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Lost Is Back Tonight!

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Finally we get a new episode of Lost tonight. Unfortunately though, I was bored yesterday and went to the abc.com to check out the Lost page, and the little preview summary of tonight's episode flat out gave away what that metal sheet was that Locke and Boone found at the end of the last new episode, well at least most of what it was. So if you want to be surprised at what it is, don't go to the Lost homepage. I'm thinking based on the homepage and the commercial, and that the last side story focused on Jack again, that the side story tonight will be more about Kate's past. At least I'm hoping we get to see more of her.

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I heard a radio preview for the show this morning ... and it seems like Jack found a briefcase or box containing the information about Kate .... He askes her whats in the box and she tries to get him to not open it ... and I believe that he says that they're gonna open it all together.

I'm really curious to see what the hell she did.

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Originally posted by CandaceM23

I heard a radio preview for the show this morning ... and it seems like Jack found a briefcase or box containing the information about Kate .... He askes her whats in the box and she tries to get him to not open it ... and I believe that he says that they're gonna open it all together.

I'm really curious to see what the hell she did.

Yeah, in the TV commercial, Jack and Kate are fighting over it it looks like and he's kind of yelling at her. That's why I think this one is going to focus on Kate again, shedding a little more light on her past.

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I love Lost, and will definitely be watching tonight, but I am also excited about Alias coming on afterwards. I have always wanted to watch it, but it has been on Sunday nights and I have always missed it. Some one who watches it, help me out...... can I start watching tonight and not be too far behind on the series? Is tonight the start of a new season?

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Originally posted by CandaceM23

I heard a radio preview for the show this morning ... and it seems like Jack found a briefcase or box containing the information about Kate .... He askes her whats in the box and she tries to get him to not open it ... and I believe that he says that they're gonna open it all together.

I'm really curious to see what the hell she did.

I did hear tonight's show would be about Kate (as far as the flashbacks go). I'll venture a guess and say she was molested/raped and ended up killing her attacker(s). I'm really baffled as to what she could have done that would have warranted a marshall? It's the only thing I could come up with considering her character is genuinely sweet...

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Originally posted by scowan

I love Lost, and will definitely be watching tonight, but I am also excited about Alias coming on afterwards. I have always wanted to watch it, but it has been on Sunday nights and I have always missed it. Some one who watches it, help me out...... can I start watching tonight and not be too far behind on the series? Is tonight the start of a new season?

Well... It's season four and the show is confusing as hell... So normally I'd tell you "no".

HOWEVER, I was reading in the TV guide that the producer is going to try to start everything fresh... Although it will involve stuff from the past for viewers who have followed the entire series, they are going to try to make it so that it's much easier to pickup by explaining everything to the new viewers tonight...

But if you miss one episode, you're gonna get lost (Pardon the pun) fast :)

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wifey likes alias, so if i'm home i'll watch that with her....garner was banging her costar last season and has moved on so i'm curious if that changes the show dynamic a bit.....

can't believe you guys are still into the sci-fi island castaways....to each their own.

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I thought this episode was a little weak. I'm glad we got to see more of Kate's past, but I still want to know who the guy that she "loved" was. And I was wrong earlier about the metal sheet that Boone and Locke found. I must've read it wrong, because I thought it was going to be a case with some stuff of Kate's in it, but that was what she and Sawyer found. Next week's looks pretty good though. We might find out what that steel sheet is, and we see the true Locke it looks like. And why was Boone about to go postal on Sayid for flirting with his sister? Maybe he just doesn't like Iraqis, but I think there might be something more there. And the monster makes a reappearance.

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There's no way those two are brother and sister.

Dont know what it is yet, but there is definitely something else going on.

The Kate story really fs with my mind.

She conned a couple of guys to rob a bank, but her real intnent was to get into a safedeposit box that she had a key for, but wasnt the signature. In that was a model airplane belongiong to the man she killed. (Or was it "person"?).

So why was the marshall after her? Because she robbed a bank? Or because of the guy she killed who had the tiny airplane?

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This was the worst "Lost" episode to date. This episode was good for one thing, Kate and bikini girl looking all hot. The ladies may have liked the other guy swimming in his jeans, but I wouldn't know. So many women think Sean Connery is still sexy and he's 80 years old.

We all knew Kate had some criminal past. They hinted it to death in every past episode. For the stupid little airplane? That makes no sense. Why would she make such a big stink over the little plane? Nobody would want that thing, anyway. Why would she rob a bank for it? It's just nonsense and I hope they are done with that storyline.

The brother/sister storyline is just boring. If it weren't for that bikini, I would just assume that she tried to swim home. Wow, she is hot, though. He seemed to run around in a panic for no reason. Nobody else was freaking out but him.

The asian women heard the conversation between Jack and Kate, which was a twist since they don't know that she can understand English. Probably won't be anything more than a handy tie-together somepoint later.

Kate was looking hot again tonight, just like every week. Damn, she's just sexy.

They completely dropped the storylines from last week's episodes in ways that make no sense. Lock and the brother find the secret thing and just say "neat" and walk away? They don't tell anybody? The show didn't explain us to this in any way.

This episode was 100% filler. The story of the island wasn't advanced. We learn some more background, but not really very much. Next week's trailer looks confused. Something needs to happen again to get the show some momentum.

Whatever french that the sister was translating definately will come into play in the next few episodes. It sounded to me like she was describing water movement. This unusual tide was the "silver sparkle" something, but I didnt' really understand what she was saying.

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