCKET Ismail.. that's lethal. That's about an easy a pass an NFL QB can make... and Carter made it. Good for him.

Quincy Carter finished 7/14 for 130 total yards and 1 TD & 1 INT. And considering that the TD pass to Ismail went for 64 yards... that's absolutely gawdawful??? Carter's next longest pass went for 13 yards.

6/13 for 66 yards and 1 INT. That's about as wretched a performance an NFL QB could possibly muster. Somebody do the QB rating on that please?!?!?!

So if Carter's performance against the Redskins or single pass to Ismail inspires confidence in his abilities... you have very low expectations.

39 to go...

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I guess I could use your sophomoric logic against you and say "Fred Smoot has picked off Quincy Carter every time he's faced him."

You could also insert Brett Favre for Quincy (aka The Irving Invalid) in the sentence. I guess Fred SMoot is the next Deion Sanders. :cool:

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Anyway, you're not going to convince me that QC isn't an NFL-caliber QB, but if you want to try, its your prerogative.

Buddy, noone here is trying to convince you, or any other Cowboy fan for that matter, of anything. This is a REDSKINS board. YOU are over here trying to convince US of Carter's abilities, not the other way around. And there is a difference.

Now, you seem like a resonable fellow who doesn't want to be lumped in with the scores mindless Dallas smack-infested morons who have been trolling the board these past few days, so when you FAIL to convince us of your contentions, try not to bring up the ONE time your rookie QB made a decent play against the Redskins. That, my friend, is smack. And it's old, tired, unimaginative, boring, used-up, and washed-out smack to boot.

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Carter didn't beat Bailey. Ismail beat Bailey and Carter lollipopped a ball to him for a touchdown. If lofting a floater 40 yards in the air to a wide open receiver is NFL quality, then, I may have to try out for the Vikings. Heath Shuler hit Tydus Wynans for a long touchdown against Dallas in 1995 didn't he? I'm absolutely certain any number of us felt he would ultimately pan out too. He did not.

Evoking Carter as some sort of comparison with Manning is a bit stunning to be honest. Manning, as a rookie, threw 26 touchdowns, had 3700 yards passing and completed 56 or 57 percent of his passes, didn't he? And Carter gets some kind of boost because he won more games? Hey, perhaps a team with a good offensive line, a fine runner, pretty good receivers and a Top 5 defense should have won more games than Manning's one man wrecking crew. Ever think on it that way?

I'm no big Cowboy fan :halo: but, doesn't it seem to you that a team with a quality line, a quality runner and quality receivers to match with a Top 5 defense (at least in a statistical measurement) should have won more games? So, if the Cowboys did have a Top 5 defense, and if they did have a quality line and if they did have quality runners and receivers, are we led to believe that the poor tight end position is why you won five games? That the hash you're slinging, is it?

The Cowboys let Carter throw 14 times against the Redskins. The Redskins were getting absolutely GUTTED on the ground and it seemed that Marty and Kurt finally got tired of it, taking chances at stopping the run. Bailey bit on an out and Ismail went up and Carter hit him for a touchdown. Danny Wuerffel could make the same throw and thank whatever higher power there is that I don't have to gut out a season with him as the starter :).

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I guess I could use your sophomoric logic against you and say "Fred Smoot has picked off Quincy Carter every time he's faced him."

Yes, you could!

Carter didn't beat Bailey. Ismail beat Bailey and Carter lollipopped a ball to him for a touchdown.

Awwww, c'mon, that was a great throw! And Ismail wasn't 40 yards downfield, either. Maybe Die Hard could show you the tape. It was a 3rd and 8 play, and I don't know exactly how far downfield Ismail was when he made the out fake, but I thought Quincy dropped it in there beautifully.

Quincy Carter finished 7/14 for 130 total yards and 1 TD & 1 INT. And considering that the TD pass to Ismail went for 64 yards... that's absolutely gawdawful??? Carter's next longest pass went for 13 yards.

You're right, he was 7 for 14, but 6 of those were for 1st downs, and the other one was the TD. And its true that the running game set up every single pass he made that day.

I'm no big Cowboy fan but, doesn't it seem to you that a team with a quality line, a quality runner and quality receivers to match with a Top 5 defense (at least in a statistical measurement) should have won more games? So, if the Cowboys did have a Top 5 defense, and if they did have a quality line and if they did have quality runners and receivers, are we led to believe that the poor tight end position is why you won five games? That the hash you're slinging, is it?

Here's what I'm slinging. When JJ cut Banks and named QC the starter, I thought that if he had some skills and worked really hard and the rest of the team bought in, he'd have a chance to win 3 games. Well, it took until week 16, and it looked like a miracle while I was watching it, but he beat the 9ers for his 3rd win in 8 starts. And I think that stacks up pretty well with most rookie QBs. Manning, McNabb, Vick, whoever you want to throw in there. Marino was much better as a rookie, but I hope you see my point. I'm hoping this year, he can have a much more Dilfer-like season, and just not lose any games while the OL, RB and Defense do their thing.

And Henry, do you like apples? I'll post whatever I want, you post whatever you want. If you don't like it, there's an ignore list you can configure in the user preferences area.

How do you like them apples?!?!:box:

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I'll post whatever I want, you post whatever you want.

Of course you will, but until you quit resorting to recycled smack and weak movie cliches, you won't convince me your anything other than another misguided Cowboy fan, insecure about his QB and looking for validation in all the wrong places ...

... but your welcome to try. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Talent Wasted at a Desk

I feel that going from 1-15 to 4-12 is not nearly as impressive as going from 9-7 to 12-4. But whatever.

From BAD to Mediocre: Cowboys, Lions

From Mediocre to Decent: Colts, Falcons, Seahawks

From Decent to Damned Good: Browns, Redskins (ending the season taking 8 out of 11, again, but this time making the playoffs thanks to a late-season victory over the Cowboys)

Why do you think the Falcons will have any significant improvement this season? They have a lot of holes that they failed to address this off-season.

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