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Sheehan should be ashamed. i expect that sort of braying bull**** from Squeaky. But Sheehan does have some sports-talk ability and acumen.  It's a damn shame they pair him with the clowns they do.




Have you ever considered that maybe he's been told some stories about what goes on behind closed doors, and he's pissed off about it?


I'm not against the idea that's he's just gone off the deep end and has decided to be nothing but a hacky radio talk guy.


I just don't think that's it... I think there's some reading between the lines that can be done here, and I don't even think he's trying to hide it... in fact... he's outright said that's what's going on at times... maybe he's lying *shrug*

The trigger happy rationale of the DC fan and sports media who demands everyone sacked after one bad stretch. No leeway given. Just wants everyone fired asap.





Then they blame snyder for never having a plan and sticking to it. For knee jerk reactions.


The bottom line is Snyder, based on the way the team has been run, is basically a reflection of the typical DC sports fan. It's been funny (sad?) to watch.



Ownership forced Griffin on Kyle Shanahan? Is there any info that directly points to that?



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Have you ever considered that maybe he's been told some stories about what goes on behind closed doors, and he's pissed off about it?


I'm not against the idea that's he's just gone off the deep end and has decided to be nothing but a hacky radio talk guy.


I just don't think that's it... I think there's some reading between the lines that can be done here, and I don't even think he's trying to hide it... in fact... he's outright said that's what's going on at times... maybe he's lying *shrug*



I think it is two things. #1. When you team with a guy like Loverro who used to be the only sarcastic voice on that show, it wears on you. Eventually you become that. #2. we have stuff like this below. They are struggling. So, they are doing this as characters like UnWise Mike turned into. Nobody cared about normal Mike. So, he created this guy who all the sudden cares about the plight of the Native American.



ESPN 980, WTEM, sinks to a new low - 25th - in the latest weekly DC radio ratings. More DCRTV http://www.dcrtv.com 


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Have you ever considered that maybe he's been told some stories about what goes on behind closed doors, and he's pissed off about it?


I'm not against the idea that's he's just gone off the deep end and has decided to be nothing but a hacky radio talk guy.


I just don't think that's it... I think there's some reading between the lines that can be done here, and I don't even think he's trying to hide it... in fact... he's outright said that's what's going on at times... maybe he's lying *shrug*




Then they blame snyder for never having a plan and sticking to it. For knee jerk reactions.


The bottom line is Snyder, based on the way the team has been run, is basically a reflection of the typical DC sports fan. It's been funny (sad?) to watch.





I often get the feeling Sheehan doesn't agree with the direction of the crap that Squeaky or Andy Poley put out.

Last Friday listening to the morning drive postgame show with Sheehan, Poley and Reid.. sheehan was definitely trying to steer the conversation away from the ONE play Reid was obsessed with, and the typical pessimistic snark from Poley. he tried to discuss the game in the context of it being a preseason game, and those two screaming idiots simply would not allow it.

I often get the feeling he realizes Squeaky hasn't got the slightest idea of what he's talking about in terms of football, and is tired of him playing this constant character assassination game.

I honestly don't know how he doesn't slap him sometimes. it simply brings down the intelligence level of the show. his two-bit psychology as he applies it every single day to every single thing RG3 does.. it's just unlistenable.

Sheehan when he's on his own is outstanding, even through some of his flaws.. no one will be perfect or agreeable all the time. i thnk he's smart, he's articulate, and he knows the sports he talks about well enough to be able to offer insight and ask insightful questions to his guests. last week he got Schefter totally tongue-tied and backed into a corner.

i can't help but think if Squeaky the Cow was there it would have never happened, because he's be screeching at Schefter to analyze the latest burp from griffin and explain why he's the worst player he's ever seen.

Sheehan was good with Tim Murray last week, too.

Give Loverro a baseball show that starts at 9PM.

Let him talk about something he knows on a time that i don't have to hear him.


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Again. When Shanny signed. He was BEAMING about having final say and total control. 

So, when he and Kyle NOW talk about QB's like McNabb or RG3 being forced on them. I call bull****. They also thought they could make a go at it with Rex/Beck. So **** them. Lets see how long Kyle lasts in Atlanta. I think last year looks as bad on him as it does with the Browns. 


The only people who really believe him are muck rakers like Sheehan, Russell, and Reid.

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Sheehan was good with Tim Murray last week, too.

Give Loverro a baseball show that starts at 9PM.

Let him talk about something he knows on a time that i don't have to hear him.



Agree  that Kevin is better without Thom. I remember over the winter it was Kevin and Cooley at noon. That was good. Thom is a weak link. He just has the voice for print and adds nothing but snark.


