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Escape Artists: 2016 Washington Redskins


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The third down conversion rate is absolutely ridiculous, and the fact that the last two to three teams have dared us several times on 4th down (and when Pittsburgh did this in week 1 I honestly thought we'd see it all season long) and that's just a recipe for a long day.  I feel like everyone is running the triple option against us and if it's 4th and 2 or shorter they're going to go for it.


As far as the personnel goes, I kind of agree.  I think the plan was that the offense was going to score enough for the defense to be playing with the lead.  You start the season with a decent secondary and decent edge rushers and they'll have at it.  I think most of us knew the team would struggle to stop the run.


But what I don't think most of us saw was Breeland struggling so much with the extra targets and the absolute drop off in production by Will Compton and the safeties, who are horribly inconsistent.  And all of this with basically the right third of the field taken away by Josh Norman.


I like that we've recently thrown Toler and Dunbar out there to be boundary corners and moved Breeland to the slot for the most part, that shows that we're at least trying different stuff.  I'm just shocked that it's essentially poop and against the wall and a prayer that it sticks long enough for someone to notice.


It is impressive that the defense has been in position to win the game for the team 5 times this year and they've come through on 4 occasions.  All but Detroit, as far as last drives go anyway. 


I'd LOVE for this team to get into the playoffs, even if it's just a one and done.  I think it's important for the players and it's important to attract a FA or two.  We're going to need to have herculian efforts the last several weeks here just to be in the discussion.  And we're going to have to root for Dallas on Sunday as well.


Honestly... if Dallas wins this weekend, I think you'll see the best defensive effort of the year on MNF.

27 minutes ago, Tsailand said:

Almost halfway from the Metro to Fedex Field!


Man you're taking the long way

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Other NFL teams have no respect for our defense. The amount of attempted fourth down conversions this year is astronomical. That has to be a major point of emphasis moving into the offseason. And if they're going to keep Barry around, they better find out who needs to have what say to fix the front because right now it's not very good.

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2 hours ago, KDawg said:

Other NFL teams have no respect for our defense. The amount of attempted fourth down conversions this year is astronomical. That has to be a major point of emphasis moving into the offseason. And if they're going to keep Barry around, they better find out who needs to have what say to fix the front because right now it's not very good.


Don't blame me... everyone in here was smarter than you and I when it came to keeping Knighton.  Especially if you weren't taking one early in the draft.



Just now, armstrong001 said:

12,000 feet is a little over 2 miles, not 4 plus.  But it is still pretty far.


Absolutely.  But he said ALMOST HALFWAY did he not?


Keep your seat at the grown up table and read to comprehend.

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14 minutes ago, TheItalianStallion said:

I disagree when you say that it felt like a loss where we seized victory from the jaws of defeat. It felt to me like a game where the better team, despite not firing on all cylinders, made enough plays to win.


I don't disagree.  Most of Philly's games have been like that all year.  They are a pain in the ass to play against cause they don't make a ton of big mistakes and they keep the football well.


Wentz has struggled the last couple of games, but our defense will get you right.

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I disagree when you say that it felt like a loss where we seized victory from the jaws of defeat. It felt to me like a game where the better team, despite not firing on all cylinders, made enough plays to win.

You're reading too far into it. 


It didnt feel like a win. But, if you read the entire article, you'll grasp that I also saw that it is a sign of a team with heart. In years past we lose that game. We came out on top in this one. 


Doesnt mean that it fel great. But it does mean this Redskin team is different than teams of recent past.

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5 hours ago, DC9 said:


Don't blame me... everyone in here was smarter than you and I when it came to keeping Knighton.  Especially if you weren't taking one early in the draft.



I'm lacking historical knowledge on your position with Knighton back in February/March.  So I could be off base, but...he's out of football for a reason.

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35 minutes ago, Alcoholic Zebra said:


I'm lacking historical knowledge on your position with Knighton back in February/March.  So I could be off base, but...he's out of football for a reason.

It's not much Pot Roast but the lack of a big body upfront that is lacking in this defense.especially on 3rd or 4th and short... We do not have a pure run stuffer on the team.

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37 minutes ago, Alcoholic Zebra said:


I'm lacking historical knowledge on your position with Knighton back in February/March.  So I could be off base, but...he's out of football for a reason.


