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The Brexit Thread

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And now Boris Johnson doesn't think he's the best candidate for the PM job... Ain't it funny as Nigel Farage said it?

Farage is also now saying that UK can contribute to the EU budget for access to the market. So they'll pay the EU yet have no vote in legislation and regulation. Nice one.

Another campaign promise broken.

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Farage is also now saying that UK can contribute to the EU budget for access to the market. So they'll pay the EU yet have no vote in legislation and regulation. Nice one.

Another campaign promise broken.

That guy is really insulting everyone...

Don't you have any tar and feathers to kick this guy's ass out of there?

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Farage is also now saying that UK can contribute to the EU budget for access to the market. So they'll pay the EU yet have no vote in legislation and regulation. Nice one.

Another campaign promise broken.



It's a complete farce. Boris now not standing for leader as the reality of the complete cluster **** they've created say's it all as he doesn't want to be the man left with the legacy of bringing this Country to it's knees and breaking up the UK. 


EVERYONE who voted out should DEMAND a new referendum after being duped on lie after lie by the out campaign. 



Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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Candidates for the next Conservative leader and UK Prime Minister.


Stephen Crabb            Current Secretary for Work & Pensions. Was for Remain 

Liam Fox                     Former Defence Secretary resigned in 2011 after a lobbying scandal, Longstanding Leave campaigner

Michael Gove              Current Lord Chancellor & Secretary of Justice, Was Boris Johnson's "second" as part of Leave campaign.

Andrea Leadsom        Current Secretary of Energy, supported leave campaign

Theresa May              Current Home Secretary, Was on the remain side but did not campaign actively and has history as EU sceptic. Most senior of the candidates in the current Cabinet.


Conservative MPs will vote eliminating 1 candidate at a time until 2 remain. Those 2 will then be a voted for by all members of the conservative party 


Boris Johnson who lead the Leave campaign decide against standing.


From those candidates it is likely to come down to Gove vs May 

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Aw man, I wanted Crabb.


Not because he's necessarily the best, but because then we could call his cabinet "Crabb people."



The man who think's homosexuality is a 'sickness that can be cured.' He should be on Trump's team. 



Great read on one of the main candidates and the other gutless POS who's pulled out: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jun/25/boris-johnson-michael-gove-eu-liars



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The man who think's homosexuality is a 'sickness that can be cured.' He should be on Trump's team. 


Well according to wikipedia, only Box Crabs demonstrate homosexuality, but I don't know how many species that encompasses, so depending on Crabb's species, his homophobia may be understandable as his species wouldn't have homosexual members.

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It's a complete farce. 




Michael Gove from 2 weeks ago in a interview with the telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/18/michael-gove-interview-vote-for-democracy-and-hope-vote-leave


He is also adamant that he will never be Prime Minister himself.  “In order to be prime minister of this country, you need to be an exceptional person. David Cameron is an exceptional person with exceptional talents and he does the job well. 
“I don’t think I have got that exceptional level of ability required for the job." 

Even if he felt he could do the job - which he does not - he wouldn't want it because it would have a "grueling" impact on his life. "I have seen how someone with immense talent, more talent than I have – Gordon Brown – when he became Prime Minister it was a grueling process. And I think that, you know, that’s not for me.” 



If only we had a competent opposition, but they seem intent on destroying their own party even quicker than the Conservatives,

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The Brexit vote was a negative shock but the tragedy no longer looks like a 'fait accompli,' George Soros said in a speech at the European Parliament on Thursday, and it has created "positive momentum for a stronger and better Europe."

He added that over four million people have petitioned Parliament to hold a second referendum. "By the time the Parliamentary debate on this petition takes place, it is not inconceivable that more people will have signed the petition than voted for Brexit," Soros said.


It probably doesn't help that England's Brexit negotiation position is...unstable.



Edited by FanboyOf91
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If only we had a competent opposition, but they seem intent on destroying their own party even quicker than the Conservatives,


And there's the rub, in your situation and our own, the "opposition" that was supposed to balance things, Labour or Democrat, has failed so miserably it might be a tender mercy to just euthanize the lot of them.


