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Know-it-all College Freshman Criticizies Pat Tillman


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I'm sure many of you will have distinct opinions about what this guy is doing. Feel free to let him know how you feel by emailing him at rene@student.umass.edu or renegonzalez7@hotmail.com

His Webpages are: http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~jbcp/rene.html and http://www.fortunecity.com/underworld/stunt/187/index.html

AMHERST, Mass. -- A University of Massachusetts student has openly criticized Pat Tillman, calling the former NFL player a Rambo-like idiot in the school paper.

The column in question was submitted by graduate student Rene Gonzalez and published Wednesday in the Daily Collegian. It was titled "Pat Tillman is not a hero: he got what was coming to him."

Gonzalez writes that Tillman was a "Rambo" who probably acted out of "nationalist patriotic fantasies." In his own neighborhood in Puerto Rico, according to Gonzalez, Tillman would not have been considered a hero, but a "pendejo," or idiot.

The column drew harsh criticism from many on campus. University president Jack Wilson says the op-ed piece was "disgusting, arrogant and intellectually immature."

Tillman, who gave up his NFL career to join the Army Rangers in 2002, was killed in combat one week ago in Afghanistan. The military announced on Wednesday that he has been posthumously promoted to the rank of corporal and awarded the Purple Heart and Meritorious Service Medal.

"You know he was a real Rambo, who wanted to be in the 'real' thick of things," Gonzalez writes in his column, which is posted on the collegiate paper's Web site. "I could tell he was that type of macho guy, from his scowling, beefy face on the CNN pictures. Well, he got his wish. Even Rambo got shot in the third movie, but in real life, you die as a result of being shot. They should call Pat Tillman's army life 'Rambo 4: Rambo Attempts to Strike Back at His Former Rambo 3 Taliban Friends, and Gets Killed.'"

Gonzalez also says that Tillman's service was not "necessary."

"It wasn't like he was defending the East coast from an invasion of a foreign power. THAT would have been heroic and laudable," Gonzalez writes. "What he did was make himself useful to a foreign invading army, and he paid for it. It's hard to say I have any sympathy for his death because I don't feel like his 'service' was necessary. He wasn't defending me, nor was he defending the Afghani people. He was acting out his macho, patriotic crap and I guess someone with a bigger gun did him in."

In a letter to its readers Thursday, the Daily Collegian says Gonzalez' opinion in no way reflects that of the newspaper's editorial board. A column by one of the editors praising Tillman's sacrifice ran in the paper next to the one by Gonzalez.

"We do not hold back from printing news stories, columns or editorials that may upset our readership -- instead, we seek to both inform and stir debate through our publication," the letter, also posted on the Web site, reads. "Our decision to publish Gonzalez's column -- an opinion piece written by a member of our campus community -- is the only way for us to live up to this ideal."

Tillman will be eulogized at a public memorial service in his hometown of San Jose, Calif., early next week, and funeral arrangements are pending.

The body of Tillman arrived at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware on Monday. His brother, Spc. Kevin Tillman, also a Ranger with the 2nd Battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment, was expected to accompany the body to the funeral home, Lawrence said.

Tillman was killed in a firefight on a road near Sperah, about 25 miles southwest of a U.S. base at Khost.

After coming under fire, Tillman's patrol got out of their vehicles and gave chase, moving toward the spot of the ambush. Beevers said the fighting was "sustained" and lasted 15-20 minutes.

The Cardinals said they will retire Tillman's No. 40 and name the plaza surrounding the new stadium under construction in suburban Glendale the "Pat Tillman Freedom Plaza."


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Easy to criticize someone from the safety of a school newspaper, I suppose. Even easier to write about the things you believe than put your life at risk fighting for them.

Only a smug 18 year-old c#ck$ucker (excuse my language) with a severe bit of jealousy for the man whom he can never emulate says such a thing. Very easy to say such things as a college student living a cozy life where very, very, very rarely is another human being's life is in your hands.

I can't stress how angry I am and how misguided this jackass is.


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Before the public outrage, kids who supported the troops regardless of the political climate should have invited this punk to a sock/soap party.... only he was required to bring nothing but his person.

A bigger question is.... why is this liberal bias on college campuses so deep rooted? You may a liberal or a conservative, it's your choice, but to me it seems college campuses are simply training grounds for the blame america.. hate america... we're at fault... how can we better understand why they hate us mantra.

It's truly sickening the brainwashing of young kids.

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Originally posted by Cskin

Before the public outrage, kids who supported the troops regardless of the political climate should have invited this punk to a sock/soap party.... only he was required to bring nothing but his person.

A bigger question is.... why is this liberal bias on college campuses so deep rooted? You may a liberal or a conservative, it's your choice, but to me it seems college campuses are simply training grounds for the blame america.. hate america... we're at fault... how can we better understand why they hate us mantra.

It's truly sickening the brainwashing of young kids.

I've spent the last few years in college trying to figure it out myself, The liberal to conservative ratio at my school is approx. 8 or 9 to 1 I would guess. It truly boggles the mind to me.

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Originally posted by Cskin

A bigger question is.... why is this liberal bias on college campuses so deep rooted? You may a liberal or a conservative, it's your choice, but to me it seems college campuses are simply training grounds for the blame america.. hate america... we're at fault... how can we better understand why they hate us mantra.

It's truly sickening the brainwashing of young kids.

