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Anthony Cumia of Opie and Anthony fame fired over racist remarks


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Maybe I'm just getting beaten down by the media but I'm tired of everyone being offended by everyone else. I think people need to grow a pair. It's like we are a nation of children at this point.

Nah man. Hate is bad.

Yeah as a black person, I'm sorry **** like this offends me

My bad

Grow a pair, will ya?


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What offends me is people thinking that the board members of the radio station actually give a crap about "civil rights"


They don't give a crap about you they care about one thing. How to get you to subscribe to their radio station.


I bet they are high fiving each other right now. They didn't have to pay anyone for advertising and all these bloggers are posting on twitter and FB and their sites are getting tons of hits. I bet some people even subscribed. I bet people are downloading podcasts of the show I bet people are sharing youtube vids of the show getting the word around.


And they didnt have to pay a dime.


The lynch mob mentality makes it easy to forget how the exact same situations that only happened a year ago ended.


And they fuel you on rage and wanting to burn the next thing that you think is injustice because everyone wants to fight for civil rights now its the hip thing to do. If only the real civil rights protestors were here they would be rolling in their graves. People too lazy to do anything except sit at a computer and change their twitter avatar.


A nation of fat lynch mob slaves burning everything just so they can say "Everyone is equal mmkay look what i'm doing"


"I can change my twitter avatar but sorry I can't go to the rally I'm going to the bar with my friends"

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Yeah as a black person, I'm sorry **** like this offends me

My bad


Why exactly should he be fired?

Between the Redskins being called a racist organization and the right wing taking over media organizing an impeachment of the president I'm having trouble figuring out what I should be offended about.

Perhaps I'm desensitized.

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Well I'm the one who listened to O&A for over a decade starting from the JFK days


My commentary is more suited for the reddit but keeping as clean as can be, yes, he did make a lot of inappropriate jokes on the radio program, but many of his words were taken out of context. As a follower of his twitter he also made several comments that provoked racial discussion which were misinterpreted by many. 


One of the criticisms is his Eugenics rant, which I won't get into here plus I'm drunk on 12% alcohol wine. But most of the time what he said was taken out of context. In his twitter comment following firing he said he was fired "for something that happened off air". 


Do I want him back, yes, but having him gone is no big loss. The O&A show was declining anyway and their contract is almost up. It's unlikely they will go on past October. 


However, these guys were actdually funny unlike Howard Stern who works 3 days a week. And yes, they feuded with Don and Mike back in the JFK days. But they made up. They're good pals now. 

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Why exactly should he be fired?

Between the Redskins being called a racist organization and the right wing taking over media organizing an impeachment of the president I'm having trouble figuring out what I should be offended about.

Perhaps I'm desensitized.

Are some of you guys drink this early?

I know it's the 4th but jeez

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if he's been like this his whole career that makes it even worse.  scary how much support this psycho is getting on the net


"they are not human" "savages" 

Everyone whose saying he was like this his whole career is over-exaggerating. The man was always your typical "Anti-PC" shock jock type, but most of them don't buy half the stuff they say when they start out. However, years of having an unchecked microphone and a fanbase that will lap up every word, they start to believe the things they were originally just saying for ratings. 

Cumia reminds me a bit of Dennis Miller though(Not in intellect obviously).

2 guys that let a major event(Miller with 9/11 & Cumia with Obama's election) drive their viewpoints and sanity straight off a cliff.

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Anyone who regularly listened to this show should be ashamed.

Dude spewed racist bs every ****ing apparently. The twitter thing is irrelevant to me:

Yeah as a black person, I'm sorry **** like this offends me

My bad


If you listened to the show firsthand you'd know it was more racial awareness and discussion rather than flat out racism. YES he did have a eugenics discussion. I won't argue on that because that's bad. But most of the time he made poignant racial commentary about the black community and why won't they work hard to get out of the hood. Kind of like what Stephen A Smith and Bill Cosby said. And both of them got backlash too from the black community. 


Most of what he said were just observations on the community and violence in general. If you'd listened to the show you'd understand that. 


