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Huddle Up!!!


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When in doubt. Invoke Patton. :silly:

Now, I want you to remember that no **** ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb **** die for his country. Men, all this stuff you’ve heard about America not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of the war, is a lot of horse dung. Americans traditionally love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle. When you were kids, you all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, the big league ball player, the toughest boxer. Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. I wouldn’t give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. That’s why Americans have never lost and will never lose a war. Because the very thought of losing is hateful to Americans.

Now, an Army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of crap. The bilious ****s who wrote that stuff about individuality for the Saturday Evening Post don’t know anything more about real battle than they do about fornicating.

We have the finest food and equipment, the best spirit and the best men in the world. You know, by God I actually pity those poor ****s we’re going up against. By God, I do. We’re not just going to shoot the ****s, we’re going to cut out their living guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks. We’re going to murder those lousy Hun ****s by the bushel.

Now, some of you boys, I know, are wondering whether or not you'll chicken out under fire. Don't worry about it. I can assure you that you will all do your duty. The Nazis are the enemy. Wade into them. Spill their blood. Shoot them in the belly. When you put your hand into a bunch of goo that a moment before was your best friend's face, you'll know what to do.

Now there’s another thing I want you to remember. I don’t want to get any messages saying that we are holding our position. We’re not holding anything. Let the Hun do that. We are advancing constantly and we’re not interested in holding onto anything except the enemy. We're going to hold onto him by the nose and we're going to kick him in the ass. We're going to kick the hell out of him all the time and we're gonna go through him like crap through a goose.

There’s one thing that you men will be able to say when you get back home. And you may thank God for it. Thirty years from now when you’re sitting around your fireside with your grandson on your knee and he asks you what did you do in the great World War II, you won’t have to say, "Well, I shoveled **** in Louisiana."

Alright now, you sons-of-****es, you know how I feel. Oh, and I will be proud to lead you wonderful guys into battle – anytime, anywhere.

That’s all.

(Sparing all my Gibbs version. bleah)



WIN!!! :)

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

When in doubt. Invoke Patton. :silly:

Or put a spin on Churchhill. ;)

We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in FedEx Field, we shall fight on the message boards and endzones, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall catch the ball, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight in the Red Zone, we shall fight on the internet with "Why we'll beat so & so threads", we shall fight in the cyberspace and in the streets, we shall fight on Offence with fire in our bellies; we shall never surrender!!!


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Originally posted by TK-IV II I

We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in FedEx Field, we shall fight on the message boards and endzones, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall catch the ball, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight in the Red Zone, we shall fight on the internet with "Why we'll beat so & so threads", we shall fight in the cyberspace and in the streets, we shall fight on Offence with fire in our bellies; we shall never surrender!!!


F*** em up, Redskins.

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How about a little Ike circa 1944:


You will bring about the destruction of the [Eagles] war machine, the elimination of [Eagle] tyranny over the oppressed peoples of [Washington], and security for ourselves in a free world.

Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped, and battle-hardened. He will fight savagely.

But this is the year [200]4. Much has happened since the [Eagle] triumphs of [Oh-yeah, they never won!].

The [AFC (Pittsburgh)] ha infiicted upon the [Eagles] great defeat in open battle man to man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground.

Our home fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men.

The tide has turned.

The free men of the world are marching together to victory. I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle.

We will accept nothing less than full victory.

Good luck, and let us all beseech the blessings of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.

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Okay. We're in the third qtr but you asked for it.

