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Thank you ES!


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I just need for everyone to know how much I appreciate all of you!


Through my tenure here at ES, I've had more people reach out to me than I can possibly begin to attempt to try and explain.


I've had former players call my son on his birthday, I've had members pray for my children, I've had people extend a helping hand and give advice when I needed it, and I've had people go out of their way to do things for me and my family that I wouldn't have expected from someone I know personally!


All I'm saying (and I hope this isn't breaking any rules), is that I appreciate all of you. Thank you all for being there, in good times and bad.


Some of you (and I wish I could give you proper credit, but I understand what that would mean for you), have pure hearts of gold. And I will never forget what you've done for me and my kids. 


All I'm saying is that, even though we argue, fuss, and fight on a message board, you NEVER know who you're actually talking to.


We're all in this together, through good times and bad, and if it wasn't for ES, I know my family and I wouldn't have had the pleasure of meeting some of the most generous, kind hearted people on the planet  :) .


So, for that, I thank all of you.


We ARE family in some convoluted type of way....





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Brandy, if you ever make it to a home game come tailgate with the ES crew.

It's always nice to put a face with a screen name. Pez and Huly are the greatest Skins fans and tailgaters I've ever met.


Oh I believe that! And thanks! Next season, I'm absolutely gonna make it up there to some home games. You guys are the best!

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