How about Loverro and Reid having a show together at 9pm called "We Hate Washington". Just put it on 570. 


This is why we need a guy like Bram to have success with his podcast....if its good. Maybe we as fans, need to do a better job embracing the other local podcasts like the Ball Hogs. 

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I often get the feeling Sheehan doesn't agree with the direction of the crap that Squeaky or Andy Poley put out.


I listen to Sheehan a lot, because I like him for the same reasons you do. I also know someone who knows Sheehan and has worked with him for a long time... and that someone has given Sheehan a very good recommendation (that recommendation is why I switched from 106.7 to 980 a long time ago..)... so I have quite a bias here.


Nothing's ever struck me as - he's doing it because Lovero is pushing him in a direction. Sometimes, sure. Overall? no...


I honestly think Sheehan is infatuated with Shanahan, and has heard so many ridiculous stories from people he trusts about Griffin, and views Griffin as the young, 2nd year player, that the owner is in love with and used the owner to push out the coach that was trying to use Griffin a way Griffin and his father didn't want Griffin used.


I'm not saying that's true, I'm saying I think that's what the truth is to Sheehan.


And given everything I've seen from this organization, given the people I actuall know, and my bias, I'm willing to bet Sheehan is closer to being right than many will admit. Factoring in the recognition that Sheehan has an unhealthy infatuation with Shanahan, that can't be ignored (and Sheehan has admitted it...)


The primary focus from fans seems to be on Sheehan saying bad things about the QB.


To me the question should be... why do so many people have so many bad stories about our QB?  When are people going to stop spending so much time explaining it away, and take a step back and just ask - why is there so much negativity about this guy.


2 GM's, 2 coaching staffs, we're in year 4...

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Well, by that reason

To me the question should be... why do so many people have so many bad stories about our QB?  When are people going to stop spending so much time explaining it away, and take a step back and just ask - why is there so much negativity about this guy.
2 GM's, 2 coaching staffs, we're in year 4...

We've been on that carousel for a lot longer than Griffin has been here, and I think that plays into part of why the hate is always on the radio.. they're conditioned to do nothing but look for the worst, because so often it has been there.
Now it's a cottage industry it seems.

A good example is how they are now handling McCloughan.

He signed Gallette, and you'd think by listening to Reid in particular that he's nothing but a dirty liar who once again is blowing smoke up the fans' asses.

the fact the deal for galette is one in which we CAN'T lose...  if he doesn't work, we lose NOTHING. If he gets in trouble, we lose NOTHING.. if he succeeds we get a proven pass rusher.. an area of definite need. He creates a position of weakness into a position with depth in ONE minimum wage signing, and all of that is ignored because he "told" us he only wanted high character guys.


Honestly, it sounds like a drama queen breaking up with their boyfriend. "But you SAID you'd buy me roses every day!"


Sigining Galette was a SMART move, that exposes us to NO RISK.

But, Scott SAID.. waah! he's TERRIBLE! How can we TRUST him? 


It is EXTREMELY frustrating that 95% of the story is ignored to focus on the 5% that fits the narrative of discord and division.

And it's EXTREMELY frustrating that it happens all the time, on every story, no matter what.



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well, I have zero respect for Reid.


I guess the real difference here is I just don't put Sheehan in the same category, and many here do.


I guess it's the motive... the motive I see for Reid is that he's always been this, this is what he was at WP, this is what he ESPN.com articles read like, so it's not shocking to me that this is what he is on the radio. I called that the day they announced he got the gig...


For Sheehan, I see a completely different motive, one that's not necessarily malicious (as opposed to, say, Reid), but also one that may be closer to the truth or closer to be correct than people want to admit...


For example... If the redskins start winning with Griffin, I full expect Sheehan to either go the route of Well now they're winning so I'll stop talking about it


Where as Reid I fully expect him to continue this shtick regardless of whether Griffin, or the team, performs well or not. I'm willing to bet he'll ride that shtick all the way to losing his job, if given the opportunity. I just don't think he's capable of anything other than mindless pot stirring...

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I think enough of us have said that part of Sheehan's issues are that he's teamed with Loverro. That's different than Reid just being a jerk in print and on the radio.


Feels that beyond the Skins. They open with the bad news 1st. Nats lose, some Wizard is hurt. Then to the Skins. If those teams win. Then he opens with the Skins and maybe an RG3 recap that nobody wants to hear anymore.


