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What about Trotter?


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With Holdman siging elsewhere and the Barrow negotiations on-going, what are the chances of Totter actually staying here?

Is it even remotely possible that he would accept a restructured, less expensive contract?

Do you think the team would even want him back at ANY price?

Would he accept such conditions? Would his pride be bruised too much?

Do you think he can get anything close to what he's scheduled to make now from somebody else?

Has any other theam even nibbled?

OK, admittedly, I bring questions with no answers. What are your thoughts?

I was kinda looking forward to seeing him play, fully healthy this year.

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from the point of view of pride you don't tell a veteran player he is no longer in the club's plans, withhold him from minicamp, and then go back and pencil him into the lineup.

just doesn't happen.

if the Redskins were serious about giving Trotter a chance in 2004 they would have brought him to camp and then cut him if he didn't seem to fit in with the program or wouldn't renegotiate his contract, etc.....

No, Trotter is gone. The Redskins knew they weren't likely to get a draft pick for Trotter and evidently the decision was that his contract when combined with his lack of discipline on the field was not worth keeping him on boad.

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I just can't help but shake the idea that there'ssomething more to this Trotter situation. For the very fact he was withheld from camp.If it was a case of lack of discipline then half the defense would be gone. And the team wouldn't have waited that long to figure it out. Oh he's gone unless there is some serious making up done, (no chance I think), and the team can save some money by not having him around, though I'm not convinced his contract is that detrimental to the team for cap purposes. He's been given the teams blessing to seek out a trade and it will be interesting to see what happens with that down the road. More than likely after June 1st cuts,(depending on cap hit there), or after the draft as an outside chance.

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I like I'm sure many others was very surprised that the Skins asked Trotter not to even attend a mini camp. But obviously if he get's hurt, then there is zero chance that another team might give us a draft pick.

While there were many culprits on defense that played out of control, I think Gibbs can't tolerate his MLB doing that. Look back at some of the previous MLB's under Gibbs and you will see solid good tackling LB's ala Kaufman, Olkewicz, Gouevia, etc.

While it is unfair to rate Trotter's play last year because of the injury, he has never been a dependable smart MLB.

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Trotter was scheduled to make 2.7M this year. He will do much better than that in signing bonus plus salary even after 6/1. I'd look for the Eagles to sign Trot if they don't draft a LBer during the first day and then they will likely let Wayne go and move Simoneau to WIL where he was originally signed to play. Trotter is a much better fit for the type of D the Eagles play than he was with the Skins the last 2 years.

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

I just can't help but shake the idea that there'ssomething more to this Trotter situation. For the very fact he was withheld from camp.If it was a case of lack of discipline then half the defense would be gone. And the team wouldn't have waited that long to figure it out. Oh he's gone unless there is some serious making up done, (no chance I think), and the team can save some money by not having him around, though I'm not convinced his contract is that detrimental to the team for cap purposes. He's been given the teams blessing to seek out a trade and it will be interesting to see what happens with that down the road. More than likely after June 1st cuts,(depending on cap hit there), or after the draft as an outside chance.

I've been saying all alone that we don't even know half the reasons Trotter is not welcome anymore as a Skin. He didn't have a great year last year...but he had moments and certainely didn't play poorly enough to not merit at least an attempt to get his starting job back...let alone remain on the team at all.

Plus he was going to healthy this year, and seemed to have a positive attitude about Gibbs and co. As there were really no details let go by GIbbs about the Trotter situation other than "he didn't fit in our plans" (which is like the band breakup reason of "creative differences") we will probably never get the full reason/reasons Trotter was let go...unless Trotter got a full explaination from Gibbs and he reveals it to the public later.

Trotter is gone for sure...and you just wonder at why he didn't get a chance to do camp and get one healthy year in under Gibbs.

He must've shown them something they really really didn't like or trust.

