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AZCentral: Creationist Sylvia Allen to lead Arizona Senate education panel


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Please do PM me a pamphlet about how there is no conflict between science and this lady's young-earth creationism.


(Preview: Rhetorical distraction proffered in said pamphlet's absence.)


would you agree they are based on totally different different disciplines operating with different sources and limits?




the notion there is conflict is generated from attempts to impose one upon another.

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would you agree they are based on totally different different disciplines operating with different sources and limits?


the notion there is conflict is generated from attempts to impose one upon another.

The problem is when the creationists try to say they're using science or the scientific method when they're absolutely not.

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The problem is when the creationists try to say they're using science or the scientific method when they're absolutely not.


creationists have used and advanced the scientific method throughout our history....even 'young earthers'


the different disciplines can operate in harmony or conflict as you will....but there is no inherent conflict,rather a imposed one

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creationists have used and advanced the scientific method throughout our history....even 'young earthers'


the different disciplines can operate in harmony or conflict as you will....but there is no inherent conflict,rather a imposed one

There is an inherent conflict when creationists nowadays say that their claims can be proven using the scientific method. But it simply isn't true. There is zero actual science in creationism, especially young earth creationism. Though what they try to do now, amusingly, is what you seem to be trying to do and that is basically change the definition of science to suit that belief system. Which is ridiculous.


If they want to make up a completely new way to explain things that's fine. But don't call it science because it doesn't involve the actual scientific method.

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I was in Joe Gibbs' group home way back when in my teen years; Youth For Tomorrow. Reagan's assistant secretary of education ran it. The science teacher and iirc the guy in charge of the school was a creationist. I used to argue with him nonstop. If it did anything it showed me that even idiots can make a living.

COMPLETELY OT Sidenote (I strongly disliked the dude so hopefully he's reading...if he believes in the Internet), him and his wife lived on the grounds. She was an absolute freak. I got stories. I haven't been back in ten+ years but I'd be shocked if she never slept with one of the inmat...i mean students.

(For people that know the place, maybe go to its annual Country Fair shindig, it looks awesome now. Even got a girls section. I call it the Epcot Center of Juvenile Delinquents whenever I see it. Night and day. I was there before Gibbs' came back and got that Snyder cash. The place was a complete ****hole then. The dorm was old as hell, the guards...i mean house parents (legit term) were viscous (tends to happen when you hire ex-residents who couldn't make it anywhere else), the counselors were over their heads, out of their league and completely full of **** (tends to happen when religion is a piece of the hiring process) and the school was nothing more than a three-deep trailer park. Best example: we didn't have heat for at least three weeks in the winter. Only inhabited building I've been in in my life where you could see your breath. It was rough. I'm more than happy to see that the ol' ball coach dropped money on it (even in the tough times, never heard anyone blame him for anything. He was trying. It was Reagan's assistant secretary of bull**** that was in charge). But yeah, hopefully the personnel matches the new exterior. The kids in there still have a chance. They deserve it.)

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claiming science is certainly open to fraud, though obviously not just creationists


I thought it was the intelligent design folk claiming scientific backing?

IMO intelligent design is what creationists renamed themselves to sound more "legitimate". I see no difference between the two.


Well, obviously science is open to fraud. But there is a huge difference between scientific fraud where a study or what have you uses made up numbers or something like that and trying to literally redefine what science is and how it works, which seems to be what the creationists are trying to do in these sorts of debates.

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On questions of great scientific significance and expertise, I of course turn to Ken Ham. I mean how can there be conflict between a world view in which Dinosaurs and humans coexisted and the facts put forth by the scientific community.

Stop making up controversies people. If you try hard enough, you can spin your way into the absolute dumbest positions and feel confident enough to argue against people who clearly know more than you.

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On questions of great scientific significance and expertise, I of course turn to Ken Ham.



Dang it I thought ya'll liked them college boys.....tough crowd. :lol: 



I'm just trying to determine if ya'll support a religious test or a academic one for elected officials to hold a position.


Both?...why be a bigot 

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As to Intelligent Design...


18 billion years ago there was a point in nothingness that was infinitely dense with infinite mass that was infinitely small.  Who / what lit the fuse?  Most of us refer to that entity as God.  Either that or we all live inside a super massive black hole (quasar) inside another universal reality.  I just went full Interstellar :)


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Dang it I thought ya'll liked them college boys.....tough crowd. :lol: 



I'm just trying to determine if ya'll support a religious test or a academic one for elected officials to hold a position.


Both?...why be a bigot 

In this particular case I tend to prefer that someone who is anti-science not be in any position of power over the education of children. And yes I know we already had the science debate, but in my view someone who is a young earth creationist is pretty much by definition anti-science.

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