I utterly abhor Trump, and as much as I feel that he truly represents many factions of the Republican Party, and is calling them all out in their open support for awful anti/un American  positions, it is the Democrats I hold mostly responsible. It was their job, their duty, to stand against the greedocracy and instead they sold out to get their piece of it.


What the hell is Labour doing in the UK? If this isn't a golden opportunity to draw stark distinctions between themselves and those they oppose what is? And yet, where are they? Lost in a bitter internecine battle over who is ideologically pure enough.


And we wonder why so many are willing to burn it all to the ground.

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Oh he'd of pissed it among MP's votes alone.  He's just **** out of dealing with this ****storm he's created. 



That article/theory I quoted a few days back was bang on about Boris, he was done when Cameron gave his notice.

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Wow. That guy Nigel Farage sounds like a total douche in the last video posted.

I understand getting your point across, especially in something that is groundbreaking for the UK (leaving the EU), but acting like that is just bad business.


He doesn't sound like, he is.


Boris was never getting the job, even if he stood.

Lots still to unfold on this, if it's resolved within 3 years I will be amazed.


I fear it will take less than than two years.

Don't forget that here in France we have to vote for President next year, and I believe Germany as well. I wouldn't be much surprised to see Hollande and Merkel use this to their advantage. Especially Hollande that is a freaking opportunist and quite unpopular. He may be able to get another win, and I can't believe that...

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Michael Gove's human suit malfunctioned at conference today.
2:26 PM






Brexit Vote Prompts Bleak Forecasts From Economists


The reaction of economists to Britain’s vote to leave the European Union has been swift and brutal as they slash forecasts for growth across the world, triggering a round of follow-on market downgrades from banks’ analysts.


The U.K.’s decision to exit the EU in a June 23 referendum rattled currency, bond and equity markets, pushing the pound to a 31-year low earlier this week. While markets have since stabilized, analysts are now looking at the longer-term consequences of prolonged turmoil in the world’s fifth-largest economy.


“Brexit could potentially derail a still fragile recovery and push us toward a downturn,” economists at Morgan Stanley said in a report this week. The bank raised its estimate for the probability of a global recession in the next year from 30% to 40%.


While analysts say the direct effect beyond Europe’s shores is smaller, reduced growth on the continent is bound to affect global trade as well as multinational companies, many of which count Europe as one of their key markets. The stronger U.S. dollar is also expected to reverberate across the globe, hitting profits of U.S. companies and emerging markets.


The Brexit jitters come as global trade has already been weakening in recent years, rising by just 2.8% in 2015, according to the World Trade Organization, the fourth consecutive year below 3% growth.

Brexit is “the most significant pull back to-date from the post-World War II consensus of closer integration and open trade,” analysts at Credit Suisse wrote in a report titled “The End of Globalization.” “Such a significant secular shift has the potential to have substantial negative implications for growth, corporate profits and asset prices in the medium term.”

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‘Brexit’ Briefing: Boris Johnson Isn’t Running; Jeremy Corbyn Seeks Labour Revolution

• Among the Conservatives, Boris Johnson, the former mayor of London, has decided not to run to replace David Cameron as party leader (and therefore prime minister). That leaves the favorite as Home Secretary Theresa May, but Michael Gove, the justice secretary, has also thrown his hat in the ring.


A leaked email showed Mr. Gove’s wife to be no fan of Mr. Johnson, and both candidates criticized him while announcing their candidacy. Plenty of others plan to run as well.

• On the opposition side, Labour is not happy with its leader, Jeremy Corbyn, who appears more concerned with remaking the party into a revolutionary socialist movement than achieving power.


Members of Parliament, including Mr. Corbyn’s predecessor as party leader, want him to resign. He has refused. The party is also awaiting the release of an internal investigation into claims of anti-Semitism.

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The first thing I read when I wake up is this.....really....haha.

Nightmares for the rest of the weekend.



The bigger nightmare is that scenario is far less of a nightmare than the current seriously ****ed up situation we find ourselves in with little to no light at the end of the tunnel. 



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