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2015 MLB Thread - Hot Stove Edition


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I think he already addressed that..


You'll have to excuse me as I didn't see anything he said at all during this exchange


So I was watching the game the other day and they were talking about the Braves and their situation moving out of a park that was only recently built about a decade or so ago. It's quite odd that they're moving already from Turner Field. It isn't like Turner Field is a dilapidated dump, it isn't. It's a perfectly fine field. So the TV broadcasters were asking, why are they moving from there to North Atlanta? 


There are supposedly more fans there, but those fans can't drive downtown? The Braves have always played in downtown. It just makes no sense. 

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You'll have to excuse me as I didn't see anything he said at all during this exchange

So I was watching the game the other day and they were talking about the Braves and their situation moving out of a park that was only recently built about a decade or so ago. It's quite odd that they're moving already from Turner Field. It isn't like Turner Field is a dilapidated dump, it isn't. It's a perfectly fine field. So the TV broadcasters were asking, why are they moving from there to North Atlanta?

There are supposedly more fans there, but those fans can't drive downtown? The Braves have always played in downtown. It just makes no sense.

I did address it, by saying "teams have bad games". In fact, they have MANY of them over the course of a 162-game season. So do pitchers. Hell Clayton Kershaw just got bombed in one of his last few starts...by ARIZONA.

Furthermore, Boston may have lost 10 in a row, but they are the defending WS champs. They get paid, too. And the two main guys that killed us today were Pedroia and Ortiz, the same two guys that are responsible for the Red Sox success the last decade or so.

As for the new stadium rant: might help if you kept up with the thread a little better. That topic was largely discussed here, around the time it was announced they were building a new ballpark. And it's been discussed a few times since.

Being as clueless as you are, you want to blame the Braves organization for moving. It's the city of Atlanta's fault for them moving out of downtown. The city promised the Braves a lot of things, but didn't come through. I would go over all of those things, but, like I said, it's already been discussed. So I'm not about to keep repeating it.

Bottom line, stop making idiotic posts and there wont be any problems.

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The Jays lineup is very good, no doubt. But their pitching staff has been, by any measure, bad. 6th worst staff ERA and 2nd worst bullpen ERA. I don't see you guys making the playoffs, because at some point the Yankess, Sox and Rays will snap out of it and make a run.

That's what the pen was ranked, with their closer injured & one of their best set up men getting a tryout as a starter. Plus who cares about bullpen ERA? If your team is up 3, I don't care if my closer allows 2 runs, just win baby!

Starting pitching is weak but is coming around, they will need to find another reliable starter or have the bats & the pen try to hold it together. GM is on the hotseat, I expect him to make a trade for a starter before the deadline, he'll gladly give away a pitching prospect who is a year or 2 away since he probably won't be there if the team isn't contending.

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That's what the pen was ranked, with their closer injured & one of their best set up men getting a tryout as a starter. Plus who cares about bullpen ERA? If your team is up 3, I don't care if my closer allows 2 runs, just win baby!


The problem with that theory is this: if you make the playoffs, you will be facing great pitching every night. So there likely won't be as many games where you're up 3. Thus, you will need some relievers who can close a tight game out.

The Jays are an exciting club to watch. Hope you guys do pick up another quality starter and a reliever or two. Could be a tough out in the playoffs, should you get in.

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The problem with that theory is this: if you make the playoffs, you will be facing great pitching every night. So there likely won't be as many games where you're up 3. Thus, you will need some relievers who can close a tight game out.

The real problem is how the Jays are going to win without Encarnacion hitting a homer a night.
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The problem with that theory is this: if you make the playoffs, you will be facing great pitching every night. So there likely won't be as many games where you're up 3. Thus, you will need some relievers who can close a tight game out.

The Jays are an exciting club to watch. Hope you guys do pick up another quality starter and a reliever or two. Could be a tough out in the playoffs, should you get in.

That's all the fans need this year, get in, even a wild card, and that's all the GM needs to save his job for a year. They do not have the pitching to win it all this year, unless they pick up Samardjiz-which might not even be enough- or have Hutchinson turn into a stud by September, & maybe Stroman who just got sent back down turn into a reliable starter. & provided the bats stay hot-which they won't obviously. But leading your division while on a hot streak is a great place to be even in May, pad that lead for the eventual slump.

Heck, just fighting for a wildcard spot by the end of August might be enough for the fans with how long they have gone without.

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The rate they have been hitting them has been unreal.

& Bautista isnt even hitting many lately. They got to ride this high while they can.

& just to show you can find a stat to support any argument, I know the Jays starters are weak, but they are 2nd in the AL in wins by starting pitchers, with like 23, Detroit has 24/25. The pen is holding leads, even if they are giving up runs, they have to be since I the Jays have only had 2 or 3 starters go into the 8th, no complete games so far, I think only Dickey got outs in the 9th once earlier this week.

Now 7 in a row & the second AL team to 30 wins. They'd be in a great spot winning 2 more vs the Rays & get 3 of 4 vs the Royals after that before cooling off.

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I'm not saying he will win it, but Hudson is putting himself in the talks for Cy Young so far. It would be hilarious (just to see the reaction from Braves fans here) if he did win it this year. 




BTW - seeing the high rent Dodgers play .500 baseball for a little more than the first 1/3 of the year has been awesome. I don't think they have another 53-13 run in them..so if SF can bury them far enough (7.5 games right now)..I will be a happy fan this year.

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I'm not saying he will win it, but Hudson is putting himself in the talks for Cy Young so far. It would be hilarious (just to see the reaction from Braves fans here) if he did win it this year. 




BTW - seeing the high rent Dodgers play .500 baseball for a little more than the first 1/3 of the year has been awesome. I don't think they have another 53-13 run in them..so if SF can bury them far enough (7.5 games right now)..I will be a happy fan this year.

The same Tim Hudson that is 13th in WAR amongst NL pitchers? Pretty sure Wainwright is the heads on favorite. Hudson isn't even the best pitcher on his team.

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