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Ok, So I'm Wrong About Cam Newton


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I love his on-field persona. Dude has fun on the field. I am sorry but cannot hate it. Pierre Garcon spins the ball after every first down, do you call him a tool on the field? I listen to his interviews now and I think he gets it now.

As far as his past off the field, maybe he is a dick. I'm only concerned with his on-field self and I enjoy him.

I'm on record here many times saying I hate the ball-spinning. And Moss cost us a game once by showboating.
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Lol...looks like DG still doesn't get it. Come back in four weeks, DG.

@Braveonthewarpath, Griff is starting to come back to form. Even though statistically, his first two games are more impressive, they are some of the worst performances I've seen Griffin played. Unlike DG, I don't look at useless stats to judge performance on the field.

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A lot of ppl pull the similar arguments against our very own QB and they are just as bull**** in his case

DG is going hard right now lol

I've shot down his weak stat argument every time.

Lol...looks like DG still doesn't get it. Come back in four weeks, .

What do you expect from a guy that thinks Ryan Tannehill is as good as Andrew Luck Lmao.

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Meanwhile DG still trying to find some 2 year old articles on Cam Newton that has nothing to do with our discussion.

I've shot down his weak stat argument every time.

What do you expect from a guy that thinks Ryan Tannehill is as good as Andrew Luck Lmao.

Wow, did he really say that? I didn't really went through the first 4 pages of the thread I started.
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Meanwhile DG still trying to find some 2 year old articles on Cam Newton that has nothing to do with our discussion.

Wow, did he really say that? I didn't really went through the first 4 pages of the thread I started.

He had Tannehill and Luck rated on the same line a week or so ago. I even gave him the chance to take it back after the Colts beat the Broncos. LOL. Nothing. Yet he accuses ME of being a hater!

Edit: he may have said that in a different thread. It's there though.

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It seems the anti-Newton crowd in here is incapable of formulating an argument without attempting to belittle their opposition or end their posts in "lol" or "rotflmao." I have no dog in this fight. I haven't watched a lot of Cam play. But I know which side of the argument, in this thread, is full of nothing but empty assertations. Just quit Bubble, you have no leg to stand on.

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It seems the anti-Newton crowd in here is incapable of formulating an argument without attempting to belittle their opposition or end their posts in "lol" or "rotflmao." I have no dog in this fight. I haven't watched a lot of Cam play. But I know which side of the argument, in this thread, is full of nothing but empty assertations. Just quit Bubble, you have no leg to stand on.

"I have no dog in this fight"....BUT I hate Bubble because he's a Braves fan, so let me intervene without bringing anything to the discussion.
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I don't know what's crazier.  Skins fans coming outta the woodwork to defend Cam, or a lone Skins madman in the book depository shooting him down.


Cam is no bust. He is showing improvement and winning NFL football games.  I am on several boards and Bubble is the only guy in the world that is taking shots at the guy.  


Again, there are at least 15 teams in the NFL that would trade a 1st round pick for Cam, tomorrow.  

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I don't know what's crazier. Skins fans coming outta the woodwork to defend Cam, or a lone Skins madman in the book depository shooting him down.

Cam is no bust. He is showing improvement and winning NFL football games. I am on several boards and Bubble is the only guy in the world that is taking shots at the guy.

Again, there are at least 15 teams in the NFL that would trade a 1st round pick for Cam, tomorrow.

I don't recall saying he was a bust. And yeah, he's won his last 3 games, but the combined record of those teams is 5-22. He's beaten no one in his career. In fact, he's only beaten two teams with winning records...ever. He has never even sniffed the playoffs, etc. He's mostly flash, little substance.

And I don't know why you keep saying that last part, as if that means anything. The Colts just traded a 1st for a RB. Of course, with so many QB-needy teams, there would be interest.

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Bubble, they don't live here like we do and have to see the complete ignorance and arrogance the vast majority of Panther fans have.  Not to mention the pure hate they have towards the Redskins and RGIII.  I could care less if Cam threw for 10,000 yards, 100 TDs (60 pass/40 rush) if the teams record at the end of the day is 6-10 and 7-9, no playoffs and beating horrible teams like they are this year, it doesn't really matter.


