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What's the meanest thing you ever did?


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OK Blondie,

It was about 25 years ago. My best friend and I were hitchhiking down interstate 83 from Harrisburg, trying to get back to Landover.

It was August, it was hot, we argued, and he went off by himself.

I got a ride about 5 minutes later. As I rode past I waved to him.

To make a long story short, I made it home in about 4 hours. Along the way I made some friends, had a beer, and generally had a great day.

My friend claimed that it took him 3 days to get home, and some of the time he was not doing very well.

I've always regretted leaving him like that, and waving to him was just plain mean.:(

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When I was a young stud Marine grunt, I took some buddies home to Springfield for a 96 (4 day pass) to show them my old stomping grounds. We were in a bar and they flashed the lights for last call. One of my buddies had gone to a payphone in back to call his parents (it was 4th of July holiday and he wanted to say hey to them). I went towards the back to tell him we had to go, and I guess one of the bouncers thought I was trying to delay them getting us out of there. He laid hands on me, and I mean roughly. I politely told him to remove his hands. Before I could react, one of his fellow bouncers came up behind me and put me in a chokehold. He and 3 of his buddies picked me up and literally threw me out the door. Keep in mind, I was pretty much sober, polite to this point, just another customer. They'd apparently gotten their @sses kicked by some Quantico Marines prior and enjoyed ambushing me. I don't think I've ever been that mad since.

I sat in my car with my buddies until they closed, pulled up to the primary @sshole, called him over to the car, and dropped a CS baseball grenade (an exploding tear gas crystal grenade that will bring you to your knees) at his feet. He went down like a ton of bricks and immediately started puking. It was one of the most satisfying moments of my young life to that point. As we pulled away, I yelled 'You're bigger. But I'm better equipped ****head'.

I know it was wrong. And mean. But I'd do it alllll over again.

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I stink bombed a kid and his girlfriend on Halloween one year.

In a plastic baggie I mixed . . Milk, eggs, vinegar, cotage cheese, hot pepper, orange jusce, crutons and flour. It was a disgusting freezer baggie full of a curdeled, foul, stench ridden mixture. I saw the kid walking with his girlfriend, hung myself on the window edge and tossed it. Nailed him right on his chest, got all over him and his girlfriend.

Not to proud of that moment, but in my own defense, I was a 16 year old punk at the time.

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My brother and I along with 2 friends bought 8 dozen eggs on Halloween and we took turns laying in the back of a truck riding around neighborhoods and poping up and egging people. We got chased by a guy in a convertible because we launched 4 eggs into his car as we passed by.

It was a long time ago.... in a neighborhood far far away...

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In the 6th grade, I nearly gave my math teacher a nervous breakdown. She was in her first year of teaching, and she got me for first period. She'd bring hot chocolate to class, wait for it to cool down. Well, I graded some chocolate exlax and put it in her cut (3 cubes). I use to put (if your squimish, well keep reading anyway) thumb tacks in the chalk board erasers, love the sound of the tacks on the board.

I superglued the pages of her rolebook together and the next day I used the rest of the superglue to glue her pencil and supply drawer shut.

There's other things I did, but I can't remember them all right now.

Ahhh, the good ol' days and yes I'm proud of myself.

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There were four senior stoners in my high school. Legend has it they were in their late 30's, but still in the 12th grade. They used to give a few of us freshmen a bad, bad time.

One day I heard them talking about going to the river on Friday night to drop some acid.

I got my cousin, who could drive, to take us down to the river that night to look for these clowns. Sure enough, there they were, pulled into a picnic area, sitting in their car, wasted out of their minds.

Myself and one other freshman snuck up to each side of the car. Then, taking flashlights and turning them on under our chins, we used our best Darth Vader voice and said, "I AM SATAN. I HAVE COME FOR YOUR SOULS!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

One crapped himself in the car.

One ran into the woods and no one knew where he went until Monday.

One leaped from the car through the window and ran into the river.

The other took off running.

