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I don't see playing it as much as I do Destiny. I just like the variety of PvP modes, I'm assuming they will have PvE modes that equate to Raids.

But I did enjoy it a lot. Spent most of my time in the darkzone. My favorite part of it is being able to hear people just because they are near you. At one point there was a group of 8 of us running together, even though the groups can only hold 4. Was hilarious and a blast.

At one point our group of 8 was extracting and a group of 4 came up and took cover. They obviously didn't know we could hear them as they were talking about when to attack us. We warned them off, but they attacked anyway, not realizing their were 8 of us. Completely destroyed them. Was hilarious. Definitely some good stuff in this game.

What system do you play destiny on?

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And for the record, I know it's just beta and was planning on buying the game anyhow.  I just get annoyed when I was looking forward to hopping on and getting an early start to test it out and the ball is completely dropped by a company.


And you have to sit there and wait, wait, wait to get an answer, one that could have been addressed 8 hours ago.  They knew the demand then, they knew people were going to be sending/spamming them with support tickets, etc.  Issue a response more timely is all I'm asking.  If you're gonna promise something and you need additional time to implement, just come right out and say so.  


I'm really beginning to wonder if anyone at any game manufacturer/developer has any customer service skills and background at all.  It's not just them, it's any game that has issues, they never update the thousands of customers timely enough.  

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Finally.........after 5 hours of waiting, got a rep, got a code within a couple of minutes.  Game is downloading now.  


I will be honest, he asked to verify the DOB on the account and then told me it didn't match, I thought I was going to have wasted 5 hours and get nothing.  But he verified other account info and hooked me up.


Edit:  Now I see on my Uplay account it has the wrong month and day, but correct year, not sure how that happened.

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This game is awesome!  Got on was trying to level up some, one of my buddies from high school and college hit me up, him and his son got it.  We partied up, went straight to the Dark Zone and I killed the first person I saw, we started slaughtering people, had them running lol.


Tried that first hospital rescue mission on hard level, man it was pretty tough.  Overall, I think this has potential to be a big success.  Gonna take some time for me to get used to the mechanics since it's so different than most games, with the ducking behind barricades/walls, then aiming from a view of the char instead of FPS point of view.  


Digging it so far, me and my boys had a blast.

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NO beta for me, but I will be purchasing this game.


I made the mistake of getting hyped over destiny during the alpha and beta, and while that game is still enjoyable, bungie has dropped the ball on me and I am not appreciative of it.  May not buy any more content from them.


Hoping this game will see me through the next few years when I have time to play.

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My brother got into the PC beta. It actually doesn't look that bad, but you pretty much HAVE to play in a group in the dark zone(or my brother and his crew called it, gank zone lolol).


It looks like a better RPG then Destiny. Being a "tank" type character might actually be viable.

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I played the beta a good amount and its ok...  Not all that great, but I will play and give it a chance.


I like the loot system.  I'll have fun with that.

I hate the Dark Zone.  


I tried the DZ solo and had some success and then was completely raped over and over.  Then, I tried it with a group and it was just a mess.  I think they had good intentions but I don't see this as being my thing.

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I liked it a lot.  It plays like a typical mmorpg on PC would, except it's with guns.  The Dark Zone was great, imo, but I play mmorpgs to engage and kill other players, always will be that guy in those type of games if it allows.


With that said, it's a **** and moan fest (not you Code) in the forums about getting ganked and the entrances to the DZ camped and people wanting it changed, etc.  To that I say, **** THAT!  The game was designed to function that way.  It's high risk vs. high reward.


Want the best loot, take your chances.  Want to grind safely, stay out.  It's really that simple.  BUT........I do think they should add in a 30 second timer for those that enter the Dark Zone that allows them to invulnerable that 30 seconds until one of the following happens:


1.  The timer runs out

2.  They fire their weapon


This would help scale back on camping the entrances and if attacked give them the option to either shoot back and engage, run further into the map, or run back and exit to the vendor.  They don't need to make any sections of the Dark Zone non-PVP, defeats the purpose of the entire creation and implementation.


They don't need to make it easier.  They don't need to offer the same drop rates/chances outside the DZ either.  Just add a 30 second timer for those that enter, keep it simple.  Will it stop camping, ambushes?  No, they can set-up further down in the map, but at least one would get a fair chance to enter before engaging hostiles, which I would be ok with.

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One of the things that doesn't appeal to me is that the better gear is in PVP. In destiny, it's the opposite. You grind for OP gear in PVE that you can then take into PVP. I also don't like how pve and PVP have separate levels. What point is there to even do PVE?

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