In order to be receptive to new things, one must be open to them. Colleges MUST be liberal to ensure that these young people ingest enough information to determine who they are and what their place is in the world. There is nothing wrong with hating America provided you know what it is about it that you hate. Unquestioned beliefs are not values, they are indoctrinated notions and they represent the all that is bad.

The reality is, in a few years, most people like this tend to become a lot more conservative in their views because they realize what it is that they are fighting for and what it is that they need to do to make their world a better place.

Raising children with religion, for example, is the brainwashing of the young, letting them question their faith and allowing them to make the right decision about it is what makes the liberal arts college approach so genuine because it reinforces what the individual is and what they can accomplish.

There isn't anything wrong with questioning the world as you know it. Gonzalez will, in all likelihood, realize the meaning of what he has written and come to see it as a low point in his academic career.

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Originally posted by webnarc

In order to be receptive to new things, one must be open to them. Colleges MUST be liberal to ensure that these young people ingest enough information to determine who they are and what their place is in the world. There is nothing wrong with hating America provided you know what it is about it that you hate. Unquestioned beliefs are not values, they are indoctrinated notions and they represent the all that is bad.

The reality is, in a few years, most people like this tend to become a lot more conservative in their views because they realize what it is that they are fighting for and what it is that they need to do to make their world a better place.

Raising children with religion, for example, is the brainwashing of the young, letting them question their faith and allowing them to make the right decision about it is what makes the liberal arts college approach so genuine because it reinforces what the individual is and what they can accomplish.

There isn't anything wrong with questioning the world as you know it. Gonzalez will, in all likelihood, realize the meaning of what he has written and come to see it as a low point in his academic career.

So what your saying is liberals are on a lower scale of the thought process then conservatives. Everyone already knows this..:peaceout:

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Webnarc, good post.

First, this kids an idiot for writing what he did. Period. He could have made a legitimate point on "perspectives" with out bashing Tillman.

What I mean is this... currently, there are 2 types of people IMO, those that view the current war as necessary for "our freedom" and those that don't. This kid obviously doesn't believe the war was necessary, at least that's what I'm filtering through his arrogant stance.

For example, in WWII, the US was attacked by a foriegn country and we responded. This situation is not viewed that way by everyone. But some of the more conservative people DO view it in the same manner. He could have made points in that manner with out making a mockery of Tillman's convictions.

Tillman obviously felt that by joining the military, he was contributing to his country. There can't be anything wrong with that.

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Tally me with those thinking this writer needs a couple more marbles. Tillman quitting the NFL and giving up millions and a life of ease is unquestionably noble... that he decided to get in the Rangers makes it more than a symbolic gesture. That alone makes him a hero in my book. Having the conviction to risk your life to try to protect your family and country is heroic.

He wasn't a hero because he got shot. Wasn't a hero because he got killed. He was a hero because he sacrificed for others, willingly, unflinchingly and never sought to capitalize off it. (and lord knows he could have gotten pretty sweet endorsement deals for this... although I think he'd have had to retire from the millitary first. I don't think the millitary can endorse a product or business).

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The sad thing is this moron doesn't even know the reason Pat did this. He even said his entire family has served the country in previous wars, he felt it as his time to do something. I hope this kid has a hard time finding work.

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Originally posted by SkinFaninOKC

Even idiots like that get to express their 1st Amendment rights. That is why our country is the best. WHAT A COUNTRY!!!

Of course, I bet he doesn't have the onions to even get on a plane and go to Afghanistan.

Yup. It is his right to be a major hole.

And it is our right to let him know how big of a hole he is. :)

Seriously, this idiot is going to need some security. Some people are going to be looking for him with a bat.

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What is with you people? Honestly, this little b!tch doesn't deserve your or my attention. ITS A GODDAMN SCHOOL NEWSPAPER!!! Obviously it must have crossed your mind that there are people that would have this retarded stance when it comes to Tillman. I don't see how channeling your disgust toward toward one little college freshman who doesn't live in the "real world" yet is going to change anything. I'm a die hard liberal who believes in an uber-strong military for the protection of our rights and freedoms as well as a "welfare state" to aid those who need it. No way is this kid representative of all liberals or college students. I'd gladly pick up arms to defend my right to be a liberal.

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Originally posted by D'Pablo

What is with you people? Honestly, this little b!tch doesn't deserve your or my attention. ITS A GODDAMN SCHOOL NEWSPAPER!!! Obviously it must have crossed your mind that there are people that would have this retarded stance when it comes to Tillman. I don't see how channeling your disgust toward toward one little college freshman who doesn't live in the "real world" yet is going to change anything. I'm a die hard liberal who believes in an uber-strong military for the protection of our rights and freedoms as well as a "welfare state" to aid those who need it. No way is this kid representative of all liberals or college students. I'd gladly pick up arms to defend my right to be a liberal.

It might have been a ^%$#&(*%&^ SCHOOL NEWSPAPER at ONE time, but now, it is national and international news.

Yes, he has the right to express his thoughts. THE VERY THING TILLMAN WAS FIGHTING FOR.

The fact that he compared Tillman to Rambo is the cause of my concern. Reality with fiction. He truly doesnt have a clue.

That't it.



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It took me all day to respond to this issue because had I responded sooner, it would have been unfit to print. Now that I am a little more calm let me just say this...

That little POS doesn't mind coming here to take advantage of everything this country has to offer but he can verbaly spit on a great American who is willing to fight for those things? Screw that. He doesn't deserve to be here. Go back to your island punk. You don't deserve to take an American job, or the education you came here to get.

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