As we were driving back into town, about four miles down the road, we saw a figure in the headlights RUNNING along the side of the road. He didn't stop even when we pulled up.

Those were some changed individuals from there on out.

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Okay. Similar thing. Back in my bartending days. Guy in town came from a well to do family. They used to own half the town it seemed. Anyway, this guy has a major fixation with Cocain. ;) Big time. Comes into the bar just tweaked and by the time we're ready to close he's talking with his teeth and pacing the floor.

The bar I worked in had a bay window in the back. View of the condos and houses up on the mountain only a few blocks away. His condo was roughly a little more than a 1/2 mile straight back and up. Could see the lights on the front porch and that's about it. Everything else was pretty much lost in the darkness. It's a little after 2 am and he's looking out the window. " jayman" he says. " Yo what's up.......?" See that? DEA guys. Hiding in the bushes and the trees besid my condo. One in the front. They're watching my place." :paranoid: " Oh they are are they?" I reply. So of course I look out and of course one couldn't even see the damned trees or bushes. :doh: And this went on the rest of the night.

Now, truth be told, when he came in like that at times, I'd occassionally walk by him and say " Behind you!" After this though. :evil:

He comes in again later that winter, tweaked as hell, and he's standing by the bar at closing time. Just doing the eyes looking left to right 20 times per second thing. But behaving himself. I walk by him, pause, and go to the window. Look back at him and say " Hey....... . Looks like they're watching the condo again." :evil:

Okay, not the meanest thing I've done by far but was kinda fun.

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It was my senior year of high school. I was 30 years old. Four of us went down to the river to drop some acid. We were in our car when two freshman came up to the car windows and tried to scare us using the old flashlight and scary voice trick. We pretended to be freaked out and ran, thus instilling in them a lifelong attitude of intolerance.

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Originally posted by Dan T.

It was my senior year of high school. I was 30 years old. Four of us went down to the river to drop some acid. We were in our car when two freshman came up to the car windows and tried to scare us using the old flashlight and scary voice trick. We pretended to be freaked out and ran, thus instilling in them a lifelong attitude of intolerance.

And that has something to do with this how...................?

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Originally posted by Tarhog

When I was a young stud Marine grunt, I took some buddies home to Springfield for a 96 (4 day pass) to show them my old stomping grounds. We were in a bar and they flashed the lights for last call. One of my buddies had gone to a payphone in back to call his parents (it was 4th of July holiday and he wanted to say hey to them). I went towards the back to tell him we had to go, and I guess one of the bouncers thought I was trying to delay them getting us out of there. He laid hands on me, and I mean roughly. I politely told him to remove his hands. Before I could react, one of his fellow bouncers came up behind me and put me in a chokehold. He and 3 of his buddies picked me up and literally threw me out the door. Keep in mind, I was pretty much sober, polite to this point, just another customer. They'd apparently gotten their @sses kicked by some Quantico Marines prior and enjoyed ambushing me. I don't think I've ever been that mad since.

I sat in my car with my buddies until they closed, pulled up to the primary @sshole, called him over to the car, and dropped a CS baseball grenade (an exploding tear gas crystal grenade that will bring you to your knees) at his feet. He went down like a ton of bricks and immediately started puking. It was one of the most satisfying moments of my young life to that point. As we pulled away, I yelled 'You're bigger. But I'm better equipped ****head'.

I know it was wrong. And mean. But I'd do it alllll over again.

That's hilarious.

Any way you can ship me one of those? I've got the perfect person for it ;)

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LOL I've got so much worse than most of you guys, though I imagine we've done hurtful things that we won't discuss.

Once upon a time, I was a young man of 18 deeply in love. My girlfriend was in Philly and I was in Michigan going to school. We'd email, phone and even chat(but this was during the days when you had to refresh your web chat lol!) every day. She didn't have a computer at the time but she had access at school.

