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WP: Will Robert Griffin help or hurt the next Washington Head Coach?


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I agree, would only make things worse inside organization than it already is.

Why is Shanahan so anti-Briles? Could it be that he fears the production that RG3 would put up?

Last time the Skins made a coaching hire to appease media scrutiny, we ended up with Zorn.

Double down on RG3. Hire Briles and make Shanahan and the media look like chumps. If it fails, won't be much worse than now.

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Regardless of whether or not this is true, it's kind of hard not to believe that RG3 is diva-ish.


It's kind of like saying Michael Jackson is innocent.  There may be no concrete evidence, but if people constantly say the same thing about you, then it may be true.  


To sit there and deny that he doesn't have a huge ego issue would be contrary to everything the media has reported this year.  


And if it is as bad as the media says, then we MAY have a coach-killer on our hands.   

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No NFL player is dumb enough to do the things Jenkins alleges RG3 did. Not even remotely believable.

Really?  There have been some pretty large ego's that have played in the NFL... T.O.  Chad Ocho, Randy Moss, Fat Albert,  Tony Mandarich, Jeff George, Shockey, PacMan, the list can go on and on.

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And you know this? What about Santana calling out RGIIIs leadership? What about Pierre calling out RGIII and the passing? Not saying everything is true, but, this is not the first time we have heard these things.

Have yet to hear any player come out in RGIIIs defense. Where there is smoke, there is fire.


Plenty of players have come out in his defense. Trent Williams did prior to the Eagles game. 


I know Sally has no sources in the locker room because she is never in the locker room. She is up on Park Avenue in NYC

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Why is Shanahan so anti-Briles? Could it be that he fears the production that RG3 would put up?

Last time the Skins made a coaching hire to appease media scrutiny, we ended up with Zorn.

Double down on RG3. Hire Briles and make Shanahan and the media look like chumps. If it fails, won't be much worse than now.

The media had nothing to do with Zorn being hired. EVERYONE was caught by surprise with that.

Briles would be an absolute mistake, not only for RGIII and his growth, but the already huge perception of power he has within

I don't believe Shannahan is the least bit threatened by a career high school / college coach who has not won anything of importance compared to 2 Super Bowls.

Plenty of players have come out in his defense. Trent Williams did prior to the Eagles game. 


I know Sally has no sources in the locker room because she is never in the locker room. She is up on Park Avenue in NYC

No he didn't. The only thing he said was that's is BS. He didn't then follow up with anything of substance. Ok, you said plenty of players, anybody else?

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Sally also failed to mention that Robert is in Maui while Bruce, Scott, and Morocco conduct the interviews.

ok... lol... as if Bruce was gonna have Robert sit in on the interviews?  Where are you heading with this?  Thant the only way to endict that RG has communicated anything about who gets hired is if he's part of the process directly?  


Oh, so potential candidates walk out of the interview and tell the press that RG was part of the process.


 RG certainly could and possibly would communicate the type of coach he wants to play for.  He did say he fig'd that he'd be playing for a different coach next year.  That in essence is stating your thoughts in more than just an off handed way.  There were zero other players that chimed in about Shanny or anything.  In fact any thing that was published was supportive.

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No he didn't. The only thing he said was that's is BS. He didn't then follow up with anything of substance. Ok, you said plenty of players, anybody else?


From an ESPN article... http://espn.go.com/blog/washington-redskins/post/_/id/3732/cofield-monday-was-a-normal-day

He said he hasn't seen the preferential treatment by owner Dan Snyder to quarterback Robert Griffin III reported in an ESPN.com report Sunday, an issue that has irked Shanahan.

“The only thing that really matters to a football team, I didn't see any of that,” Cofield said. “If you're talking about off the field stuff that has nothing to do with football I don't think that has anything to do with anything. If there's a guy who didn't have to come to meetings or come to practice or run or lift, that could be a problem. Robert's one of the hardest workers on the team and tireless in the meeting rooms. I don't see any of that having any effect on this team. It hasn't come up and this story caught everyone off guard.



- Barry Cofield... Team Captain


Go spew your garbage somewhere else.

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The media and fans through the media had everything to do with Zorn being promoted from OC to head coach over hiring Fassel.


This is true.  In fact, we WERE going to hire Fassel (sure, not the most inspired choice but he had shown himself to be somewhat competent) and the fan backlash led us to hire Zorn instead when we had no one else to really step in.

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This is true.  In fact, we WERE going to hire Fassel (sure, not the most inspired choice but he had shown himself to be somewhat competent) and the fan backlash led us to hire Zorn instead when we had no one else to really step in.

You have to remember that people only remember what they want to remember.  It's called a convenient memory.