And while the verdict is still out on both RG3 and Cam as far as will they be busts or legends is still out, but I'll take my chances with RG3 any day of the week.  RG3 came in and made an immediate impact on a horrible football team, setting some rookie records himself while leading us to a 10-6 record, division title and playoff appearance.  With all that aside, all they talk about is how RG3 is a bust, Cam can do it all, Cam's not the same cause he's bigger and doesn't get hurt running like RG3, and blah blah blah blah blah.


And how funny is it when you talk to Panthers fans......100% of the ones that have/had season tickets claimed to have attended and stuck out every single home game, regardless of rain/sleet/snow/hurricane/tornado/tsunami/etc. during the 1-15 season.  If that were the case the stadium wouldnt have been 1/8th full by mid-season with peeps trying to give you tickets lol.

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Exactly, Taze. That's why I've been so outspoken in this thread, because these Cam apologists here are acting similar to their fans.

Btw, did you hear QCB's comment on the radio the other day? He said that there aren't any true Panther fans over the age of 33 Lol. He's an idiot, but there is some truth to that.

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LOL, I didn't hear that, but its along the lines of what I tell "Panther Fans" that are grown men ages.  The only true Panther fans are 24 years of age or younger lol.  That's being generous assuming they started watching football at age 6.   I've lived in the area my entire life and still don't understand how people can quickly abandon the team they pulled for before the Panthers (in 1995).......but then I see them abandon the Panthers when they are horrible, so its fitting.


And the crazy thing is, I don't hate the Panthers lol.  I don't mind if they have success, unless it impacts the outcome of the Redskins season.  

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Bubble, they don't live here like we do and have to see the complete ignorance and arrogance the vast majority of Panther fans have.  Not to mention the pure hate they have towards the Redskins and RGIII.  I could care less if Cam threw for 10,000 yards, 100 TDs (60 pass/40 rush) if the teams record at the end of the day is 6-10 and 7-9, no playoffs and beating horrible teams like they are this year, it doesn't really matter.


And while the verdict is still out on both RG3 and Cam as far as will they be busts or legends is still out, but I'll take my chances with RG3 any day of the week.  RG3 came in and made an immediate impact on a horrible football team, setting some rookie records himself while leading us to a 10-6 record, division title and playoff appearance.  With all that aside, all they talk about is how RG3 is a bust, Cam can do it all, Cam's not the same cause he's bigger and doesn't get hurt running like RG3, and blah blah blah blah blah.


And how funny is it when you talk to Panthers fans......100% of the ones that have/had season tickets claimed to have attended and stuck out every single home game, regardless of rain/sleet/snow/hurricane/tornado/tsunami/etc. during the 1-15 season.  If that were the case the stadium wouldnt have been 1/8th full by mid-season with peeps trying to give you tickets lol.

what does RG3 have to do with this thread? lol
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what does RG3 have to do with this thread? lol

Nothing, but I was trying to give you insight as to what Panther fans say and the way they act.  Along with their pure hatred for the Redskins, which really makes zero sense.   They think he is the next coming of Christ.  Don't believe that?  Live here.  It's amazing the demi-god worship that assclown gets.  

And YES, I think he's a ****ing assclown the way he acts, what his own teammates say about him and his pouting years 1 and 2.  He has yet to produce results, they are still a losing franchise with him.  And they will not make the playoffs this year either, book it.  


The way Panthers fans act, you would think he was Joe Montana and lead the Panthers to four Super Bowl wins...........

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exactly. stick to the topic.

Oh I'm sorry Joe, didn't realize you lacked the ability to understand my stance on Cam while separating the additional background information on their delusional fans and how they think, citing RGIII as an example they so frequently bring up when defending Cam to Redskins fans......particularly Redskins fans (like me and Bubble) that actually live in Charlotte, NC.


So, let me re-post, this time only about Cam......


Bubble, they don't live here like we do and have to see the complete ignorance and arrogance the vast majority of Panther fans have.  I could care less if Cam threw for 10,000 yards, 100 TDs (60 pass/40 rush) if the teams record at the end of the day is 6-10 and 7-9, no playoffs and beating horrible teams like they are this year, it doesn't really matter.


And while the verdict is still out on Cam as far as will he be a bust or not, If I were Carolina, I would look into possible other options at QB in the future (via FA or draft).  Other QBs came in and made an immediate impacts on their respective teams (i.e. Wilson, RGIII, Luck, Kapernick), three of them in their rookie season, all of them making the playoffs, one making the Super Bowl.  Where was Cam the past two seasons?  Probably sitting with a towel on his head sulking in his living room watching the playoffs.


