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The pre-draft Cover-My-*** poll


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Since we ALL know how much smarter we are than coaching legend Joe Gibbs and his hand-picked staff, here's your opportunity to proclaim up front EXACTLY why Joe Gibbs mortgages the Redskin's future and single-handedly destroys all hope for our beloved franchise by selecting someone other than whom you liked on 24 April.

Pick your poison. Why wait until after the draft? Get in line and start your nosebleed now! ;)

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To bad I can only vote once. :(

In hypoglycemic fog, Gibbs proclaims 'give us any sons of ****es you want, I'm a GOD and we WILL WIN!'


Gibbs foregoes draft, brings back Riggins, Sonny, and Dexter Manley, who all agree to play for an undisclosed amount of Bud Light

:chug: :chug: :drunk:

Snyder announces he'll defer to 'those smug ****s at extremeskins.com' in this years draft. Art selects Kellen Winslow AND Sean Taylor with the #5 pick. No one in the NFL's front office has the balls to argue.

:laugh: :point2sky

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Is this where we are supposed to record our "know-it-all" predictions for gloating next Sunday night? Well here are mine...

1. The #5 pick will NOT be packaged in some ridiculous trade-up scenario. The team will trade down from it TWICE, landing in the vicinity of #10-#13 where they will select DT Vince Wilfork and rack up a pair of 3rd round and a pair of 4th round picks.

2. Chris Samuels and Patrick Ramsey will NOT be traded. Rod Gardner WILL be traded to a team in the #17-#22 range. The team will then choose MLB Jonathan Vilma.

3. Trung Canidate will be moved some time this week for a 5th round draft pick.

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how about,

"Gibbs brings back Art Monk, Gary Clark, and puts him over Coles, wants Williams back at qb, and thinks Russ Grimm, Jacoby, Bostic, May, McKenzie are his better o-line. He thinks he can beat the Raiders in age"

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Originally posted by Buddha

Is this where we are supposed to record our "know-it-all" predictions for gloating next Sunday night? Well here are mine...

1. The #5 pick will NOT be packaged in some ridiculous trade-up scenario. The team will trade down from it TWICE, landing in the vicinity of #10-#13 where they will select DT Vince Wilfork and rack up a pair of 3rd round and a pair of 4th round picks.

2. Chris Samuels and Patrick Ramsey will NOT be traded. Rod Gardner WILL be traded to a team in the #17-#22 range. The team will then choose MLB Jonathan Vilma.

3. Trung Canidate will be moved some time this week for a 5th round draft pick.

Ahhh...a serious reply...intriguing!

I agree that the trade-down is much more likely than the trade-up. I don't think Ramsey will go anywhere either. And I think you might be on to something regarding Canidate. He was on shaky shaky ground when Portis was signed. Coupled with his brittleness, he may be a goner.

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Originally posted by Buddha

Rod Gardner WILL be traded to a team in the #17-#22 range. The team will then choose MLB Jonathan Vilma.

Wow, with this WR deep draft you actually think some team will give up a first for Rod Gardner? Obviously, he's not what another team will be looking for, since you guys don't want him. When players are traded for draft picks, teams usually don't get full value. Faulk went for a 2nd and 4th I believe, Aneas Williams went for a 2nd and a 4th too, Kyle Turley was selected 7th overall and was had for a 2nd. Ricky Williams is the exception, but you have to consider Miami wasn't in a position to grab one of the top backs, and no one knew Portis was gonna blow up like this.

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Snyder announces he'll defer to 'those smug ****s at extremeskins.com' in this years draft. Art selects Kellen Winslow AND Sean Taylor with the #5 pick. No one in the NFL's front office has the balls to argue.

NOt so much the balls as much as they just don't have the time. That and the written explaination as to why it could be done may have been a bit.............deep to er....wade through. ;)

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My worst scenario has Marty convincing management that taking Sean Taylor, gets rid of two headaches. Stopping offenses and keeping both QB's happy in SD. You never know with Marty.

My next worst case scenario is the Giants get a wild hair and take a trade, because Gallery goes at #3, Manning goes #1, Fitzgerald goes at two, the Pats pick Taylor at 4 (for the Pats mid round pick - they moved up from a trade - and a bunch more in the middle round, Giants take Rivers in the 1st round).

We then have two scenarios at that point, both involving defensive lineman. We actually skip the issues taking Udeze lower, and we don't take Harris, we instead take Wilfork.

The only other sensible option is Harris.

