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After all the hype, how disappointed would you be if we made a pick at #5?


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I assume that our draft-day plan is: See what kind of offers we get, and then decide.

I have no doubt that Coach has a name picked (actually five names) that he'd be willing to take at #5.

He also has some names that he'd take at #10. And a list of how much he'd want to trade down.

Draft day is about preperation. And I somehow suspect that we'll be prepared.

As to your question: If we pick at #5, it'll be because nobody made us a better offer. And frankly, Coach, I'll take whatever decision you make.

(And, if the #5 pick is Wilfork, then that's OK with me, too.)

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i'd be more upset at the trade down than us picking. i hate these trade down scenerios, besides i'm gonna be at a pig roast all day, i want the day to end at 1:30 so i can pretend to be a hog. how can you beat being at a pig roast during the draft?

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you gotta trust a GM that was able to grab Lavar and Samuels, one after the other.... not many teams have leveraged that in the past, two high picks.

I think Cerrato knows that he's doing. At the end of the day our team will be that much closer to winning the east.

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I remember two years ago when Washington traded down twice before selecting Ramsey. I was in airports in Mexico and the southeastern US... and everytime the Redskins were about to select someone... I'd have to get on a plane. I'd deplane and check the board ... only to find out the Redskins had traded again. Maddening!!!

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If we go one more year without making a serious draft choice investment in the DL then we deserve what we get...which will be one more year of having QBs sit back with no consistent pressure. Creative pressure is cool but we can't hang our hat on sending LB and DB blitzes all day or we will pay for it).

We've made strides in free agency with Griffin but Daniels is more about run stopping than pass rushing.

No value at DL with the 5th pick?

Trade down until we get the value!!!

Let's quit dancing around the glaring weakness that is the DL.

This year.

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Originally posted by scottb

When you have the opportunity to obtain a star playmaker you take it. Taylor or Winslow both qualify. Trading down may fill more holes, but also dramatically increases the potential bust or mediocre result.

And getting more stars without addressing key weaknesses will enable you to grab high draft picks in the future and draft more stars! :thumbsup:

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