With all that aside, all they talk about is how great Cam is, Cam can do it all, Cam's not the same cause he's bigger and stronger for a running QB, and blah blah blah blah blah.


They think he is the next coming of Christ.  Don't believe that?  Live here.  It's amazing the demi-god worship that assclown gets.  

And YES, I think he's a ****ing assclown the way he acts, what his own teammates say about him and his pouting years 1 and 2.  He has yet to produce results, they are still a losing franchise with him.  And they will not make the playoffs this year either, book it.  


The way Panthers fans act, you would think he was Joe Montana and lead the Panthers to four Super Bowl wins...........


That sum it up for ya Joey boy?

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2011:  6-10 record, wins against Jags (5-11), Redskins (5-11), Colts (2-14), Bucs (4-12), **Texans** (10-6), Bucs (4-12)

2011 Signature win: Texans

2011 Combined win/loss record of opponents: 30-66


2012: 7-9 record, wins against Saints (7-9), **Redskins** (10-6), Eagles (4-12), **Falcons** (13-3), Chargers (7-9), Raiders (4-12), Saints (7-9)

2012 Signature wins: Redskins, Falcons

2012Combined win/loss record of opponents:  52-60


2013: 4-3 record, wins against Giants (1-6), Vikes (1-5), Rams (3-4), Bucs (0-7)

2013 Signature wins:  None

2013 Combined win/loss record of opponents: 5-22


To date, the Panthers have 3 signature wins in the past three years and have finished below .500 each season.  This year they are above .500 for the first time in years, all wins coming against teams with a combined record of 5-22.  Sure, it's not the Panthers or Cam's fault they got to face three of the worst teams in football this season.  But, Cam has not done anything to propel his team to the post season and I'm sorry, none of the 4 wins are impressive this season.


And people do not need to make excuses for this team (i.e. he has no weapons other than Smith, injuries, etc.).  Every team goes through that and makes adjustments.  Cam is an egotistical, me-first player that sulks when things don't go his way.  Can he win a Super Bowl, I don't know, don't really care.  Guy is gifted no doubt, but he's got a lot of work to do imo.


Outside of Garcon, what weapons did we have last year?  Morris.  Thats about it.  Moss is now a 3rd WR, Morgan is not that good, Hank had the drops last year, Davis was on IR.  Our entire defense was injured for the most part.  Carolina has Smith, Williams, Olson, excellent pass rush, mobile QB with a rocket arm.  Why didn't they make the playoffs?  If Cam is so great and such the leader, they were healthier than us.  


Seattle, outside of a excellent defense, who did Wilson have as weapons?  Lynch, that was it.  Sidny Rice, Golden Tate?  I wouldn't call either of them elite weapons either.  


Colts, worst team in 2011, playoff contender in 2012.  Mediocre below average running backs and the only elite weapon, Reggie Wayne.


All three rookies led their team to the playoffs their rookie season, two winning the division, the other finishing with an 11-5 record.  But Cam is so awesome and the future.  The future of what?  

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You guys should really stop whining and crying about Cam its unbecoming as men. No one cares to read you sobbing about Cam because you live in Charlotte.

I'm not crying or whining about anything DG.  I could care less about Cam Newton at the end of the day.  The facts are facts, records, personal accolades, etc. mean **** at the end of the day if you don't get the W.  


And to be honest, Bubble and I stating the facts about how Cam is worshiped here, because we do live in Charlotte and see/hear it all the time, is no different than the 98% of the posters on here who **** and moan about the Ravens and their fans, etc. And how much they hate them, and "you dont live here, you dont know how bad they are", etc.  At least the Ravens have won Super Bowls, in the 2000's and had success.


The point we are trying to make is how stupid/ignorant a lot of local Panther fans are about their team and how delusional people defending Cam that don't live here sound exactly like they do.  Putting any player on a pedestal before they actually do anything for their team is stupid.   Its great he broke Vicks rushing TD record, think the rest of the team wouldn't trade 4 or 5 of those TDs for wins and trip to the playoffs?  


I don't dislike Cam because I live in Charlotte (living here just amplifies the blind hype), I didn't think he would be good in the NFL.  I thought he would be a bust.  Verdict is still out.  He won't be a bust on the level of Ryan Leaf, Matt Lienart, Patrick Ramsey, etc.  But, I don't see him doing anything beyond possibly playing well enough to get a team to the playoffs (and no not this year) maybe once or twice.  

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