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Originally posted by dallasfan

Wow, with this WR deep draft you actually think some team will give up a first for Rod Gardner? Obviously, he's not what another team will be looking for, since you guys don't want him. When players are traded for draft picks, teams usually don't get full value. Faulk went for a 2nd and 4th I believe, Aneas Williams went for a 2nd and a 4th too, Kyle Turley was selected 7th overall and was had for a 2nd. Ricky Williams is the exception, but you have to consider Miami wasn't in a position to grab one of the top backs, and no one knew Portis was gonna blow up like this.

I think you are forgetting something Cowboys fan.

"Galloway remains among the league's fastest receivers at age 32, but mostly has been a disappointment in Dallas since the Cowboys surrendered two first-round draft picks to the Seattle Seahawks to acquire him in 2000. He had 34 receptions for 672 yards and two touchdowns last season and has 434 catches for 6,798 yards and 49 touchdowns in nine NFL seasons, five with Seattle and four with Dallas. "


And you think Gardner a proven young vet Vs. an unproven Rookie wouldnt be worth a first rounder ?

Cleveland would Gladly trade away the #7 overall pick for Pace or Samuels. IMO.

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I think it's understood among the league that if Gardner is made available in trade, it has nothing to do with his skills or his durability. It has everything to do with the type of player that Gibbs wants on his club-- a much higher standard that most teams in this league feel is necessary. So making him available in this case does not diminish his trade value.

By the time the #17 pick comes around, Fitzgerald and the Williamses will be gone with the next tier of receivers starting late in the first round. A team with WR as their top need could feasibly choose to deal the pick for Gardner-- a 26 year old big body wideout who hasn't missed a game in his 3 seasons and who racked up 1000+ yards as the top man in Spurrier's gimmicky system in 2002.

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There is absolutely no chance we get a first round pick for Rod Gardner. If the Redskins get a first round pick for Rod Gardner, then I will agree stop posting on this site for 100 days. Seriously, if that happens, then I know nothing about football. They would be very hard pressed to get a 2nd round pick for Gardner, and would more likely get a third or a fourth for him. He is not very good, this is the deepest crop of receivers maybe ever and the Joey Galloway comparison does not work.

Their first three years: Galloway 196 catches, 3095 yards, 26 TDs. Gardner: 176 catches, 2347 yards, 17 TDs. Also, Galloway was considered one of the fastest, if not the fastest receiver in the league. He was thought to be a #1 receiver. I don't think anyone considers Rod Gardner a #1 receiver.

I guess we won't find out unless he is traded...but there is no chance you get a first round pick for Rod Gardner...in my opinion.

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Originally posted by SkinsandTerps

I think you are forgetting something Cowboys fan.

"Galloway remains among the league's fastest receivers at age 32, but mostly has been a disappointment in Dallas since the Cowboys surrendered two first-round draft picks to the Seattle Seahawks to acquire him in 2000. He had 34 receptions for 672 yards and two touchdowns last season and has 434 catches for 6,798 yards and 49 touchdowns in nine NFL seasons, five with Seattle and four with Dallas. "


What does this have to do with Gardner? I don't know if you noticed, but this was 4 seasons ago, and Jerry Jones is definately not a master mind GM. That was a stupid trade, plain and simple, but just to humor you I'll play along.

Prior to the trade, Galloway had 3 thousand yard seasons, and atleast showed glimpses of being a #1 WR. Rod Gardner barley got 1000 yards once, in a pass happy offense, and only managed 600 yards last year, and has questionable hands for a possesion WR. To add to my point Dallas wouldn't of been in a position to draft a WR, that year anyway.

Originally posted by SkinsandTerps

And you think Gardner a proven young vet Vs. an unproven Rookie wouldnt be worth a first rounder ?

What exactly has Gardner proven? That he's a capable #2 WR? Teams don't give up mid first round picks for a #2 WR, when they could draft someone with the potential to be a #1.

Originally posted by SkinsandTerps

Cleveland would Gladly trade away the #7 overall pick for Pace or Samuels. IMO.

Okay, are you saying Gardner is to WRs as Pace is to OTs? If you are there is no point arguing with you.

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Ok, here is what I think.

1. We will stay at #5 and pick S. Taylor. If Taylor is unavailable we will select Winslow.

2. Neither Chris Samuels nor Patrick Ramsey will be traded.

3. I have to agree that Rod Gardner will garner no more than a mid second round pick. However, I am still not sold on the idea that the skins are going to get rid of him. If the skins get a pick in the #17-#22 range, as one poster suggested, than Gardner will be dealt regardless of wheter they wanted to keep him.

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