Well, for a stretch of about 5-7 days I didn't hear from her. At first I was worried about her, but then I got mad---REAL MAD. Oddly it prefigured what would happen when she actually DID break up with me, so obviously that's where my mind was--though at that time I wasn't angry like this.

I wrote her a nasty email and used a racial slur('gook', I think I said) not because I felt that way but because I was just possessed by evil. It wasn't just personally addressed, I said something about her social activities and used it. Reflecting on it, it's like that wasn't 'me.'

Turns out I forgot she had autumn break, which is common at many college. She had been away and had TOLD ME she would be. I'm sure I tore her heart out a bit, but she forgave me.

THAT was cruel and I still can't believe I did it. I mean, really, I pride myself so much on how moral and honorable I am, but I realize there was a point where I ran very hot and cold, because I had a temper and had an innate distrust of people and fear of abandonment. That was the lesson I took from that relationship. To truly live up to my values, even when I'm hurt, even when I'm crashed on the rocks of life.

What's probably worse is that we tried to be friends after we broke up and her patronizing and different tone to me so upset me that I lashed out again, though not with any epithets, I just made it all personal.

We forgave each other(yeah, she made a couple mistakes too) but we haven't talked in years, despite my attempt to extend the olive branch every 2nd year or so.

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I've already paid the "consequences" for it... so I'm comfortable sharing the story. I still get a good laugh out of it.... because my "intent" was never mean-spirited or ill. It was entirely a bluff.

But when I was about 15.... I was babysitting my two younger brothers - about 7 and 5 - who were arguing and fighting and wouldn't stop and they were bugging the crap out of me.

So I went upstairs in the kitchen and got a knife..... and stood atop the stairs and told them if they didn't smarten up I was going to come downstairs.

The look of horror on those poor kids' faces. I would've never done anything.... but it got their attention.

Silly me never thought of the consequences.... that there was no way in the world they were going to let that slide without telling mom and day. And boy did I pay for that move.

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In my freshman year of college, my dorm roommate got involved in a friendly prank war with some suitemates of ours. Only he didn't get it. And he escalated it.

Unfortunately, he took his showers right before bed.

Well, one night, he was amarked target by some of the guys. He gets in the shower and lays his clothes on the shower rod. The guys in room C immediately had 4 or 5 chicks pile into the suite.

And then they took his clothes.

So he waits in the shower about 45 minutes trying to figure out what to do. Next thing I know, he comes back in our room with the shower curtain wrapped around him for protection. Creative fix, I suppose. He had an 8am class the next day. None of us did. When we all got up, the shower curtain he had put back was GONE.

Naturally, this affected several individuals who were not part of the prank... so we decided to take it out on his mattress. A week and a half of school to go... and we threw his matress in the shower and hosed that sucker down. When the water was turned on, we all screamed and yelled like it was a testosterone filled tribal ritual.

To be honest, I really didn't want to do it. But I went along with the crowd. I think that was the last time I did something because everyone else was without thinking about it myself.

Oh yeah. He didn't get that mattress replaced before the semester ended. He left school during Christmas break and joined the Air Force.

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In the mens league that I play football in I am kind of a sh!t disturber, mostly because Im pretty good and I know itso i talk a lot of smack and really rub it in. anyhoo i retired two years ago and gave false hope to some other guys of being the top lineman and not having me punk them with regularity anymore. this year I came out of retirement to play with the National cha,mp wolfpack and already some of those guys are really upset! lol oddly enough it doesnt bother me all that much!.

p.s. tony I heard the horns are looking for players lol.

actual meanest thing Ive ever done outside of football .

Three of my buddies came up north to hunt and while they were "stalking"(as if white dudes could stalk anything you people make enough noise to wake the dead!) a moose i snuck up on them and from less than 3 feet away i fired my 7mm husquavarna rifle and scared the everv lovin crap out of them! it led to the best line ever uttered by a scared white dude in my hearing "jesus christ bellerose how did you people ever lose the war?":laugh: the

meanest thing ever done to me is a better story thoi. it involves a bet and a bear ill tell it later lol.

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