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BREAKING: Shooting at BLM Protest in Dallas


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Ambulance delays, leading to deaths, in San Diego caused by financial mismanagement in 2015.


I fail to see how this supports your argument that it's OK to intentionally shut down traffic. Doesn't this kind of prove my point?

This is all I'm saying. It's not a BLM thing. It's that I don't like the idea of ANYONE shutting down traffic. Bad **** can happen.

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Are you serious with that video? I can't really tell because some people unironically think clowns like Paul Watson is someone with half a brain. Like there are so many problems with his "logic" that it would take a novel to explain exactly how wrong he is.



yep. cant speak for anything I haven't heard, but some of his videos ive seen are hilarious.


Although it does sound like he needs a safe space so he isn't triggered by criticism of the United States.




id say the same about criticism of BLM in this thread :)

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yep. cant speak for anything I haven't heard, but some of his videos ive seen are hilarious.


id say the same about criticism of BLM in this thread   :)


I mean he doesn't make one solid argument in that entire video, I know he is supposed to be witty or pithy or whatever but he is simply wrong.  Its astounding how his utter lack of historical context and knowledge (does anyone actually believe that the only crime against the Native Americans was spreading disease?) and builds into a belief that because America is doing better than North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Somalia that means that all criticisms are null. It is a pretty amazing spectacle to watch.




 Eh when someone from this thread posts a meltdown on youtube about the thread I would say they might be comparable

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I mean he doesn't make one solid argument in that entire video, I know he is supposed to be witty or pithy or whatever but he is simply wrong.  Its astounding how his utter lack of historical context and knowledge (does anyone actually believe that the only crime against the Native Americans was spreading disease?) and builds into a belief that because America is doing better than North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Somalia that means that all criticisms are null. It is a pretty amazing spectacle to watch.






I don't know if that's exactly what he's saying, but I do understand your point.


as a foreigner who now resides in America,  I get a kick out of foreigners who mock self loathing americans who make comments such as some of the ones he was talking about.


a couple of my favorite critics of SJWs are lefties like sam harris and jonathan haidt. (forgot about gad saad, too)

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French Protesters Chant “Black Lives Matter” After A Black Muslim Man Died In Police Custody


Last Tuesday, 24-year-old Adama Traoré from Beaumont-sur-Oise, France, died in police custody after being arrested, according to police, for interfering with the arrest of his brother in a case of extortion.


An autopsy provided by the local prosecutor on Thursday said Traoré had a very serious organ infection which caused his death. His family believe he died due to being beaten by police. His brother, Baguy, told iTELE that he saw the beating and witnessed Adama’s body being left in the police station.

When word of Traoré’s death spread on Tuesday night, riots erupted across the Val-d’Oise area.


Tensions were only heightened when, on Wednesday, Traoré’s family held a press conference where they stated they had yet to see the body, and asked journalists to “stop relaying police versions without conducting an investigation.”


After the press conference, the family and their supporters staged a sit in outside the police station where Traoré was arrested. The gathering was broken up with tear gas.


On Friday, a silent march was held in Traoré’s honour. His family held another short press conference, during which they appealed for calm and for witnesses to come forward.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm really glad to see that, with all of the anger (often justified, at least partially) over the whole "police shooting" issue, that there's been some really classy moves made, by a lot of people, too. 

Gives me hope that maybe it's an issue we can deal with. 


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