Also, these guys lost that shock jock value a long time ago. They used to do a bunch of stunts and SHOCKING acts. After they went to SiriusXM it was mostly political talk with humor interspersed. 


Explain how "niggermania" was taken out of context



You are singling out a few examples instead of his whole body of work. I told you his whole body of work was largely critical of the black community for not working hard enough to get out of the hood. If that is "racist" because he's pointing that out, then he's a "racist" apparently.  :rolleyes:

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I guess that post backfired I'm not actually trolling this topic I really do think that this is all about free publicity just like the Duck Dynasty issue.  It's pretty much the exact same thing and we know how the other thing ended. I just don't want my fellow people to be falling for this childsplay.


That how to troll post should be used for Yahoo and CNN boards not ES. ;)  

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I have inherent bias because of my long tenure listening to that program. It was not always race baiting. It was originally comedic stunts like having people go around NYC landmarks doing things, and prank calling people saying the mayor was dead, and stuff like that. Silly SHOCK JOCK stuff. 


O&A aren't shock jocks anymore. The shock jock is dead. After they went to satellite radio they started to discuss current events more because their shock jock stunts were not allowed by lawyers. 


Anthony Cumia is a republican and started to use that platform more to bash liberals and make commentary about Obama after he was elected. The show really took a political turn around that time, but it was never flat-out despicable racism. Trust me, if it was, if he had said anything flat-out-offensive, they would have fired him then and there. A lot of what he said on air was a social commentary on the state of African Americans in the ghetto. I do follow him on Twitter, but I never noticed anything extremely offensive. I did however notice people using the "racist" card when they had nothing else to go to, it was like a bomb that they dropped to end an argument. They would also twist his words out of proportion. "Why did you say all black people are animals?" "I never said that." 


In the end, yes, he was attacked by an angry woman, and he did go on rants afterwards, but he should have been suspended. O&A's contract as I point out was almost up anyway. They just sent him an email and sacked him. Just like that. No meetings. No negotiation. To many uninitiated with the program, this might be "justice", but the show has done much worse, especially with a homeless guy implying Condoleeza Rice should be abused, and the minimum was a suspension there. One of the show staffers also went on a homophobic attack and got suspended, he's not allowed to talk on the program anymore. 


RT @AnthonyCumia Most of the people happy I was fired don't and won't subscribe to Siruis. The real O&A fans are canceling subs. Good move Sirius.
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Between the Redskins being called a racist organization and the right wing taking over media organizing an impeachment of the president I'm having trouble figuring out what I should be offended about.

Perhaps I'm desensitized.


Aside from anything else previously mentioned, you have zero problem with a female being attacked with the C word? Much less publicly with such venom as this?


Stunt or reality this whole thing is an absolute disgrace whichever way anyone tries to cut it.



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DESPICABLE excuse for a 'man.'

And ANYONE either listening (when he's back on air) or condoning/ excusing this low life POS is little better IMHO.

I hope she sues his ass for slander and anything else she can get him on. Just how the Police haven't acted says more about the ridiculous state of affairs of the law than anything.



What did he do that police have to act on? I think I missed something. Isn't the story that he took a picture of a random woman and that she kicked his ass?

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The show was on the decline and their contracts are up after OCtober anyway so none of them will still be employed by the company past then. It was 20 years of gold though, and funnier than anything Howard put on air. Howard is a disgraceful washed-up former media icon who doesn't even do radio a full week anymore. 


Aside from anything else previously mentioned, you have zero problem with a female being attacked with the C word? Much less publicly with such venom as this?


Stunt or reality this whole thing is an absolute disgrace whichever way anyone tries to cut it.




 It's a real shame that Anthony had to go and get a red card here, isn't it, Macca? You got to admit, he's been stupid. 

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Seriously? 'Name calling?' That was ALL that was?

You're justifying that by an (alleged) attack.

Two wrongs make a right now huh and give someone Cart Blanche to respond in anyway they see fit?



Yes. Mean words and physical assaults are quite different. Cumia didn't name names, he didn't single anyone out.

What did he do that police have to act on? I think I missed something. Isn't the story that he took a picture of a random woman and that she kicked his ass?

His story is that she attacked him.

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