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Whats your favorite Hitchcock movie


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I'll tell you what, the implied attack.

the implied death

the implied etc..

It put things to the imagination like a book and is much better than quite a few movies today.. (let me put my false teeth back in now)... Its the suspense that gets your attention...

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Originally posted by Thiebear

I'll tell you what, the implied attack.

the implied death

the implied etc..

It put things to the imagination like a book and is much better than quite a few movies today.. (let me put my false teeth back in now)... Its the suspense that gets your attention...

you are so right. i think not knowing how a person is killed but hearing them scream is scary as hell while seeing a person killed in gory details is kinda desensitizing.

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I love Vertigo, and Rope (great call gbear, thats a pretty obscure one, more like a play than a film really - if you liked Rope, you should check out 'The Bad Seed'...same kind of a feel - you may have seen it already?). Strangers on a Train is lesser known, but another great one.

Raymond Burr is an unlikely bad guy in Rear Window, but damn he is scary...that is one of the tensest movies ever....

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Originally posted by Cskin

I love the birds. That scene where she walks out on the porch and her yard and every tree, limb, fence is just covered with birds. The calm... very eery.

The Birds was my favorite also. The scene at the end when they was wading threw the birds...creeped me out!

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While I voted for "The Birds" in this poll, one of my favorite Hitch**** diddy's was from the "Hitch**** Presents" tv show. If memory serves me, they were half hour snippets starring many different actors.

The one I liked the most had Steve McQueen in it. He was in some office buliding where he got involved in a bet with some rich gambler. McQueen had a Zippo lighter, that he said "lights every time on the first try." The gambler bet him that it would not light 10 times in a row. I don't remember the $ amount of the bet. But if the lighter failed to light, the gambler would cut off McQueen's pinky finger.

Well, after geting up to 9 times, there comes an earthquake (or something) that commences to destroy the building. After a harrowing escape from the building, our hero, frustrated over the fact that the gambler was killed in the building (therefore losing out on the opportunity to win some cash) stops for a smoke. You guessed it, the lighter fails to light.

I was young when I saw it, so some of the details escape me. But I remember thinking at the time, you never know when something happens that you think is bad, actually turns out to be a good thing. You just don't realize it until after the fact.

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My favorite Hitch**** is "Rear Window" & "The Birds!" But I actually liked the show "Alfred Hitch**** Presents" better than any of his movies.

I'm starting to have flashbacks of "The Birds" with all these Cicadas everywhere.

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Originally posted by Ax

While I voted for "The Birds" in this poll, one of my favorite Hitch**** diddy's was from the "Hitch**** Presents" tv show. If memory serves me, they were half hour snippets starring many different actors.

The one I liked the most had Steve McQueen in it. He was in some office buliding where he got involved in a bet with some rich gambler. McQueen had a Zippo lighter, that he said "lights every time on the first try." The gambler bet him that it would not light 10 times in a row. I don't remember the $ amount of the bet. But if the lighter failed to light, the gambler would cut off McQueen's pinky finger.

Well, after geting up to 9 times, there comes an earthquake (or something) that commences to destroy the building. After a harrowing escape from the building, our hero, frustrated over the fact that the gambler was killed in the building (therefore losing out on the opportunity to win some cash) stops for a smoke. You guessed it, the lighter fails to light.

I was young when I saw it, so some of the details escape me. But I remember thinking at the time, you never know when something happens that you think is bad, actually turns out to be a good thing. You just don't realize it until after the fact.

In Four Rooms, this scene is redone with Bruce Willis as the McQueen character. it's directed by Quentin Tarrantino.

BTW, my favorite Hitch**** movie is Strangers On A Train. Brilliant!

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Can't vote, Can't pick just one. when my kids get stuck for a present for me, for my birthday or fathers day, they just buy me another Hitchock movie. Have any of the TV shows been released on DVD. Those were fabulous.

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