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Originally posted by ShonyX

Whatever french that the sister was translating definately will come into play in the next few episodes. It sounded to me like she was describing water movement. This unusual tide was the "silver sparkle" something, but I didnt' really understand what she was saying.

Perhaps it had to do with why the tide rose so much so quickly and why they had to retreat up the beach?

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What's up with the pregnant girl? They just gave up on looking for her, and there was no mention of her except for Boone telling his sister that him and Locke kept going to look for her. I think she mentioned it had been 4 days since she was taken. I agree that this was nothing more than a filler episode, and the storyline with Kate's past just raised more questions than answered them. The blond chick is my favorite now, and that song she was "Ashlee Simpson"-ing definitely will have some significance. Next week's should pick up again when they revisit the metal thing Locke and Boone found. From the brief shot in the preview, it looked to me like it could be the side of some kind of WWII-era vehicle, like a tank or plane. I know there are Pacific islands that still have remains of WWII vehicles that were left behind. Anyone with DVR get a good look at the metal sheet?

*Edit*: I also think that Boone and Shannon aren't brother-sister. Maybe Boone is the guy from Saint-Tropez?

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Originally posted by Skinned

Was that Boone's sister who got chomped by the monster at the end of the preview? All you see is a girl getting lifted up off the ground as if being eaten by the beast!

Yeah, it was her. She was wondering around in the forest, probably trying to follow Boone and Locke, and heard something, and ran, then got snatched up by the monster.

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For a couple of seconds there my wife and I sat in disbelief...thought they were going to go through a tsunami. Then I said, no they just would not go there...but for a brief couple of seconds I had my doubts.

I agree...totally confused on Kate now...what is up with that airplane?

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Originally posted by SkinsNut73

For a couple of seconds there my wife and I sat in disbelief...thought they were going to go through a tsunami. Then I said, no they just would not go there...but for a brief couple of seconds I had my doubts.

I agree...totally confused on Kate now...what is up with that airplane?

My initial reaction was that it had something to do with the plane they were on, but that wouldn't make sense. She said it was the man she loved and then she said the man she killed. Sounds like she loved the man that she killed. Now if we can only be patient enough to find out the who, the how, and the why...

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i watched 5 minutes of the show waiting for alias. just wild guessing here, but anyone else think this kate character did something trying to escape and was responsible for the plane crashing in the first place...thus all the secrecy. just curious.

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Originally posted by big z

i watched 5 minutes of the show waiting for alias. just wild guessing here, but anyone else think this kate character did something trying to escape and was responsible for the plane crashing in the first place...thus all the secrecy. just curious.

wow, i never thought of that. great theory :cheers:

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Originally posted by dks1240

my thoughts exactly. :rolleyes:


You like that stuff too! ;)

I think Jack is completely turned off by Kate now, so if anything were to happen with her, it'd probably be with Sawyer. They were more playful last night than Jack and her had ever been. Do you think anything will happen with Charlie and his new friend?!?!

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Originally posted by big z

i watched 5 minutes of the show waiting for alias. just wild guessing here, but anyone else think this kate character did something trying to escape and was responsible for the plane crashing in the first place...thus all the secrecy. just curious.

Yeah, it was in the 3rd or 4th episode, they showed her cuffed next to a Marshall when the plane started to go down. Something smacked the Marshall in the head and she took the keys to the cuffs and took them off all while it was going down. The plane was flying from Australia to LA, got almost halfway and something caused it to turn around (I forget if they said what), and got about halfway back to Australia when it tore apart and went down.

*Edit*: So whatever caused the crash, it started while she was still cuffed in her seat.

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Originally posted by Skinned

My initial reaction was that it had something to do with the plane they were on, but that wouldn't make sense. She said it was the man she loved and then she said the man she killed. Sounds like she loved the man that she killed. Now if we can only be patient enough to find out the who, the how, and the why...

Exactly, I dont get all the post that are pissed or upset that the shwo is just leaving you with more questions. That is what they are trying to do............make you watch week after week to see what will happen next.

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Originally posted by portis2000yrds

Exactly, I dont get all the post that are pissed or upset that the shwo is just leaving you with more questions. That is what they are trying to do............make you watch week after week to see what will happen next.

I wasn't pissed, and I know that's what they're doing. I just thought this episode was lacking on the drama and action that made the last couple episodes before the break so great. This one felt like they were regrouping to start new storylines to go off of. In the long run it should pay off, but I would've rather them continue with where they left off in the last episode.

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Originally posted by SRBFan

Anyone think the "man" Kate is talking about might have been her son? It's a toy plane, after all, and she seemed almost TOO upset...

I definitely thought that last night ... a grown man playing with a toy plane just doesn't seem too realistic .... But that raises the question of if she killed her son, why would his airplane get locked up - and why wouldn't she be able to get it out? Maybe the father of the child did it ... but that just seems kinda out there.

Back to the Kate and Jack thing ... they DEFINITELY hook up this season. I'm not sure how far it goes ... but something definitely happens.

This whole show just confused the hell out of me. It left so many open questions - which is exactly what it's supposed to do ... so I'll end up glued to my recliner on Wednesday nights).

I'm curious to see what happens next week....

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I didn't think of the Kate's son angle, that's a good one. I just thought it was a gift or something from the guy she loves' childhood. Something important to him. The only thing about the kid angle is that it was way too much trouble to go through for a little plane. If the kid was a big fan of planes or something, why would such a small toy mean so much to him, wouldn't he have models and bigger planes that he would play with? Of course, it's a lot of trouble to go through to get a toy plane that belonged to an adult too. I don't know, we shall see.

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maybe there is something psychic about it? Just fishing here, but maybe it is similar to how the pregnant girl got placed on a plane by the psychic because of her devil baby? Perhaps someone told her that her fate was in that envelope and had sealed it in the safety deposit box to torment her.

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