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Big Fish


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Just got back from the movie Big Fish, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations and then some. I consider myself a man's man and I was reaching for tissues more than a few times. Not to say that it's purely a tearjeaker; it's a series of intricately patterned stories. It's beautiful, colorful, absorbing, touching, it's just freakin' great. I feel like somebody crawled into my brain and planted a bed of flowers there. :)

Only the most calloused person could dislike this movie.

So I highly reccommend that you go see this flick. :cheers:

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I agree 100%

I know there are some great old movies out there that tearjerk ya, but this one does it in kind of a unintrusive, less sappy way. I know exactly what Orange was saying....

It really made me think of my Dad alot and some of the rediculous stories he told me when I was a tike. Man oh man...:rub eye:

But all in all, it was a wonderfull flick. Should be up there with the greatest, but it's not sappy like the Wizard of Oz or Lassie or It's a Wonderful Life. :manlyvoice: ehem.....

Not that I've ever seen those movies, I'm just saying...er....if y'll have, then this movie is better. Ehem.........Yeah....

Now time to ruin that beautiful mood and watch Kill Bill as well as play Hitman Contracts on PS2.

I worked hard this week and made some $. I deserve it.

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i too saw it and loved it. but it didn't make me cry, honestly. i was just amazed by the stories and in thier absurdity there was a lesson hidden on many deep levels. i guess i was too busy trying to break down all the symbolism and life lesson's in the story. not to give away anything, but i don't think it was a sad movie at all, but the complete opposite, even in death he didn't fear it. he celebrated life. i love that movie.

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I never go to the movies because of cost not for any other reason. Waiting on DVD or VCR seems to be logically thing to do these days. This Big Fish movie has came up several times, my wife has been screaming that this movie is worth paying the extra buck and worth dealing with the jerk that always seems to be one row in front of me. Is it really that good? Or is this just another good movie that I should wait for it to come out on DVD. Hurry with an answer maybe I will treat her on mothers day.........................

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Its a totally awesomre movie, I went and saw it a few monthes ago. I grew up with out my father so t left me feeling empty and longing for that relationship. Even now as I write this I miss the relationship I never had.


Yes it is worth it but, it is already on DVD and most likely not at the movies any more...well maybe the dollar movie.

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Originally posted by bishtw

Its a totally awesomre movie, I went and saw it a few monthes ago. I grew up with out my father so t left me feeling empty and longing for that relationship. Even now as I right this I miss the relationship I never had.


Yes it is worth it but, it is already on DVD and most likely not at the movies any more...well maybe the dollar movie.

I know exactly what you mean.Mine passed on when I was young. But it can still hit you on many levels or remind you of someone...

For me, that is probably why it tearjerked me a bit...

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This was one of the few movies that I shelled out the $8.00 without really knowing what it was about. It started kinda slowly, but in the final analysis, I enjoyed this movie a lot, and am not regretting paying to see it in the theaters!

Two thumbs up!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Gotta add my two cents worth. I'm a movie addict, I go to four or five a month... sometimes by myself.

Loved Big Fish. Exquisitely shot and a story that keeps giving and giving. I'd suggest it to anyone looking for a true drama.

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I saw it on a plane a week or so ago. I probably woulnd't have seen it otherwise because I generally don't like Tim Burton movies. I don't like his style. I don't like his pretense. I hate that he ruined Batman, and I think he's a vastly overrated director.

I absolutely loved it.

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  • 2 months later...

I wish this thread was posted two weeks ago. I bought 3 movies for 25$ at Hollywood Video, and that was there. For some reason I thought it was purely a musical, and chose other flicks (Stuck On You, SWAT, and 2 days). These movies were good, but I now would rather have a 'classic' film.....as this one appears to be.

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