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POLL: Conservative or Liberal


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Originally posted by Burgold

The action you have attempted could not be performed as your session appears to be invalid. Click the below link to attempt this action again with a new session.

by the way, I get this response on every poll I try to vote for... is it me or the board?

If you're like I am, you probably have a dozen or more windows open at once, and don't get the the Poll thread quickly enough. I've had no problem just clicking that link. If I immediately click for the poll, I don't see that message.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

I guess it depends on how you define fiscal conservative and social liberal doesn't it?

For example a "fiscal conservative" could be a guy like Mark Warner. Raises taxes to balance a budget

Or it could be a Ronald Regan guy. Cuts taxes and attempts to cut spending to balance the budget.

Just depends I guess. Clinton has been considered a fiscal conservative although I would greatly dispute that

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I thought Libertarian was the same thing as saying socialist.

One is extremely conservative the other is extremely liberal.

And how come there aren't any fiscal conservative/social liberals running for President? (to be a social liberal = no fiscal conservation so its an oxymoron)???

I'm an extreme conservative...

Jails should have job programs not HBO.

Welfare should have job programs and drug testing and a time limit. Then churches are supposed to help to keep their status....

Each Gov't department screened and removed if not as good as a private substitute...

War Monger ;).

Genocide cleanup monger.

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Originally posted by Thiebear

I thought Libertarian was the same thing as saying socialist.

One is extremely conservative the other is extremely liberal.

Socialists and libertarians will generally agree on things like abortion, gay rights and the teaching of religion in schools. The opposite of Libertarian is Authoritarian (in my book).

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Libertarian= Big protection of Civil liberties as well as a completely free capitalist system minus things like minimum wage and health care, or big government in general.

The thing about Libertarians is that they are the most consistent when it comes to what they believe Republicans and Democrats will always muddle the issues for their benefit at any given time.

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Originally posted by Liberty

The thing about Libertarians is that they are the most consistent when it comes to what they believe Republicans and Democrats will always muddle the issues for their benefit at any given time.

If I were being uncharitable, I would say something like "Yes, common sense can certainly muddle even the most pure political system."

As it is, I will just say something like "In a society encompassing diverse political viewpoints, a certain degree of compromise is necessary."

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Originally posted by Thiebear

I'm an extreme conservative...

Jails should have job programs not HBO.

Welfare should have job programs and drug testing and a time limit. Then churches are supposed to help to keep their status....

Each Gov't department screened and removed if not as good as a private substitute...

War Monger ;).

Genocide cleanup monger.

With views like this you could be me!!

I don't understand how people could possibly espouse the views of Karl Marx and try and drag this country to financial ruin by establishing so many entitlements that rob from the producers to subsidize the non-producers.

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