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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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7 hours ago, @DCGoldPants said:


Pre-loaded tweet that he set for 7am to look real, but didn't think that 7:03 or 7:17 would make it look less fake. 

Give him a break. He had a long night of people coming up to him thanking him quietly.

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Dentist praising ‘The Great Donald Trump’ threatened politician, reverend, hundreds of others for years: Feds


A 60-year-old dentist from Tampa, Florida, who praised “The Great Donald Trump” and sent no less than 100 violent and threatening messages to over 40 victims including a reverend, politician and others who he allegedly insulted with bigoted or racial slurs, has been arrested.


Richard Kantwill was indicted on June 11 but not arrested until June 18, a public arrest record shows.


Federal prosecutors in the U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida revealed some of the details underlying the man’s alleged threats in a memorandum seeking to detain him due to his “dangerousness” but they otherwise redacted records and opted to keep the names of his alleged victims private.


The FBI said it uncovered hundreds of threatening messages sent by Kantwill. Court records show the FBI first interviewed him in October 2019 after receiving a complaint from one of his victims. The FBI warned Kantwill his messages were being perceived as a threat but, undeterred, he allegedly “spent the next ten months sending threats to over 40 victims via social media and email.”


Investigators later said they determined that the messages had started prior to their interview with Kantwill that October. Most messages went through Facebook, Instagram or his private email account.


In one alleged threat, which appears to have been sent to a writer or journalist, Kantwill is accused of writing:



You, sir, are a degenerate piece of s—. I read your article about The Great Donald Trump. It is so blatantly prejudiced that you don’t even attempt to be impartial, you [redacted]. You are gay … I can tell. F— you. I love what Trump does and where he stays. You ignorant [redacted] never cared about the great ghetto [redacted] Obama and how he got rich but your going to get a hard-on about where Trump stays. So blatantly ignorant and liberally immoral. God Bless the Great President Trump and his family. F— you and yours. Hire extra security … you’re gonna need it, I plan on f—— you up … just for the fun of it.


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Was getting an oil change today. And the waiting room TV was on Newsmax. Their hit piece on an "illegal immigrant" was an Administration spokesman who informed then that the person in question was an asylum seeker, and was therefore in the country legally. 

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1 hour ago, Cooked Crack said:


Dems are a failure with this stuff. You've known for years these mouthpieces are just like Tucker.... Just not fired for costing their bosses a lot of money yet. Worse, they have their own terrible real life stories from Pirro to botched face-lift Watters. Still, these talking heads are extremely suseptible to being baited into somemething that gets them caught hanging with a person like Matt Gaetz on camera. Or Pirro getting another DUI but wrecking and doing real damage. Who cares if it's dirty? These people can be ruined forever a lot easier than the Senators and Governors and whoever they spent much of their time covering for. 

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Franklin Graham Begs Trump to Stop Cursing at His Rallies — Trump Tells Him to Piss Off


I try to avoid Donald Trump’s speeches whenever I can, although in this day and age that’s truly difficult since he never shuts up. After all, I always know I’m going to find out whatever he said through that technological innovation we call the internet.


Perhaps because he can be a loose cannon with the four-letter words, prominent evangelist Franklin Graham asked him if he could refrain from using the curse words during speeches, The Christian Post reports. Trump, however, talking to a crowd of supporters, said he intended to reject Franklin’s request but said he’s making an effort to take his advice.


Trump was addressing a crowd of supporters at a Philadelphia rally on Saturday. A clip of his speech shared to X shows the ex-president extolling Graham’s virtues. He is CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the charity organization Samaritan’s Purse, and Trump is heard describing him as “a man I like,” and saying he admires him “so much” before telling the audience “he wrote me a letter.”


“He said, ‘President, I love your speaking. Your ability to speak is incredible. Your storytelling is great, but it could be so much better if you didn’t use foul language,’” Trump said, revisiting the contents of the letter. Trump responded to Graham’s request by declaring, “he’s wrong.”


But you know what would be even nicer than Trump not swearing? If he’d quit being a hateful racist and fascist dictator in waiting. It would also be nice if he could get through a speech without lying or bollixing up his words so much that we have no freaking idea what the hell he’s talking about.


That would be nice too.


Swearing during a speech is the last of Trump’s problems.


Trump did say, however, that he has “been working so hard” not to swear during his rallies. But Trump added that to his way of thinking, the occasional f-bomb was impossible to avoid because the events are so lengthy.


“I’m only talking about one or two times during an entire speech. You know, these speeches go on for two hours, one or two.”


“Give me one or two words,” he requested to Graham. “If you don’t, you don’t get the emphasis.”


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1 minute ago, Jabbyrwock said:


I mean...did it have another direction to go?


Actually, he seems to have a real talent for forcing me to revise it. 


Although granted, lately I've been being forced to revise my opinion of the Republican Party. (Both the organization, and it's constituency.) Rather than Trump personally. 

