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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Felonious Farty 45


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Is the Time Right for a Third-Party Candidate in 2024?


I don't think there will be such a candidate  that can win a huge share of the popular vote or win electoral votes.  All, a third party candidate will do is tip the election to one of the other candidates. Most likely, to the gop.  


Thing is, all you need to do is get around 2-5% in key states and that could tip the election. 

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Trump Rages at Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt For Endorsing DeSantis


Former President Donald Trump is strongly criticizing Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt for publicly endorsing Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis.


Ahead of DeSantis’ speech in Tulsa on Saturday, Governor Stitt expressed his belief that DeSantis is the ideal candidate to defeat Biden and lead the nation for the next eight years.


Governor Stitt praised DeSantis for his stance on states’ rights and individual freedoms during the COVID-19 pandemic. He highlighted that both governors implemented similar measures to ban mask mandates in their respective states, emphasizing their commitment to protecting individual liberties.


In response, former President Trump took to social media to express his frustration. He mentioned that Governor Stitt had sought his endorsement before his previous election, and he boasted about the support he provided, which allegedly contributed to Stitt’s victory. Trump expressed surprise and disappointment at Stitt’s endorsement of DeSantis, also alluding to Stitt’s alleged negative views towards Native Americans and criticizing his Senate pick.


“Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma, who I didn’t know very well, called me before his last election to say he was in BIG trouble and very much needed my Endorsement. I LOVE Oklahoma & won 77 out of 77 Counties, something that never happened before. Ronald Reagan was next with 56. Anyway, I gave him my endorsement, he immediately went way up, and won. Now, despite the fact that DeSanctimonious is losing to Biden, & me, Stitt just endorsed him. Wow! He disliked “the Indians” & my great Senate pick!” Trump wrote.


Trump’s claim’s regarding winning all 77 counties in Oklahoma during his presidential campaign is inaccurate, as Mitt Romney won all 77 counties in the state during the 2012 election. The last Democrat to win a county in Oklahoma during a presidential election was Al Gore in 2000.


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‘Trump can’t win’: Koch network releases ads targeting ex-president


The political network financed largely by billionaire Charles Koch is launching a wave of digital ads targeting former President Donald Trump.


The ads argue that if Trump becomes the Republican nominee next year, it will lead to President Joe Biden winning reelection.


Americans for Prosperity Action, a super PAC that received millions of dollars during the 2022 election cycle from the Charles Koch-chaired Koch Industries and the Koch-backed Stand Together Chamber of Commerce, gave CNBC a first look at some of the new digital ads.


Koch, who’s worth more than $60 billion, and his network notched several wins while Trump was in office, including tax cuts and the appointments of multiple conservative Supreme Court justices. The network traditionally backs Republican candidates.


But Koch’s group also had its differences with the former president, including on Trump’s trade war with China. Trump, likewise, ripped the Kochs in a 2018 tweet tirade, saying they’ve become a “total joke in real Republican circles, are against Strong Borders and Powerful Trade.”


One of the spots, titled “Only Way,” has a voiceover saying, “The only way Biden wins is if we nominate Trump again.” Another ad, called “No Thanks,” says, “Trump can’t win” and “we need new leadership.”



Click on the link for the full article

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Believe it or not there are segments of the republican party that understand you can't hope to win a national election with a dude who's gonna be facing 100+ felony counts.


Too bad for them they created a monster and even if they successfully pivot away from the guy he'll sign up as a third party and siphon votes.

Heck of a hole they dug.

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Re: No Labels

They are lying.  If they really want a 3rd party, they would elect members to the House and Senate.  As it is, they will just act as a foil in favor of Trump (logic being that "moderate", "independent" voters would feel more comfortable voting for let's say Manchin than Biden).  


Manchin is a Democrat. 


3rd party needs credibility.  This one doesn't have any.  It's nice to know that all grifters aren't on the extremes. 

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am in Kentucky this week. Louisville and have traveled about 45min south for work. Last fall when I was here there were still a bunch of 2020 Trump things up in yards and on signs, even right before the 2022 elections. right now I honestly haven't seen a single thing. Saw more in Western, MD on my way driving out.

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