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Music Videos That Everyone Should See Once


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I'm not talking about the classics like Michael Jackson's Thriller or Peter Gabriel's Sledgehammer or stuff like that.


I'm talking about the weird ones, ones that make you go "What the hell?"


Videos like this live performance from the last Eurovision contest:




Top that.  Entertain us.

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Ok, I like Nelly, so I googled that, watched it for about 40 seconds.   Ack.  Definitely Not Safe For Work.      


You have to understand it from a cultural perspective; at one time, that WAS the reason you stayed up late at night to watch BET Uncut (this is before youtube really took off and could watch videos on demand). Not the best song or video, just a classic among my generation can laugh about when's it brought up, imo

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You have to understand it from a cultural perspective; at one time, that WAS the reason you stayed up late at night to watch BET Uncut (this is before youtube really took off and could watch videos on demand). Not the best song or video, just a classic among my generation can laugh about when's it brought up, imo


Not knocking it.   I just shouldn't have watched it here at my workplace.   :blink:

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You have to understand it from a cultural perspective; at one time, that WAS the reason you stayed up late at night to watch BET Uncut (this is before youtube really took off and could watch videos on demand). Not the best song or video, just a classic among my generation can laugh about when's it brought up, imo

Man...I was like 8-9 when I first saw that lol.


That's the definitive "uncut" video right there 

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Let's warm up with some classics.


Finland's darlings of the late 1970s




Ever wonder where the Apache song started? It was in 1960, long before Incredible Bongo Band immortalized it (dat drum break) or Sugarhill, MixALot, and FatboySlim got hold of it. Between its first recording and its hip-hop resurrection, the best Apache video in the history of the universe was made. Here is that video.





Moldova 2010, where music retires and waits to die of ear cancer




The worst bassist of all time is so bad, even the worst vocalist of all time shakes his head in disgust




Good for a chuckle. Fun starts at 0m35s.




This guy is here.




Okay, now some stuff you never should have watched and shame on you if you did.



Make it more than 30 seconds through this one. Do it. Make it to 1m40s and the video loops all the way around from godawful to godawfully-great. 




This one... I just... don't... can't... stop... brain... hurt




Lighter fare. New one from They Might Be Giants.  Carnivores beware.




Time to stop. Everybody's best interest, etc.

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