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The Dangerous Life of a Georgia Election Official


When Milton Kidd leaves work at the end of the day, he slips out the back door of the domed Douglas County Courthouse, avoiding the public entrance where people might berate him or demand his home address.


He never takes the same route home two days in a row, and he makes random turns to avoid being followed.


Kidd, a Black man, has a very dangerous job: He is the elections and voter registration director for Douglas County.


“Milton Kidd is a nasty n***** living on tax money like the scum he is,” one voter wrote in an email Kidd shared with Stateline. “Living on tax money, like a piece of low IQ n***** ****.”

Another resident from Kidd’s county of 149,000 west of Atlanta left him a voicemail.


“I don’t know if you’re aware, Milton, but the American people have set a precedent for what they do to f***ing tyrants and oppressors who occupy government office,” the caller said. “Yep, back in the 1700s, they were called the British and the f***ing American people got so fed up with the f***ing British being dicks, kind of like you, and then they just f***ing killed all the f***ing British.”


Kidd smiled incredulously as he shared his security routine and the hate-filled messages that inspired it. He is dumbfounded that he’s the target of such vitriol for administering elections in 2024—but he knows where it originated.


The lies told by former President Donald Trump, who faces state felony charges for trying to pressure Georgia officials to change the 2020 results, have resonated with many Douglas County voters, Kidd said. Now this nonpartisan official, like many others across the country, is forced to face their ire.


“It’s an idea that has become insidious in the mindsets of Americans, that because a single individual did not win an election, that now I can behave like this,” said Kidd, who has a thick beard and wears a thumb-size crystal on a black string around his neck.


As he prepares for the next presidential election, Kidd said he will continue to press his state’s elected officials for more leadership and money to protect him, his staff and the democratic process.


“If this office fails, then our democracy has failed,” he said. “I will never let a detractor who calls with vile language deter me from the work that I do.”


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What Is It That Makes a MAGA?


The question has perplexed philosophers, scholars, pundits, strategists, and just plain dummies ever since Donald Trump descended the golden escalator in Trump Tower accompanied by his imported muse, Melania, in what now seems like the ancient times of 2015. What is up with these people? What lies behind…or beneath, as the case may be…their slavish devotion to this lying, thieving, felonious, nincompoop?


Theories abound. Hatred of the libs is a common one, racism another, resentment of “elites” yet another. All of that and more is visible at Trump rallies, where his fans bear their prejudices like flags of pride. Trump knows his applause lines, and he hits one after another—Biden crime family, retribution, terrorists and murderers coming across the border, deep state, Biden is waging a conspiracy to overthrow the United States. The crowds go wild.


Lately, he’s been pushing a new one, that Biden is turning “the USA into a crime-ridden, disease-ridden dumping ground,” as he refers again and again to crimes committed by migrants, speaking of the crimes for which he has been convicted as “persecution,” a word with religious overtones that are not lost on his hugely majority-white-Christian crowds.


Nearly all of Trump’s stump speech is a long-winded attachment of his victimization to theirs, matching his grievances to theirs, creating a gigantic society of the sisters of perpetual self-pity. Who wants to think of oneself as losing, which is what Trump tells his crowds they are doing again and again? Why do his crowds surrender their self-respect and dignity to this man?

One answer may be that so few of them have much of either, which may sound like an easy diagnosis, coming as it does from a liberal pundit all cozily ensconced atop a well-plumped cushion of self-regard. To which I plead guilty. I have a sense of self-worth, and in my seventh decade, I don’t cotton to looking upon the past with regret.


What happened to the MAGA crowd to allow themselves to be so dominated by the doom and gloom of propheteering of the likes of Donald Trump? Theories about their loss of status and standing in a changed America have been thrown around, to which I say, pffftt. Status is nothing if it isn’t based on self-respect. Standing has no meaning if it is gained only by, in the word Trump is so fond of, “winning.”


Authoritarians, of whom Trump is clearly one, are able to sell dominance politics only to people who are not participants in a world of mutual respect. It’s why Trump demands what he calls “loyalty” from his followers. It’s not loyalty. It is surrender. It is passive, not active. It is adherence to one and only one true path and answer to life’s questions. You don’t get to choose when belief is the only choice.


It is acceptance and not participation, belief and not reason. Listening to lies and deciding to believe them doesn’t take effort. All it takes is yielding oneself to the mob that believes the same lies.


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NJ Does Not Renew Trump's Liquor Licenses At 2 Golf Clubs After Felony Conviction


The New Jersey Attorney General has decided on Friday not to renew two liquor licenses at former President Donald Trump's New Jersey golf clubs following his conviction on all 34 felony counts in his criminal hush money trial.


"The New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) has an obligation to maintain integrity in the alcoholic beverage industry in the state," said a spokesperson with the New Jersey Attorney General(NJAG).


The division did not renew two Golf Club Facility licenses associated with Trump. However, the ABC entered "Miscellaneous Ad Interim Permits," which allow the facilities to continue serving alcohol until a hearing on the renewals is held.


Click on the link for the full article 

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