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HuffingtonPost: Chile releases official study on UFO photos

Toe Jam

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The government office investigating UFOs in Chile has released an analysis of two high quality photos showing what appear be genuine unidentified flying objects above a remote copper mine.


The office, known as the CEFAA (Committee for the Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena), is located within the Ministerial Department of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC), the equivalent of our FAA, under the jurisdiction of the Chilean Air Force. It is responsible for the analysis of selected reports of unexplained aerial phenomena in Chilean airspace, most of them from pilots and aviation personnel.


The photos were taken at the Collahuasi copper mine, more than 14,000 feet above sea level in the Andean plateau in the far north of Chile. An extremely remote location with low oxygen levels and unusually clear skies, the area is desolate and inhospitable. The Collahuasi mine produces copper concentrate, copper cathodes and molybdenum concentrate from three open-pit mineral deposits. (Click here for a map).


Four technicians - professionals specializing in electricity, electronics, and fluid control - were working there in April, 2013. They witnessed a disc-shaped object which approached slowly and was present for more than an hour, moving around in different positions and hovering at about 2000 feet. One technician took pictures with his Kenox Samsung S860 camera. The strange object made no sound, and eventually moved away towards the East.


The witnesses decided not to tell anybody because of the negative associations they had with UFO sightings, and therefore had every intention of always keeping the sighting private. But some months later, the photographer casually showed the pictures to the chief engineer at the mine, who asked for copies. The engineer sent the images to the CEFAA in February, and provided the agency with information reported to him by the witnesses. He too has requested anonymity.


Chile's meteorological office at the DGAC confirmed that there was an absolute clear sky at that time, and that there was no possibility of lenticular clouds. All other meteorological phenomena have been ruled out by Chilean officials as a possible explanation.


CEFAA officials told me they determined that there were no drones operating near the mine. "People in that zone know about drones," said Jose Lay, international affairs director for the CEFAA. "Fishing companies use drones and they make a lot of noise. This was definitely not a drone." DGAC officials also ruled out any experimental aircraft, planes, weather balloons, or anything else that could explain the incident.


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Tyson makes a good argument.  Photographs, videos, and eyewitness testimony are inconclusive. We need better evidence than we have if we are going to say anything positive about UFO sightings beyond "they're unidentified."


I think it is true that there have been phenomena we cannot easily explain (perhaps the UFO in the OP is an example).  But as Tyson points out, we cannot infer ETs or anything else from that.  All we can say is we don't know.


That said, I have to admit I get a kick out of a good UFO story (one of the rare ones that is not easily explained).  Mysteries are fun.

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I keep remembering an old Sci Fi story.

The story is set on the bridge of the alien spacecraft that's orbiting the Earth. Of course, Earth is unaware that they're here. The aliens technology is, of course, vastly superior to Earth. There is no chance whatsoever of the humans spotting the aliens, unless the aliens deliberately choose to reveal themselves.

And everybody is bored out of their minds. They've been orbiting Earth for four years, on their five year shift. Sitting around, pretty much doing a whole lot of nothing. They're conducting an experiment. But the experiment involves an incredible amount of sitting around doing nothing.

They've been doing this for four years. One more year, and they can leave, and some other ship from their Federation can sit here for the next five years. One alien ship or another has been doing this, ever since the Federation detected that humans had developed nuclear weapons, and had left their planet.

The only thing they do, at very rare intervals, is to intentionally reveal themselves. But only under carefully controlled conditions. They will reveal themselves, but only to two people in the middle of nowhere. Or they will become naked eye visible to everybody in a city, but not show up on radar. Or they will show up on radar, but only on some radars, and not on others.

But, most of the time, they just sit in orbit, invisible. And do nothing.

A crewman approaches the captain. "The latest poll is in, sir". The captain goes to his cabin, to receive the data.

Seems that, at irregular intervals, the aliens commission a public opinion poll, asking people whether they believe that UFOs are evidence of extraterrestrial aliens.

The aliens do not care how many people say "yes" or "no" on the poll. They only care about the "don't know" number.

If the "don't know" number goes above 90%, then the aliens will reveal themselves to the Humans, and invite then into the Federation.

If the "don't know" number goes below 10%, then they will destroy the Earth. Because humans possess dangerous technology, but they make up their minds with insufficient information. The aliens have intentionally been making sure that the humans do not have conclusive evidence, one way or the other.

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That saucer was out of the 50s. Chile must have been visited by a lesser advanced civilization



Maybe the alien has a little swag, and can appreciate a good throwback.


Lol - the pilot of the UFO could have made a SWAG (Scientific Wild Assed Guess) and ended up in Chile.

All the best spaceships visit the USA.




I saw that ship in Roanoke VA and said "Beam Me Up Scottie," but TK broke in with "Hi There" and the ship vanished.

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