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From an ESPN article... http://espn.go.com/blog/washington-redskins/post/_/id/3732/cofield-monday-was-a-normal-day


- Barry Cofield... Team Captain


Go spew your garbage somewhere else.

Thank you for your kind words. If you understood the comments, had nothing to do with Dan Snyder and RGIII, had to do with story of OL not helping RGIII up after being knocked down. Nowhere did I reference Dan Snyder.

I guess Santana comments and Pierre comments are garbage too? Like I said before, don't believe everything I hear, just know there is bits of truth in everything being written. Just because you don't want to believe it, doesn't mean it is a lie

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Thank you for your kind words. If you understood the comments, had nothing to do with Dan Snyder and RGIII, had to do with story of OL not helping RGIII up after being knocked down. Nowhere did I reference Dan Snyder.

I guess Santana comments and Pierre comments are garbage too? Like I said before, don't believe everything I hear, just know there is bits of truth in everything being written. Just because you don't want to believe it, doesn't mean it is a lie


You were implying that RG3's teammates have nothing positive to say about him, regardless of whether it was about Snyder or not.  A previous poster proved you wrong.  I just did as well.  Accept it and move on.

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Here is what concerns me... Outright lies are rare. Not just in journalism, pretty much everywhere

There are liberties taken I'm sure, but even if you take that into account, some of this is troubling

My hope at this point is that RGIII plays so well that nobody cares. Look at Brett Favre. It can be done

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Why did I even read that?

I can't believe that she gets paid to come up with this crap. She comes off as a gossipy old bag that has been scorned by the team and is doing her best to make it look bad as some sort of revenge.

There isn't much that I can get behind in that article.

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You were implying that RG3's teammates have nothing positive to say about him, regardless of whether it was about Snyder or not.  A previous poster proved you wrong.  I just did as well.  Accept it and move on.

Never said players never said anything positive about him. I also mentioned above how I hoped all this was BS! These stories do nothing but devise an already divided locker room. There are always 2 sides to stories and truth is always in middle.

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Anyone who thinks RG3 is a negative and not a positive for a new head coach has been reading too many amateur blogs. Most coaches joining a 3-13 team either don't have a QB period or they're working with a rookie or 2nd year who usually isn't any good. Any coach with an ounce of confidence in his own ability to develop a QB looks at RG3 and sees a good player who needs to be put back on the right path.

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Here is what concerns me... Outright lies are rare. Not just in journalism, pretty much everywhere

There are liberties taken I'm sure, but even if you take that into account, some of this is troubling

My hope at this point is that RGIII plays so well that nobody cares. Look at Brett Favre. It can be done

Honestly, I think a lot of it is conjecture. I think she's telling the "truth" as she sees it. It reads like an OP-ed piece.

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I still can't believe anyone will use the excuse "The WashingtonPost hates Dan Snyder". I know journalism now a days isn't what it use to be but that's a discussion for the tailgate. I agree that they do hate Snyder but you can't just discount STORY after Story after story after story.  There has to be some shred of truth to what they are reporting. 

Also, I think that when you're losing the media looks for something, anything, to use against you to bring you down.  Just last season RGIII was the poster child for the NFL.  This all reminds me of what happened with Cam Newton after his 2nd season.  The media called him out as not being a leader.  How he'd got so DOWN after a loss or during a game when the team was losing that it affected teammates.  All kinds of crap was written about him..

Guess what? He's in the playoffs and winning and all that noise is gone.  This may seem bad right now but eventually, when RGIII wins again, it will be forgotten and forgiven.

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This is true.  In fact, we WERE going to hire Fassel (sure, not the most inspired choice but he had shown himself to be somewhat competent) and the fan backlash led us to hire Zorn instead when we had no one else to really step in.

The fan backlash did keep them from hiring Fassell, don't disagree with that. However, when did the fans and media specifically Ask for Zorn being hired?

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Somewhere in Denver a bitter man about to cash a 7 million dollar check is smiling.

"Once you get beyond a million dollars, it's still the same hamburger": Bill Gates says being a billionaire is overrated

No NFL player is dumb enough to do the things Jenkins alleges RG3 did. Not even remotely believable.

Not in a million years would Robert say this about the Owner.

Portis? Yep. Lavar? Yep. Albert? Yep.

Robert? Hell no!!

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Here is what concerns me... Outright lies are rare. Not just in journalism, pretty much everywhere

There are liberties taken I'm sure, but even if you take that into account, some of this is troubling

My hope at this point is that RGIII plays so well that nobody cares. Look at Brett Favre. It can be done


I agree.


Clearly the place was poisoned and hostile. It is a major factor as to why the team played so bad this year.

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