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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

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1 hour ago, AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy said:

Everybody is acting like it’s a sure thing the Dems will win the Senate and get to pack the courts. Trump will block and contest every state until he finds a loophole to win. I expect the Senate races to be included in that same plan.

Good point. There was a good article out today about the nightmare scenario that's also the most likely. Trump up on election night, then tries to say all mail-in votes counted after that are illegitimate (he already did exactly that with the Florida Governor election in 18). Then pressure the state to certify the election results before everything is counted. He's already tipped his hand multiple times that this is what he plans to do this year too. Going to be like Bush/Gore in Florida, but with multiple states all at once. Pennsylvania already looks like its going to be a train wreck with election officials quitting and nobody knowing how to handle mail-in votes.


I know more people will vote (or try to vote) for Biden and flip the senate, but I'll be absolutely shocked if that happens without at least a huge, months-long fight

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1 hour ago, Larry said:

Appointing and confirming justices within a year of an election is a normal function.  


In fact, back when Skippy was refusing to allow a vote on Garland, I pointed out that the last time a President with an opposition-party Senate appointed a SC Justice within a year of leaving office:  


1)  The President was Reagan

2)  The Senate was Dem.

3)  And the nominee was confirmed, 2 months later, by a vote of 93-0.  


Yes, it sucks.  This is going to harm the country for the next 50 years.  But the fact that they cheated four years ago does not mean that they're cheating now, nor that "make up cheating" is justified next year.  

But is it normal to do so in the last month or two of the presidential election while voting is happening?  I think there's a difference between the timing of the Garland nomination and this.

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1 hour ago, Cooked Crack said:

Reuters/Ipsos: 62% of adults (including half of Republicans) believe the SCOTUS vacancy should be filled by the winner of the 2020 election. 23% disagree.



92% of NRA members support closing the "Gun Show Loophole".  


Holding my breath waiting for the NRA or the GOP to give a **** what their voters think.  

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Jennifer Rubin throwing down the gauntlet on Wapo





The effort to shame McConnell and the legion of morally vacuous Republicans who dreamed up a rule to deny Garland a vote in 2016 is useless. They are beyond fairness; they scorn democratic norms. They care nothing for intellectual consistency or for the credibility of the Supreme Court. They have been willing to acquit a president obviously guilty of impeachable offenses; they will not be shamed into denying a lame-duck president another Supreme Court justice



Democrats cannot hope to persuade the unpersuadable or to shame the shameless. Instead, they must explain unequivocally: If the Senate confirms a new justice before the next president is inaugurated, the new Senate and president will by any means necessary obliterate the impact of that move. (Bold in original)


If need be, Democrats will expand the Supreme Court and change the lifetime tenure of justices. (Federal judges have lifetime tenure but not guaranteed tenure to a specific seat.) If need be, Democrats will eliminate the legislative filibuster. (Don’t think for a moment that if they show restraint, the Republicans would not eliminate the filibuster the moment they are back in the majority.) If need be, Democrats will admit D.C. and Puerto Rico as states as there is justification for doing so quite apart from the Supreme Court, thereby expanding the Senate to 104 votes.


The vast majority of Republicans are not susceptible to pleas for fairness, but they can be convinced that they will lose this fight to turn the Supreme Court into a right-wing cudgel, unrepresentative in any sense of the country at large. The impact of a single justice will be swallowed by an expanded Supreme Court; the impact of court fights will be reduced by abolishing lifetime Supreme Court tenures. The shape of the Senate will be fundamentally changed to the detriment of a rump party of white supremacists. Do not reason with vulnerable Republican senators on the ballot, rather vow and redouble efforts to beat them. (Italics in original)


Expansion of SCOTUS.  End of lifetime SCOTUS tenure without Constitutional amendment.  End of the legislative filibuster.  Expansion of the senate to 104. 


I'm sure Lamar Alexanders of the world will have no problem with this.  Constitution gives Congress the power to do it.  Democratic voters who elected them would expect them to do it.

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4 minutes ago, bearrock said:


Expansion of SCOTUS.  End of lifetime SCOTUS tenure without Constitutional amendment.  End of the legislative filibuster.  Expansion of the senate to 104. 


I'm sure Lamar Alexanders of the world will have no problem with this.  Constitution gives Congress the power to do it.  Democratic voters who elected them would expect them to do it.





war on xmas all year long


put the flying spaghetti monster or cthulhu on all the money


turn all ice agents into bus drivers and escorts to transport and protect the caravans-ers and then drive them to whatever town/place they're heading


destroy ted cruz


make retroactive abortions for the parents of evangelical trumpsters free and easily available

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Supreme Court dates

To bolster his case that the Senate should wait to confirm the next justice, Biden said: "By the way, there's no court session between now and the end of this election."

Facts First: Biden's claim is simply inaccurate. The court's next session is scheduled to begin on October 5, nearly a month before Election Day on November 3.


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