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Hello from Seattle my Eagle Brothers. Clayton talked about the Trotter thing this morning on his radio show with a caller. He said that he spoke with Trotter's agent Sexton, and that Trotter himself said that come June he would be back in Philly. Clayton went on to say that if the Birds grab Vilma at 16, the whole thing could be off. Gotta grab some coffee.

Straight of the Ealges MB!

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Park City Skins, I saw your post and I can say this.

Trotter himself, approved of the way they (Redskins) handled his situation, by informing him early enough so he'd be able to check things out for the trade or simply be released. All due respect to you, he had no beef with the management or coach Gibbs, and stated it publicly. I of course was also thinknig, yeah, behind close doors, but the other players also acknowledged the professional and personal way Joe Gibbs handled it. Trotter was glad, because he was treated like a man, with his dignity in tact and yet still be in a communicae with the Redskins.

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I wish he had another shot this season, to earn his spot or prove his worth.

These things just happen sometimes and you have to move on...folks were just a little impatient...adjusting to a new team takes time, different D coordinators, a bad knee injury, then trying to get back to form...it was just an unfortunate stint for him here...many may not but I liked the guy..just unfortunate he was never able to really do much for us here like expected from his previous pro bowler form. Just wasnt meant...I wish him well wherever he goes...but its time to focus on the now and who our starting linebacker corps will be....washington at strong and arrington at weak is known...but the middle is still uknown...Barrow? Mitchell? another younger player on the roster that showed promise...or a draft pick?

at any rate, he's gone...id sersiously doubt his return, but who knows. far as his going to the giants...I dont see how getting rid of barrow and replacing him with trotter would be that good...barrow is in his 12th year though and trotter his 7th i think...so maybe an age thing or could be a contract/money issue.

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I think Trotter being released is a combination of health related concerns and the salary cap. Trotter is scheduled to make some serious cash over the next three years and his contract would almost certainly have to be restructured.

Herein however lies the problem. Restructuring big contracts only makes sense if the player is expected to contribute beyond the oringal duration of the deal. In Trotters case that's almost certainly not going to be the case.

He's had serious knee problems ever since coming out of college and probably only has about three seasons left before he will have to call it quits.

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In my book Trotter never lived up to his contract and was over paid. He needs to prove himself to another team we cant have 2 free lancing linebackers. I thought we should have paid Shawn Barber and signed a less expensive MLB. I wasn't impressed with Trotter and thought we was better when he played in Philly.

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my gut feeling is that it is the combination of a freelancing Trotter paired with a freelancing Arrington that had the coaching staff determined to make a change.

Arrington is a player with tremendous physical upside but he has so far in large measure failed to play his position with the kind of maturity you want to see out of a player going into his 5th season in the NFL.

This is right around the time when talented players take that step up to become dominant if they have it in them.

I think Gibbs, Williams and Co. are convinced that Arrington can step up and be that player but to assist in that process they are going to pair him with linebackers that are solid, stay at home vets that can set a disciplined example.

Moving Arrington back to the weakside is a step in the right direction and I don't think anyone believes LaVar, much like Dexter Manley, will ever be the most disciplined player on the defense.

But the pairing of Trotter with Arrington may have been seen as a situation that retarded LaVar's development.

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The truth almost certainly lies in what transpired in the film rooms. When they broke down all the film, the coaches must have seen something that simply wasn't going to fit with what they want to do. The seek a trade thing was just face saving for Trotter, we couldn't trade him and take the full cap hit this year - in fact we couldn't trade him with out restructuring Samuels contract. Cutting him after June 1 gives us time to work things out.

Although this was not one of the more controversial signings of Snyder, I think only Deion worked out worse for the team.

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Williams has stressed the fact that speed id the key in his defensive shceming.

Trotter never possessed tremendous speed. However, I doubt barrow is any faster, which makes me scratch my head a bit.

Oh weel. we'll soon know the outcome and perhaps the reasoning behind the ousting....

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