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Poll: Dan Snyder -- Is he a good owner or a bad owner?


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the more he continues to progress from hands-on to hands-off, the better.

he's made his mistakes, and yes, they've been bad. but he seems to be learning and he's given gibbs total control. no matter what, you can't deny his commitment to winning.

he's not the best, but i bet you there are fans in some cities (tempe, minn.) that would love to have an owner willing to put his :2cents: where his mouth is.

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Originally posted by nonniey

Simply amazing. 66% of the those who responded think he is a good owner. If he was to sell the team today he would be considered to be failure as an owner. So how can a failure be considered to be a good owner.

Because he's put this team in a postition to win. And when it doesn't there only the players and coaches to blaim.

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I know, I'm an Eagles fan, thus rendering my opinion completely useless. You can also save reminding me that we've yet to win a Superbowl in your reply as well, I'm all too aware of it.

I won't even mention him in terms of personel moves.

Simply as a fan, I don't understand how any of you can show allegiance to a man you...

1) Adds WORTHLESS seats to maximize profit

2) Charges for training camps

3) Closes off convenient walkways into the stadium, forcing everyone to park in industrial parks and subsequently walk sometimes long distances to take a shuttle to the stadium.

4) Is personally responsible for the harsh portrayal your franchise recieves from the national media that you all hate so much.

5) That breif team credit card debacle

Who knows what else I'm forgetting...

I know that many other owners around the league have used some of these same practices, I can't imagine fans supporting them either.

Personally though, I cannot begin to understand the overwhelming support that Dan Snyder recieves on this board. Maybe I'm not supposed to understand since I root for another team, but I know if Lurie began to do these things to the Eagles I certainly would not support anything he does.

I don't know. I just don't get it.

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Good post OWUEagleMD. No bashing coming from me and I think you raise compelling points.

I think one reason why so many people on here are such adamant fans of Snyder has to do with the bashing he receives in the media and the fact that people see this as bashing of their favorite team (and in turn of themselves).

But, it's a chicken and the egg scenario to a degree given that as you say, Snyder may be responsible for the bashing he receives--either way, the more people persecute Snyder on here or in the media, the more adamant these people will be in his defense.

Oh, and I couldn't agree more with the statement in your sig.

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Originally posted by OWUeagleMD

"Emoticons" trivialize the individuality of your opinion. Express yourself through your writing, rather than silly symbols that are available to everyone.

I've yet to find any words that can adequately express the rolling eyes. :rolleyes:

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  • 5 months later...

The Skins are the top revenue generator in the NFL. Snyder loads the roster up with good fantasy players who help sell, but as a team are not a real contender. The wine and cheese crowd generate revenue while the trash talkers make them look like a contender. The Skins do not need to win with all games sold out and the team generating more than anyone else.

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Danny Snyder... where do I begin?

The empassioned defenses of our favorite owner aren't surprising, but a poll that shows that 65% of posters think he's a good or great owner is shocking.

This is a man who has presided over a truly disastrous period in Redskins history. He's had one team make the playoffs, and that was his first year, before he could start meddling. He's made all kinds of amateurish mistakes, like alienating the media and fans with stunts like charging for training camp admission, changing coaches more often than his underwear, signing aging big-name free agents and watching them walk away with his money, and alienating players like Coles and Arrington and Bailey.

But I don't really think those are the bigger issues. I think he fired Norv too late, not too early. I think he should have given Schotty another year, but I don't blame him for Spurrier. Give him credit for bringing back Gibbs, if you're going to blame him for Norv, Robiskie, Schotty, and Spurrier.

I have two big issues with Snyder: (1) his failure to hire a GM who knows football and listen to him, and (2) his turning the team into a bunch of heartless mercenaries.

If he'd hired a GM, he'd have gotten an earful of advice, especially early on, that would have helped him avoid becoming the laughingstock of the league if he'd been smart enough to listen.

His strategy of buying big-name free agents, no matter the price, was far more disastrous (and related to the first point). Was hiring Deion a mistake? Bruce? Jeff George? Carrier? Fryar? Reed? Individually, maybe not, but as a strategy it turned the team into the place an (especially aging) player wanted to go -- not to win, but to collect a fat paycheck.

But that strategy backfired badly, and not just on the field. It backfired in the locker room. Instead of Darrell Green, we got Bruce Smith. Hell, Deion took Darrell's spot. That's a disgrace. This was no team at all -- they had the fewest number of players who lived in the community year round in the entire league.

That why they've been losers. They lack heart. It's not that they're less talented than the rest of the league -- if you stack up the rosters, you'd conclude that the Skins should be competitive. But they aren't.

And it's Dan Snyder's fault that they lack heart. He's built a cold-blooded, mercenary organization that is all about wringing as much money from the fans without much concern for winning. Some fans say, "Oh, Dan Snyder really, really wants to win -- look how much money he spends!" Here's the problem -- a drunk, vomit-smelling dwarf wandering naked in a bar might really, really want to get laid, but his chances aren't that great. Wanting it ain't enough. Sure, Dan Snyder wants to win, but I'd be willing to bet that if he had to choose between having the most profitable team in the league and finish 5-11, or the least profitable team in the league and make the playoffs, he'd choose the dark side.

