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Tom Clancy's The Division


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From The Division's website: http://tomclancy-thedivision.ubi.com/game/en-US/game_info/index.aspx



We live in a complex world.  The more advanced it gets, the more vulnerable it becomes.  We've created a house of cards: remove just one, and everything falls apart.

Black Friday - a devastating pandemic sweeps through New York City, and one by one, basic services fail.  In only days, without food or water, society collapses into chaos.  The Division, an autonomous unit of tactical agents, is activated.  Leading seemingly ordinary lives among us, these agents are trained to operate independently in order to save society.

When society falls, we rise.


The game is based on 3rd person combat.  It has MMORPG elements, and is rumored to exist in a persistent environment - meaning your actions affect everyone's game world, not just your own.  The rpg elements are semi non-linear.  You can access any mission in any order as long as they are unlocked.


Please refer to this write up by IGN for game specific questions - we don't know much yet - only what the alpha testers are allowed to share:  http://www.ign.com/wikis/the-division



We can discuss all aspects of the game here, across all platforms.


I want a squad to play with on PS4, me (mssanary) and my boy TheCobraDan.


I'm excited for the character development and the Dark Zone - where the game's best loot can be found.  Here PVP is turned on so you can take other people's stuff and have yours taken.


Let the fight for Manhattan begin!!!

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I"m telling you if there are snipers in this game, I'm going to DESTROY.


Put me in a hide, providing support for you guys moving up to assault the objective.....BALLGAME.


"Tango Down"



I'll look into Siege.  I hear good things.


I wouldn't steer you wrong broski.  You are in it for the objective and teamwork like I am.  It's just flat out the best FPS right now.  Zero story, but who gives ****s about that stuff?

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Liam and I will be playing. I'm extremely hopeful for the game but the "bullet sponge" criticism has me concerned.

They have put themselves in a tough situation with their design. The leveling system makes it so an enemy can take 4-10 shotgun blasts to the head before dying. That makes no sense in a game that is based in a realistic setting. (You are not shooting aliens, you are shooting humans in jeans and hoodies). However, if they adjust it, they crash their leveling system.

Also, siege is amazing. Also, coming in December: Ghost Recon. It's going to be open world like GTA. Wow. Looks killer.

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Liam and I will be playing. I'm extremely hopeful for the game but the "bullet sponge" criticism has me concerned.

They have put themselves in a tough situation with their design. The leveling system makes it so an enemy can take 4-10 shotgun blasts to the head before dying. That makes no sense in a game that is based in a realistic setting. (You are not shooting aliens, you are shooting humans in jeans and hoodies). However, if they adjust it, they crash their leveling system.

Also, siege is amazing. Also, coming in December: Ghost Recon. It's going to be open world like GTA. Wow. Looks killer.


If they lower the HP of the enemies by x percentage, you would think you would just lower the xp gained by same x percent.


Either way, we trudged through Valus Ta'aruc, we'll get through some junkie high on cot.

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No one is wary of this game after the Watch_Dogs fiasco?


I am. Which is why I signed up for the waiting list beta, instead of putting in for a pre order. Ubisoft's track record is pretty unreliable, and it seems like their games are either complete success or utter disappointment 

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Anyone get a Beta code yet? Guess they are starting to send them out today. Hoping to be able to get one and pre-load the game prior to the 28th.




I have one for xbox one and one for ps4. I'll be playing on both just to check it out

I am. Which is why I signed up for the waiting list beta, instead of putting in for a pre order. Ubisoft's track record is pretty unreliable, and it seems like their games are either complete success or utter disappointment 



I'm not sold on it yet.  I'll be doing the beta. If it doesn't seem good, I'm not sure if I'll get it or not. I've watched a lot of you tube videos, gameplay etc... its is underwhelming IMO.  I'm not really a fan of the 3rd person style and hate that it takes so many bullets to kill.  You can get away with that in Destiny or Zombie type games because you are shooting aliens or zombies etc...  This is supposed to be realistic and I think that defeats the purpose. HOWEVER; I really like loot based games so I'm going to give it a shot.  


