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Is it just me or is Martz an arrogant fool?

Potato Sack

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Is he getting off on keeping Holt in and passing to him every down and potentially risking an injury? I think the Rams look great and they're shredding our secondary. But to what end? It's preseason. Someone needs to slap him upside the head and yell, "You're going to get Holt injured if you don't watch out."

Bulger looks deadly accurate. Wish I could say the same for Ramsey. A wide open Thrash in the end-zone and he couldn't connect. :doh:

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Typical Martz. He wants to show Gibbs that he has some bona fides as an offensive coordinator. So, the Rams are playing this one like a regular season game with Holt running down the field as if it were December and a playoff spot was on the line.

Martz pulls the same 'look at me' stuff when the Rams play teams with name coaches.

His hubris has gotten him in trouble, though, never more so than in the Super Bowl loss when the NFL's best back in 2002, Marshall Faulk, got ZERO carries in a fourth quarter where the final score was 3 points difference.

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Who the hell runs a trick play like that halfback option pass in preseason?!?!

Yeah, it's clear Martz and the Rams want this one MUCH worse than Gibbs. He ought to...they've been getting shredded in the local media for their lackluster performance against the Chiefs.

Even so, Smoot and Taylor should have been all over Holt when they were in the game. He made us look BAD...

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Originally posted by fuji869

I remember on the last game of the 2001 Season after the Rams had home field wrapped up an he kept the starters in for the whole game.

And got Warner injured in the process. In Missouri we call Martz "the Super Genius" a.k.a. Wile E. Coyote.

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I don't think a QB who's 6 for 12 with a number of misses to open receivers looked all that deadly accurate. Chandler looked great. Bulger didn't. I was surprised the Rams showed so much in this game. On one hand I'm glad. It gave our defense a fairly reasonable look at some things they'll see in the season. On the other hand, it just seems Martz is a lot like Spurrier.

He's got these wonderful toys and he can't keep them to himself until it matters.

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I'm not sure what you prove by running trick plays against a lot of backups. I thinks it's really funny that Aikman said that the 17 year vet Chandler still hasn't learned the rams playbook because there are so many plays, and that martz calls plays in the game that they've never run in practice. Seems like martz has one of those "mine is bigger than yours" syndromes.

Playbook of course.

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While Holt DID school our secondary at times, I agree with others that all this game showed was Martz's incredible ego.

Portis was in one drive then out. Betts (who looked good) was in one drive then out. Coles and Gardener, I believe were just in on a couple of series.

Meanwhile, the Rams kept thier starting specialty guys in the entire first half, getting TDs on such heavywieghts as Ralph Brown and Abe Jimoh. :rolleyes:

Then Martz is running double reverses, half-back option passes, flea flickers.... who the heck runs a trick sweep play to a WR in the 4th quarter of a meaningless pre-season game against a bunch of scrubs?

An egomaniac like Martz. I guess he wanted to beat a HoF Head Coach like Gibbs THAT bad. I guess, in Martz's mind that somehow makes him smarter than Gibbs. :rolleyes:

Actually, it makes him dumber. Opening up his whole playbook in a game that means nothing. Now folks will know what to look out for. :)

Skins Guy

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Originally posted by Potato Sack

I feel sorry for Martz. Because when Gibbs meets him in the playoffs, he'll have hell to pay. Mark my words. ;)

I don't feel sorry for Martz at all. He opened his playbook last night to beat Gibbs & it seemed to me that once they started pulling out the trick plays, Gibbs & Williams really started backing off from doing anything spectacular & went back to vanilla. Maybe that was the plan all along, but it seemed that alot of the defense's pursuit slowed down a bit once that happened. Also, I don't feel bad for Martz because of the way he treated Warner last season. I'm actually surprised that the pompous gasbag still has a job after all that. What an egomaniacal prick!


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Originally posted by Potato Sack

Is he getting off on keeping Holt in and passing to him every down and potentially risking an injury?

He had about as much chance of getting injured running around the Skins secondary by himself as I did sitting on my sofa! :laugh:

But I agree with you.

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So if Williams wants to bring 7-8 people on a blitz it's OK but if Martz has the termerity to keep throwing to Holt when you can't stop him it's a problem. The 3rd PS game is the game where starters usually play a half and Holt played a half. Just because Holt could have had 200 yds of receptions in that half if Bulger was on target is no reason to call Martz names[there are plenty of other good reasons]......it's probably a good reason to call Smoot and Springs names.

We are told Gibbs doesn't want regular season opponents to know what he's going to do so he stays Vanilla and doesn't show anything while Martz doesn't want them to predict what's he's going to do so he shows everything plus more...just different approaches to the same problem IMO...The difference is Martz gets to use his real plays against other teams while Gibbs doesn't plus it's great to show vanilla when you're sure your team can run strawberry and you're sure strawberry can work in today's NFL but i don't see how Gibbs could be sure of either of those things...

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Martz is an idiot...Had to love his quote on Kurt Warner on ESPN the other day...They were talking about how Warner helped Bulger as he became the starter and the ESPN reporter brought up the subject with Martz and his reply was..."If he was helping Bulger, we as coaches are not doing our job." I hate Mike Martz and how can you be mean to a guy who made that team basically. His name and Coyrell should not be mentioned together in any sentence.

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I don't like Martz. As already noted in this thread he exposes key players to unnecessary risk too often. Not only did he leave Holt in for too long, he ran the snot out of a weak- kneed Steven Jackson. The Bruce pass was also a stupid preseason play. I could go on for ages about other reasons that I don't like Martz, but I won't.

However, to say that he showed too much last night isn't correct, IMO. How many 4/5 WR sets did you see from the rams last night? I may have missed something, but I don't recall seeing Bulger run any. This is a good thing, because Bulger really struggles when he ventures past a 3WR set (I'd prefer that MB only run 2 WR sets myself).

During training camp, Martz has stated many times that Bulger would be running more 4/5 WR sets this year. As opposed to the last two seasons, where Bulger has been babied in max protect sets. Perhaps, Martz realizes that Bulger will get killed behind this o-line if he is hung out there in the old warner sets.

In summary, I agree that Martz ain't all that bright. However, the rams offense hardly opened up the play book yesterday. Glad to read that Samuels is ok. I was also grateful that Bulger didn't have to run away from Arrington.

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