Yes. Its gameday for the preseason. They could fill 2 hours with talk of TE depth. Right side of the OL development. What's going on with Hall's toe. Special Teams issues. Not saying don't mention RG3. But they've done only that so much. They don't even acknowledge the other players until its ****ty. 

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10:04 nats talk but only a few minutes

10:10 Lol these stupid questions to the audience. WHY ARE YOU WATCHING TODAY WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE

Phone lines opened not to talk nats mind you but cousins and Mccoy. Who cares?

10:14 about ten minutes in and I'm nearly half asleep listening to them break down a preseason game. Can you talk something else. ADD really kicking in here. Bored out of my mind.

10:21 forced to listen to ****ty online commercials for about 7 minutes now. DEBT COLLECTION. VIAGRA TOO EXPENSIVE?????? It just keeps going on! Where's the sports? Maybe I might turn to podcasting this garbage.

10:23 baseball bought up. Repeatedly told the phone number to dial in, and repeatedly asked what I'm watching for in the preseason match. Again baseball is discussed for about a minute then they drone on about the Redskins I can't listen to so much redskins talk!!!!!

10:26 Lol this Matt in Stafford dude. Boring. I'm driving into water. I don't understand this call.

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I'm not so sure the nats fans really want the local media talking about the nats...


I mean the die hards, the real baseball fans. I consider myself a nats fan, but not like that, I'm more bandwagony than anything (I just cheer for DC teams... and enjoy doing so, when they're winning, but otherwise don't pay attention)


The only way they're going to talk about the nats as much as the redskins is if:

- The nats current situation is a dumpster fire equal to that of the redskins

- If the nats are contending for the world series; deep in the playoffs or in the actual series. If they win one, that'll change going forward, but right now that's where we are.



Given the current state of the nats, do you want redskins-esque 'analysis' on who should be fire, how soon, and why?


Because, as a redskins-first DC fan, I'd love them to take their negativity and spend hours ranting about how Ovi cares mroe about the olympics than the capitals, or how Matt Williams and Rizzo should be fired because they're a dumpster fire, or any of the other bull**** they normally spend time drumming up about the skins.


I have a hard time believing the die hard caps, nats, or wizards fans want that... until those teams win a title (or come really close), i think that's all they're going to get...

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The Nats should be a big story right now..  maybe not the instant calls for Williams' head.. but in terms of the team foundering when it was expected to do so much better.. it's warranted to criticize, and criticize hard.


Just as it's warranted to criticize the Redskins..  but, so far, i have not heard too much of the ridiculous surgery of the words said or unsaid..

"Well, in the press conference, Williams looked down at his shoes,,  now what are we supposed to make of that?!" - Loverro

"I know, and isn't RG3 awful, too?!" - Reid


As far as WJFK goes,,, i tried,,  maybe i'm just beyond the stage of life where hangin' with backward ball cap wearing bros is fun.



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10:56 Strasburg and nats finally mentioned. Wakes me up from my brief hibernation. Am slightly intrigued.

These guys are rational. They aren't negative. The only problem is they're just boring. They rarely talk baseball and they mostly talk football.

I'm done for today, I can't listen to anymore online ads for cheap viagra and irs

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I hear from a couple people that've dealt with him that Bomani is a really cool guy to kick it with. But his on-air persona makes him seem like a snarky, pompous, know-it-all. Not that he has bad takes, necessarily, but his delivery is an acquired taste.

And he's just an insufferable a-hole on Twitter. Perfect example, a few weeks back, somebody asked him (probably sarcastically), "Is there anything you're impressed by?" Bomani, for reasons known only to him, responds with "Your mom's cardiovascular endurance." Folks were getting on his case because it was so out of left field and uncalled for. Not that he cared.

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that is how bad it is for me. I listened to a discussion of my second least favorite team, instead of listening to anything about my  favorite team.

And it's not as if there's no news to discuss..  how do the new TEs look, how is Breeland,, kicker competition, all the new D signings..  plenty.




You really want a talk radio segment on how the TEs that no one has heard of are doing in practice followed by a discussion of kickers?


Good Christ....


I'd rather listen to 50 hours of "Is Flacco elite" discussions.


"So...how are those Tight Ends doing?"


"Good..I guess. I don't know. One caught a pass yesterday in a 7 on 7 drill, I think. I wasn't really paying attention."


"Awesome......And hey...those kickers."


"Yea...lot of, um, arc...."

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Loverro actually wastes Cal Ripken's time with his clown question about how Griffin should deal with the media...  once again completely ignoring the fact that his histrionics ARE the media causing the problem.