Remember watching Jeff George, the (shudder) Redskins quarterback, getting dragged down the field while his linemen watched? That's what the Skins have become on Snyder's watch. This ain't the team of Dave Butz and Mann and Manley and Riggins. Do you think those guys would have let the Cowboys beat them this badly for this long?

Can Joe Gibbs turn it around? Maybe, but it's gonna be in spite of Dan Snyder, not because of him. Comparing him to Steinbrenner, who has six world championships and 10 pennants, is like comparing Hillary Clinton to Hillary Swank. Yeah, they've got the same parts, but which one do you want to wake up next to?

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Impassioned, but pretty much the same old stirring of a long-dead pot. Snyder himself has admitted to mistakes earlier in his tenure. And he's stopped making them. The continued drum beat rehash of those same mistakes from seasons past is just boring at this point.

Unlike his most strident critics, Dan Snyder learns from his mistakes and moves on.

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Uhhh... learned from his mistakes? Dan Snyder hasn't learned a damn thing. He's made new and innovative mistakes every year. Here's one from way back in the Spring of THIS YEAR:

Coles said that he knew that things reached the point of no return two weeks ago after a phone conversation with Snyder, who, Coles said, threatened to make life miserable for him if the team was forced to bring him back. Coles said that Snyder was angry that the wideout had initially caused the trade with the Jets for Moss to collapse on Feb. 26 by demanding a contract extension.

"He said: 'If you come back here, you'll never play again,' " Coles recalled, adding that Snyder promised to send him a flat-screen TV on which to watch games. " 'We'll bench you for two years then we'll cut you.' He said: 'If you come back, we'll torture you.' "

"Once he was threatening me, I said to myself: 'Man, I know I have to leave.' I knew I couldn't come back because of the way they handled it."

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Oh please, what a load of festering bullcrap. Coles was on the fence but just couldn't bring himself to come back after Snyder threatened him?


Let's see, Coles has a lengthy reputation as a liar, but I'm going to buy that story because it sounds SOOOOO realistic. :rolleyes:

Nevermind the fact Coles had evidently been whining for quite sometime. The way he left Redskins park telling the press to see his agent was just such a genuine indicator the guy wanted to come back.

We don't know if that conversation ever took place but if it did it was hardly a mistake by Snyder. The guy does have the right to tell one of his payed (and quite nicely) employees to get his butt in gear or suffer the consequences. You're also kidding yourself to ridiculous proportions if you think Owners don't threaten problem players ALL the time. JKC certainly would have had zero qualms about saying the exact same thing to a guy acting a punk to the degree that Coles was.

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Originally posted by MRMADD

Uhhh... learned from his mistakes? Dan Snyder hasn't learned a damn thing. He's made new and innovative mistakes every year. Here's one from way back in the Spring of THIS YEAR:

Coles said that he knew that things reached the point of no return two weeks ago after a phone conversation with Snyder, who, Coles said, threatened to make life miserable for him if the team was forced to bring him back. Coles said that Snyder was angry that the wideout had initially caused the trade with the Jets for Moss to collapse on Feb. 26 by demanding a contract extension.

"He said: 'If you come back here, you'll never play again,' " Coles recalled, adding that Snyder promised to send him a flat-screen TV on which to watch games. " 'We'll bench you for two years then we'll cut you.' He said: 'If you come back, we'll torture you.' "

"Once he was threatening me, I said to myself: 'Man, I know I have to leave.' I knew I couldn't come back because of the way they handled it."

You honestly think that this kind of stuff doesn't happen in football lockerrooms across the country?

Have you ever played any sports? Ever been in a lockerroom with the guys?

Heck, even the whole Fun Bunch story is watered down and g-rated... you think the truth is going to come out to the general public?

Come on now.

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Originally posted by MRMADD

Uhhh... learned from his mistakes? Dan Snyder hasn't learned a damn thing. He's made new and innovative mistakes every year. Here's one from way back in the Spring of THIS YEAR:

Coles said that he knew that things reached the point of no return two weeks ago after a phone conversation with Snyder, who, Coles said, threatened to make life miserable for him if the team was forced to bring him back. Coles said that Snyder was angry that the wideout had initially caused the trade with the Jets for Moss to collapse on Feb. 26 by demanding a contract extension.

"He said: 'If you come back here, you'll never play again,' " Coles recalled, adding that Snyder promised to send him a flat-screen TV on which to watch games. " 'We'll bench you for two years then we'll cut you.' He said: 'If you come back, we'll torture you.' "

"Once he was threatening me, I said to myself: 'Man, I know I have to leave.' I knew I couldn't come back because of the way they handled it."

If I recall, the mistakes most people feel he's made are the ones where he spent millions of dollars trying to buy a winning team rather than build one. Not threatening a high-priced azzhole player who refused to get surgery or even try to work with the team to stay here. :doh: Is every move the man makes going to end up on someone's "Wall of Shame?" Geez.

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