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Ade Jimoh??


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Does this guy even belong in the NFL? We cut a solid nickel back in Bauman and keep David Terrell junior in the secondary. This has to be a money move, but how much was Bauman making? I do not understand the Ohalate cut, the Bauman cut, or the Upshaw cut given the lack of depth we have on the defense. I did not expect this, but when these players go on to be starters somewhere else I think we will look back at them like we did at Shawn Barber, Brian Mitchell, ND Kalu, or James Thrash.

The lack of attention to the defensive line is a slap in the face for fans of this team. We haven't had one marquee defensive lineman since Charles Mann. Beam me up Mr. Speaker...

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Rome wasn't built in a day my friend.

I'll go out on a limb here and say we finish in the top 7 defensively. I'm just very very impressed with how Williams has these guys playing, marquee players or not.

As for the cuts, I'll confess I'm equally stumped by the Jimoh over Baumann ranking, but I have to trust Gibbs....hasn't let me down yet.

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Well, with Upshaw and Ohalete, these were guys who did not buy into the system and were commiting penalties that hurt this team and dragged us down. And at 5'7 Bauman couldn't cut it in this league, and I don't think the coaches thought he was going to hit a growth spurt anythime soon. You can't teach height, but skills can be taught to Ade Jimoh...I hope.

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The coach sees the players they are keeping having potential upside. They don't see a dropoff in talent from what they had previous. They see guys like Upshaw, Trotter and Armstead having already reached the ceiling. The Jimoh thing has me puzzled but then again training camp has been closed for a few weeks.:helmet:

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Originally posted by JWB

Well, with Upshaw and Ohalete, these were guys who did not buy into the system and were commiting penalties that hurt this team and dragged us down. And at 5'7 Bauman couldn't cut it in this league, and I don't think the coaches thought he was going to hit a growth spurt anythime soon. You can't teach height, but skills can be taught to Ade Jimoh...I hope.

Ade Jimoh is a complete bum/ Height doesn't make you a player. Darrell Green was 5'8". Some players can be built like Tarzan and play like Jane. Bauman was better than Jimoh period. Jimoh is straight garbage.

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Originally posted by DCMONEY

Ade Jimoh is a complete bum/ Height doesn't make you a player. Darrell Green was 5'8". Some players can be built like Tarzan and play like Jane. Bauman was better than Jimoh period. Jimoh is straight garbage.

If that's the case, what's he still doing on the team? I mean, I'd like to think that the coaches would put put the 53 best on the team.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

Ade started to make some plays late in the preseason. He broke up a deep bomb against Miami and had a few nice plays against ATL.

Yet I am still surprised he survived. I guess the fact that he stays on the field helped his cause

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He loks solid in zone coverage to me but it was his early knock for no getting an initial bump and getting caught on double moves that frew the ire of some.

His size and speed and the potential/desire to learn probably has him still on the team as well as kamikze play on teams

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Too bad the Skins only have part time casual observers like Gibbs and Williams to make these boneheaded decisions.

Wish they had full time pros in the Hall of Fame like we have on Xtremeskins.

Although when you think about it hese novices have been money on every move they made in the offseason - Trotter, Armstead, ST, even Champ for Portis. Maybe they will learn something someday instead of just getting lucky ...

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Sure Jimoh has gotten beat... but so has Bauman... Ade Jimoh has played well at times too... I really dont know why there is so much hate for this guy... he's a redskin... and he will play like one... and if he screws up then ST will be there to back him up... IN GIBBS AND WILLIAMS WE TRUST!!!

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If that's the case, then it's possible Jimoh played better than we thought and Bauman did not. Thereby making it possible that it came down to ST's play as the tie breaker. If in fact Bauman played better than Jimoh at DB, I'm not so certain as a coach I would take Jimoh simply because he did better at ST's. Seems like a trade off at the expense of depth.

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