I'm not a big a fan of linear rewards.  For example, if I decided to really get into BO3, I'm so far behind, there's no point. Everyone has already unlocked the good stuff.

Lets take an RNG game like Destiny or the Division.  No one is going to have everything easily.  In Destiny, I probably play as much as anyone, but there are still things I'm chasing.  Its luck. Its the lottery. I enjoy the grind for the gear.  Knowing exactly when I'm going to unlock something is boring as ****.  I really hope the Division is great.

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Played the beta a couple hours this morning. I will copy and paste this in the PS4 Xbox thread too...


First off, I will be purchasing the game.  I like it overall.


The 3rd person view is good for PVE.  I don't mind it at all.  I do not like it for the Darkzone PVP.


It is NOT a Destiny clone. So for some, this will be a good thing and for others, it's a bad thing.

The gunplay in Destiny is far superior.  No contest.  The "Story" in the Division is "better" in the traditional sense. I think most will enjoy playing single player in The Division more than in Destiny.  I was bored playing by myself. I'm looking forward to playing with the guys I play Destiny with tomorrow when the Beta opens on PS4.  


I really like the weapon upgrade system. Very cool.

I love the loot system. I'm sure some will complain that a lot of the loot is crap. But, its the same way in Destiny. If you get everything you want, why will you continue to play? I have no problem with grinding games.


The one real issue with the game is what I thought it would be.  The bosses are bullet sponges and its pretty stupid.  I realize that the game could not have a level of realism similar to R6 Siege. That just wouldn't work.  When you fight regular enemies, its not so bad. Yes, it does take a lot of bullets to kill them, but its not unreasonable IMO.  However, I've faced 3 bosses so far.  Its a joke. You shoot them point blank in the face and it still takes 3-4 clips to kill them.  Not shots... CLIPS. This is to kill a human enemy.  

I've only spent a few minutes in the dark zone and I can't comment as to if I really like it or not yet. Not enough time to make a fair judgement. I do not like the 3rd person system.  However, I like the concept and the loot system.  I did encounter another group of players and they were waiting to extract.  They were so worried that I was going to try to steal their stuff. I was just curious as to what was going on.  I also ran into a group of NPC's that were too high of a level for me to even do damage to. Again, real human beings, I can't even damage them at all.  I'm not sure how they could fix that.  They have an RPG style leveling system and that is an issue.  


I'm looking forward to getting home to play more.  

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I've been playing since I got home from work at 5AM. I'm definitely buying this in March.

The developers is saying it is an RPG, and has a lot of RPG system which result in shooting another human and they don't immediately die because they have health points. I don't think this is stupid when you understand this isn't a FPS, or a shooter in the strictest of terms. The story is decent, nothing to write home about but easy to follow and somewhat interesting. I do like the base of operations, and the need to upgrade it and renovate areas to improve your chances.

Back to the boss bullet sponge stuff. The bosses I fought (two) had more health but didn't take long to take down.

The dark zone PvP is interesting and took me a minute to realize what was happening. There wasn't as many battles during extraction as I thought. I did two extractions and the first time there were two other players and myself, we just extracted our loot and didn't bother one another. We weren't even in a group. The second time I was at the top of a parking lot, and I had to defend myself for a little while, killed two other players who tried to take it before the counter ended. They've designed the dark zone where you can try to go rogue, and start trying to rob everyone. But the flip side to that is going rogue makes you a target, and all the other players can take you out with no consequence to their status and you can lose gear as a result. So there is a huge risk reward there.

I don't know if there is a max level for the beta, but you get a PvE level and a PvP level and I've seen other players higher than mine so I'll keep going until Ubisoft cuts me off, lol.

The character creation is limited too, but you can see a lot of it is locked for the final game.

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Is there anyway to change to a first person point of view in PvP?  Playing MMORPGs over the years (WoW, UO, Wildstar, ESO, Darkfall, etc.) I don't have a problem looking at my character, but since he is equipped with guns, a first person pov would benefit.  If not, no biggie.


I have been watching a lot of streams and it seems like with some scopes you can ADS but other you cannot. 

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