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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Whenever I watch him talk...I just can't help thinking...too old, too far left.

Visionary... will you watch Hillary's victory speech she gave to night?

She couldn't have ripped off more of Bernie Sander's ideas if she had donned a white feathered haired wig and put on a Bernie mask.

She called herself a progressive who get's things done. ( what has she ever gotten done?)

Status Quoe is not good enough ( she's the status quoe candidate!)

She talked about being in favor of Universal healthcare for every man woman in child... (only she was against it when the ACA was being debated and against it when she last ran for President ).

Combat Climate change..

She talked about reforming Education system / College affordable and forgiving student debt..

Favor of Gay Rights.. ( she wasn't until just recently )

Hell man she's running to the left of Bernie! Until she get's the nomination then she's going right back to the center....

It's actually six, that's five in addition to the one in the original report. So the chance is 1 in 64.

Maybe Hillary is that lucky, but it is a little suspicious.

Suspicious that Hillary wins six coin flips in a row which allows her to win the Iowa Primary over a 1/64 chance?

very very improbable. right now Hillary is up on Bernie by 4 votes.. but 8 delegates.. If Hillary looses the popular vote but wins more delegate and therefore the caucus... folks will go over those coin flips with a fine fine tooth comb..

Sander's campaign is now protesting!!

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I saw Hillary and Bernie's speeches. Didn't care for either. But Hillary or Rubio are the closest to my positions of those in play so I'll probably vote for one of them or stay home for once. (Probably Hillary over Rubio since she has more FP experience and I'm not sure I trust him not to fold if things get difficult and she has more experience actually getting things done)

So Trump vs Sanders who do you see yourself voting for? (To JMS). (Not sure how to quote other posts on my phone)

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Clinton gonna Clinton. Oh well, we know what we are up against. Can't let that stop us.

Even with all her foul play, Iowa was still a victory for Bernie in the end. He gets half the delegates and shows his campaign is viable.

Somewhat annoyed that Hillary's camp gets to declare victory, but probably not worth the fight over at most one or two delegates.

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heard it on the TV and went to go watch it.

They are saying there were a significant number of precincts where there were no Iowa Democratic party officials conducting the count... and the Iowa Democratic Party was asking the Clinton and Sanders Campaigns to help them piece together the count.... Sanders Campaign was #1 asking exactly what they wanted from the Sanders campaign.. and #2 was protesting because they don't understand how the vote tally in these precincts can be accurate. Least I think that was the jist of it.

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I saw Hillary and Bernie's speeches. Didn't care for either. But Hillary or Rubio are the closest to my positions of those in play so I'll probably vote for one of them or stay home for once. (Probably Hillary over Rubio since she has more FP experience and I'm not sure I trust him not to fold if things get difficult and she has more experience actually getting things done)

So Trump vs Sanders who do you see yourself voting for? (To JMS). (Not sure how to quote other posts on my phone)

I think it's much more likely to be a Hillary vs Trump at this point.

On the Republican side I think Rubio did incredible well.. He did much better than the polls ever had him doing. So he's going to try to paint himself as the establishment candidate and force all the others ( Bush, Kassich, Christi etc out of the race.. )... Rubio is going to say he's the only guy who can stop the unpopular Trump and Cruz victory...

Which if he's successful that makes Donald Trump the Dove of the GOP... Both Rubio and Cruz don't think the Iraq war was a mistake, and both are very hawkish on defense... Amazing.

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heard it on the TV and went to go watch it.

They are saying there were a significant number of precincts where there were no Iowa Democratic party officials conducting the count... and the Iowa Democratic Party was asking the Clinton and Sanders Campaigns to help them piece together the count.... Sanders Campaign was #1 asking exactly what they wanted from the Sanders campaign.. and #2 was protesting because they don't understand how the vote tally in these precincts can be accurate. Least I think that was the jist of it.

Ah thank you. I was hearing that story yesterday too. Between that story, the magic pro-Hillary coin flips, and some other reports of voter fraud that are out there . . . things that make you go hmmm.

I don't think it's worth it to Sanders to fight the results here, not a good look when trying to win over undecided voters, but I don't blame people one bit for suspecting Hillary's people and the DNC of foul play. Nobody ever mistook her for honest.

Anyway, I think Sanders did what he needed to do in Iowa, he showed his campaign is viable, he more or less splits with Hillary, and you know the tie goes to the underdog. I'll take it as a kick start.

Now we're on to NH which is a pretty safe bet. Bernie is just getting started.

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This is a fun resource for us 18-39 folks trying to talk some sense into our parents:


I'm 49 trying to talk sense into mine.  Dad had an Alzheimer's "fit" and refused to vote last time.  I know I can't get Mom to go Bernie, but I know she'd vote Hillary, and not for the "woman" thing...because she knows more than all GOP candidates together.

She understands "smarts".

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Bernie is nothing less than one of the most effective members of Congress.   Dub'd the King of Amendments by Rolling Stones in 2005, (see link below) He's authored important amendments in both the house and senate and has the respect of both Democrats and Republicans..

. . . And a whole lot more, about a bunch of amendments.

That wasn't the question.

The yardstick you're using for Hillary is "Bills which she authored, and which became law". My question is, are you willing to use the same yardstick, for Bernie?

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Not surprised Cruz won last night considering last time it was Santorum and before that it was Huckabee. 


I am surprised Bernie didn't win before I went to sleep. Reading about turnout and demographics last night. Seemed like he would be north of 55%.


If Rubio finished in 2nd, I would stay that's a big deal. Being close to 2nd but still in 3rd.....is still 3rd. We'll see what he does next. Does he pile on Trump with Cruz?


As far as Trump. He was "humble" last night. Imagine he'll go hard on the whole Cruz not being a natural citizen again. Not sure if he needs with win NH. If say Rubio does and Trump is in 2nd again. Then nothing has changed yet.

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Not surprised Cruz won last night considering last time it was Santorum and before that it was Huckabee. 


I am surprised Bernie didn't win before I went to sleep. Reading about turnout and demographics last night. Seemed like he would be north of 55%.


If Rubio finished in 2nd, I would stay that's a big deal. Being close to 2nd but still in 3rd.....is still 3rd. We'll see what he does next. Does he pile on Trump with Cruz?


As far as Trump. He was "humble" last night. Imagine he'll go hard on the whole Cruz not being a natural citizen again. Not sure if he needs with win NH. If say Rubio does and Trump is in 2nd again. Then nothing has changed yet.

Rubio's showing was a big deal.  Various polls have shown Bush, Kasich, Christie in second in NH.  Rubio should eclipse all of them and finish second, if he survives the onslaught.   Everyone will be gunning for him. From Donald and Ted to Jeb,John & Chris.


Cruz really doesn't need to do much in NH, other than for show. He's not going to do well there and better to focus on SC- which has a high evangelical voter base also. 


Trump, if he doesn't win NH; then bubble has burst for him.  He will be exposed as a loser and odds are would be out of the race by the end of February.

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