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12th MAN ALERT!!!! This from the Cowboys board..........


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It only happened because they've been winning here. As soon as they start losing here, they will go away. They are great winners, but they are sorry losers.

Which overall makes them, well, losers.


Dallas Cowhumpers (Halfway house for aspiring convicts)

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alright, that post just makes me wanna go to this game, sadly i cant though. If i was there though, id definitely tailgate, and definitely wanna engage in some 'hits' on those fans, super soakers, bottle rockets, anything to make them lose their psyche.

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GOOD GOD I HATE THE COWBOYS! Every year I have to hear it from some pansy bandwagon fan who is not even from Dallas but there Uncle's Father's Mother's Daughter lived there or some blah blah blah who needs it? If you see a Dallas Fan Give HIM SOME $hit and don't let up. I saw one of those true Mullet Head Dallas fans at the Atlanta game and he had to stand there for 10 minutes at the ATM machine listening to my drunken slang. Give it to them. What are they going to do?:dallasuck :wewantd: :point2sky

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There are going to be a lot of our fans there because it's probably the best rivalry in football. Granted it's been pretty lopsided recently but that doesn't take anything away from it. It's just like guys always show up strong in Texas Stadium.

Tonight we can be united in our hate for the Fecals. Go Vikings.

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This must NOT be allowed to happen. This sh!t has got to stop. Anybody think we could rent some Fecals fans for the Monday night game ? That way we could :slap::kungfu: the pukes fans down good without having to worry about any of us facing the:cop: As for the Fecals fans, I'm sure they're used to doing time anyway.

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Originally posted by SlinginSammy HOF '63

Ebay is the most likely source. People will purchase rows of up to 10-12 season tickets and then scalp them on ebay. This is blasphemy and a mockery of the true fan who sits forever on a list for just a couple of seats,

I get pissed everytime I look at ebay or the ticket brokers websites.

There are several hundred, if not a thousand or more, of these for every game.

How does the ticket office put up with this stuff? Or is the ticket office a part of this fiasco?

Too many Skin fans have been waiting years for tickets and these brokers have them all the time.

WHAT GIVES????????

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