2 minutes ago, Wildbunny said:

It's not much Pot Roast but the lack of a big body upfront that is lacking in this defense.especially on 3rd or 4th and short... We do not have a pure run stuffer on the team.


And yet there is no doubt in my mind that he could come in and instantly improve our defense.

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19 minutes ago, DC9 said:



And yet there is no doubt in my mind that he could come in and instantly improve our defense.


Any new, warm body at this point is an upgrade on our defense.  I don't wish injury on anybody, but I'm not super sad about Compton going out last game and Spaight possibly taking over his spot this week.  Any change-up in personnel (not named Norman, Kerrigan, or Baker) is a welcome change for me at this point.

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Just now, CBass1724 said:


Any new, warm body at this point is an upgrade on our defense.  I don't wish injury on anybody, but I'm not super sad about Compton going out last game and Spaight possibly taking over his spot this week.  Any change-up in personnel (not named Norman, Kerrigan, or Baker) is a welcome change for me at this point.


I can promise you a team thinks twice about going for it on 4th and short with Pot Roast or Phil Taylor in there.


Those guys are a dying breed because they aren't 3 down linemen.  But as I said when we worked both out after the Ravens game... I would've signed both.

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Knighton's ability to be a run defender is apparently over.  I guess when you carry that much weight it can have an adverse affect on your career length.  He couldn't move laterally anymore.  The media reports from when Knighton was cut by the Patriots highlight his inability to control a blocker, and his inability to be a 2 gap run defender.  Knighton's out of football.  Several teams (including us), brought him in for a tryout without any bites.  I would guess NFL teams think he's done.  It's time we as fans accept it.


Btw, I looked up our 4th down plays on defense.  Of the 14 4th down plays against our defense, 5 were runs.  1 was a QB sneak.  2 were QB's scrambling to avoid pressure.  1 was from a bad snap on a FG attempt so the holder tried to scramble.  The last one was David Johnson against the Cardinals, where apparently we should've called a timeout since our defensive alignment was disastrous for their offensive formation.  We overloaded the weakside and they ran it to the strong side.  Opposing offenses have gone for passing plays on 4th and short (2 yards or less) much more often than run plays against us.  Which seems weird to me, but that's what it is.



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Just now, DC9 said:


I can promise you a team thinks twice about going for it on 4th and short with Pot Roast or Phil Taylor in there.


Those guys are a dying breed because they aren't 3 down linemen.  But as I said when we worked both out after the Ravens game... I would've signed both.


I think Ted Washington could give us a boost at 48 years old.  But seriously, the types like him and Vince Wilfork are the wide-bodies you need to plug up the middle in a 3-4.  I don't disagree with you when it comes to Pot Roast. 

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1 minute ago, DC9 said:


I can promise you a team thinks twice about going for it on 4th and short with Pot Roast or Phil Taylor in there.


Those guys are a dying breed because they aren't 3 down linemen.  But as I said when we worked both out after the Ravens game... I would've signed both.


I agree we need a big guy in the middle but sorry all I think of when I think of Knighton is GB torching us over and over and over again because we could not get his big ass off the field. It was painful to watch. I believe that's why we and many other teams are going with a hybrid guy. If our ILBs could stop anything, might not be as bad as we think.


At this point, I really wish they would let Iaonnidos play more. He must just not be ready.

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2 minutes ago, goskins10 said:


I agree we need a big guy in the middle but sorry all I think of when I think of Knighton is GB torching us over and over and over again because we could not get his big ass off the field. It was painful to watch. I believe that's why we and many other teams are going with a hybrid guy. If our ILBs could stop anything, might not be as bad as we think.


At this point, I really wish they would let Iaonnidos play more. He must just not be ready.


He played quite a bit on Sunday.  At NT, too.

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1 minute ago, DC9 said:


He played quite a bit on Sunday.  At NT, too.


Did he? I have not watched the game yet. I am on a cruise and could not get the game. Could not even get the radio broadcast - it's blacked out now. I watched highlights and a little of the game NFL Replay but not the whole thing yet. That's tonight.


Glad to hear he got some time. If I saw correctly the run D was better, right? Coincidence?

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