Gibbs strides out to midfield

"Relax, men and ladies. . I want you to remember that no **** ever won a football game by sacrificing his body for his team. He won it by making the other poor dumb **** sacrifice his body for his team...Men, ladies, the stuff we heard about the Redskins not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of the close games, was a lot of horsedung. The Redskins traditionally love to fight. All real Redskins and their fans love the sting of battle. When you were kids you all love the sting of battle. When you were kids you all admired the champion marble player, the fastest runner, the big league ballplayers, the toughest boxers. Redskins fans love a winner and do not tolerate a loser. Gibbs Redskins play to win all the time. I wouldn't give a hoot in hell for a player who lost and laughed. That's why Gibbs Redskins have never lost and laughed, and will never lose a game and laugh, for the very thought of losing is hateful to them. Gibbs Redskins are a team. It lives, sleeps, eats, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a lot of crap. The bilious ****s who wrote that stuff about individuality for the Saturday Evening Post don't know any more about real battle then they do about a sock full of silt. We have the finest food, equipment, the best spirit and men. I pity those poor ****s we're going against this next season--by God, I do. We won't just hit the ****s. We're going to cut out their living guts and use them to grease the bottom of our cleats. We're going to beat up those lousy Dallas ****s by the bushel. Many of you boys are wondering whether you'll chicken out under the lights. Don't worry about it; I can assure you you will all maintain your assignments. The Eagles are the enemy. Wade into them and spill their blood. Punch them in the mouth. When you pick up the guy who seconds before was your QB getting sacked, you'll know what to do. There's another thing I want you to remember. I don't want to have anyone coming to the sidelines or saying into my ear : We are holding our lead. We're not holding anything. Let the losers on the other teams do that. We are atttacking and blitzing constantly and are not interested in holding anything, except onto the other team. We're going to hold on to him by the nose and kick him in the ass. We'll kick the hell out of him all the time. We'll go through them like crap through a goose. There's one thing you men will be able to say when you get home. You may all thank God for it. Thirty years from now, when you are sitting around the fireside with your grandson on your knee and he asks what you did in the great Superbowl of 2005, you won't have to say, "I shoveled **** in Louisiana." All right--now you sonsuvbitiches know how I feel. I will be proud to lead you wonderful guys into any game, anytime, anywhere. [he pauses, staring] That is all."

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"I don't know what to say really.

Three minutes

to the biggest battle of our professional lives

all comes down to today.


we heal

as a team

or we are going to crumble.

Inch by inch

play by play

till we're finished.

We are in hell right now, gentlemen

believe me


we can stay here

and get the **** kicked out of us


we can fight our way

back into the light.

We can climb out of hell.

One inch, at a time.

Now I can't do it for you.

I'm too old.

I look around and I see these young faces

and I think

I mean

I made every wrong choice a middle age man could make.

I uh....

I pissed away all my money

believe it or not.

I chased off

anyone who has ever loved me.

And lately,

I can't even stand the face I see in the mirror.

You know when you get old in life

things get taken from you.

That's, that's part of life.


you only learn that when you start losing stuff.

You find out that life is just a game of inches.

So is football.

Because in either game

life or football

the margin for error is so small.

I mean

one half step too late or to early

you don't quite make it.

One half second too slow or too fast

and you don't quite catch it.

The inches we need are everywhere around us.

They are in ever break of the game

every minute, every second.

On this team, we fight for that inch

On this team, we tear ourselves, and everyone around us

to pieces for that inch.

We CLAW with our finger nails for that inch.

Cause we know

when we add up all those inches

that's going to make the ****ing difference

between WINNING and LOSING

between LIVING and DYING.

I'll tell you this

in any fight

it is the guy who is willing to die

who is going to win that inch.

And I know

if I am going to have any life anymore

it is because, I am still willing to fight, and die for that inch

because that is what LIVING is.

The six inches in front of your face.

Now I can't make you do it.

You gotta look at the guy next to you.

Look into his eyes.

Now I think you are going to see a guy who will go that inch with you.

You are going to see a guy

who will sacrifice himself for this team

because he knows when it comes down to it,

you are gonna do the same thing for him.

That's a team, gentlemen

and either we heal now, as a team,

or we will die as individuals.

That's football guys.

That's all it is.

Now, whattaya gonna do?" Al Pacino

I got a feeling that I haven't had in awhile... HTTR!!!

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