"Cal, how do you think Robert should nswer questions so i don't get my voice into ther stratosphere along with my blood pressure? what should he do to make me act like a grown man and not a silly little 8th grade girl gossiping in class? Cal, is there anything he can say that won't make me act like an embarrassment to broadcast sports?"


to cal's credit, when Squeaky the Cow tried to ham-handedly turn it into a question that cal could relate to.. Cal said,, oh you mean when i stopped talking to them?


So take the hint Squeak.

One of the greatest ballplayers of all time just told you that the problem is YOU.
He then of course did the Cal thing and tried to be diplomatic and say Robert has to be careful of what he says, but then again, he made sure to make it clear that the reason he has to watch what he says is because of people like Loverro.


But of course, laughing it up and squealing like it's the funniest thing on the planet is the response..   and if he had any balls he'd say "F-U Cal, I will act any damn way i please, and a jock like you can't tell me anything."



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Loverro actually wastes Cal Ripken's time with his clown question about how Griffin should deal with the media...  once again completely ignoring the fact that his histrionics ARE the media causing the problem.



I would only ask Cal Ripken questions about his pick up basketball games and how many times he beat up Billy Ripken as a kid.

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You really want a talk radio segment on how the TEs that no one has heard of are doing in practice followed by a discussion of kickers?


Good Christ....


I'd rather listen to 50 hours of "Is Flacco elite" discussions.


"So...how are those Tight Ends doing?"


"Good..I guess. I don't know. One caught a pass yesterday in a 7 on 7 drill, I think. I wasn't really paying attention."


"Awesome......And hey...those kickers."


"Yea...lot of, um, arc...."


yes, that;'s what i want,. All TE all the time.'


Clearly my statement was to illustrate that there is plenty of actual real football news to be discussed, and not have to endure 2 hours of these two clowns acting like children over the same tired ass overblown false controversy of the day.

EVERY day.


But, based on this response, i can see why they see no reason to change. Don't lawyers distort reality to fit their agenda for a living?



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yes, that;'s what i want,. All TE all the time.'


Clearly my statement was to illustrate that there is plenty of actual real football news to be discussed, and not have to endure 2 hours of these two clowns acting like children over the same tired ass overblown false controversy of the day.

EVERY day.


But, based on this response, i can see why they see no reason to change. Don't lawyers distort reality to fit their agenda for a living?




I don't really listen to sports talk radio at this point, aside from podcasts of the LeBatard show - which hasn't actually had a real sports discussion in three months.


Yesterday, they spent 30 minutes trying to figure out if it was possible to have a 4th and 1 from your own 6. It was strangely riveting.


I'm honestly not sure what you are supposed to do with a sports talk show in DC. The only thing people really care about passionately are the Skins. And the Skins are going to be lucky to win 6 games this year.


I would rather perform surgery on myself than have a "serious football discussion" about a 6 win team.


That really only leaves the soap opera stuff, which can clearly get repetitive and boring. But it also seems to keep people invested.


I mean, I'm interested in topic's like


"What would it be like to be Dan Snyder's therapist?"

"Does RGIII consult his brand managers before date night with his wife?"

"FedEx Field: What's up with that?"

"Tell me awful stories about RFK stadium....."

And, as always, I would dedicate a show every August to:

"Who on the team has the best road beef?"


I can't imagine anything more awful than someone breaking down a corner blitz on radio.

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I can definitely relate to all of that.


Every word.


I can even handle some soap opera stuff,, but the Machiavellian genius Loverro and sheehan attribute to RG3 is ridiculous in the extreme.

Squeaky has always been bad, but damn, now he's insufferable, and with the prospect of Reid, Poley ..   and a 4 to 5 win team this season..  

I guess I'm having my season meltdown early this year so i can chill and mope all fall.



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Again. When Shanny signed. He was BEAMING about having final say and total control.

So, when he and Kyle NOW talk about QB's like McNabb or RG3 being forced on them. I call bull****. They also thought they could make a go at it with Rex/Beck. So **** them. Lets see how long Kyle lasts in Atlanta. I think last year looks as bad on him as it does with the Browns.

He may have been TOLD he had total control, but until he's the one signing the checks, he'd never truly have it. It's nice to say though.

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Liz Clarke essentially told Squeaky exactly what sort of ass he's been behaving like in her phone interview during "Skins at 1" she couched it with a lot of hemming and hawing about the national media, but what she said was exactly leveled at him, and she pulled absolutely no punches.


Squeaky never said another word to her til it was time to say good-bye, and he's been pretty subdued ever since.


best bit on that show in a long damn time.


Hope they put it in the podcasts so i can save it forever.



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