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***2021-2022 NBA Season Thread***


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He's a comic book character.  I think he is one of the five strongest guys in the league right now.  Even the most grizzled ass NBA vets haven't dealt with this kind of strength paired with real speed and explosiveness before.  Zion is legitimately an NFL athlete running around in a league full of ectomorphs.  He's the most captivating athlete to come into the NBA since LeBron.

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Ectomorphs aren’t a thing Steve. But I do agree overall. He needs to lose weight. He won’t last. NFL athletes don’t spend nearly as much time running around as nba athletes. NFL athletes also have way more lean body mass compared to NBA athletes due to the physical nature of the game. So Zions 285 isn’t anywhere near JJ Watts 289. And Zion is a inch taller. 

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NBA players might be described as ectomorphs while they’re still growing, but after a few years as adult pros few of them could be described as delicately built.  

Zion isn’t Godzilla either, he’s just strong as a bull and much too quick for his size.  He’s hardly the only nba player to be described as such.  Lebron comes immediately to mind.  Giannis is another.  They aren’t as heavy as Zion but both are taller with that same ability to move more quickly than their size would normally allow.


i just hope Zion can polish up his handles and stay healthy.  League is better with superstar physical freaks.  

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It just means tall and skinny.  And plenty of NBA players are tall and skinny their whole careers.  Being 6'8 and 220 pounds is being tall and skinny and the league is full of those kinds of athletes.  6'6 and 200 is like the most common body type in the NBA.  There are a ton of guys running around in the NBA who are 6'3 ish and like 180 pounds.  That is skinny.  You would have to pack on at least 20 pounds of muscle mass before they'd let you onto the field at that size in the NFL.


Giannis being notably strong for an NBA player proves my point about the paradigm difference in strength between NBA and NFL athletes.  Look at the size of that dude's legs.  There is no way he has anything close to the explosive core and leg power of an average NFL athlete.


Disagree about NFL athletes carrying leaner bulk than Zion too.  Stuff like 4% to 6% body fat isn't that unusual in the NBA but would be extreme for NFL players.  Zions body fat % is probably similar to an NFL 5 technique. They pack on mass and then just lift and lift and lift.  Guys like JJ Watt and Jadeveon Clowney and Cameron Hayward and Cameron Jordan are the best guys at their position and they have sloppy weight in the middle and butt compared to an NBA player, but they need the bulk there to hold up on an NFL line.  Look at his build in this video.  It's not very lean, it's a lot of heavy mass.  And Watt is a particularly body beautiful athlete for an NFL DL.




You can really see the difference in body types between NBA and NFL athletes in their bench press numbers and standing verticals at their combines.  NBA athletes won't be putting up anything close to 15+ reps of 225 but the majority of NFL players do it.  The NBA lifts 185 and only a handful of them break 20 reps per year.  And like a 38+ inch standing vert is awesome for an NBA player but fairly common for skill players in the NFL.  They're so much shorter than the NBA guys, and so much more thickly built in the lower body and middle.  So much stronger and more explosive.  That's why Zion is such a unicorn.  NFL power and explosiveness paired with NBA height, length, speed, and coordination.

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9 hours ago, Barry.Randolphe said:


He got up high enough to palm the ball down.



I still believe JaVale could have been a monster player, at least defensively, if the he were drafted by a competent franchise instead of the wizards. He was incredibly raw, but willing to learn, wizards showed no interest in teaching

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Couple of things. I’m not disagreeing that their is a difference in the strength between nba and nfl players. However, their respective sports select for different physical attributes. NFL is all about being explosive, and strong to withstand the impact and brutality of the sport. In the nba being tall is essentially a prerequisite to play. NBA players also run an average of 3 miles per game. Due to the running, being that big and muscular is usually a disadvantage but there are physical freaks who are exceptions ie Lebron and Shaq. 

However, that doesn’t mean nba players can’t bulk up or train to increase their explosiveness to close the gap but their game isn’t predicated on that as much as nfl athletes. 

NFL athletes have more lean body mass, which is not the same as saying nfl athletes     are leaner. Lineman absolutely have higher bf% than most nba players as do most nfl athletes but they also have more lean body mass, ie more muscle. Both things are not mutually exclusive. rough example jj watt is 289 and let’s say conservative 15% body fat. Zion is 285 and looks to be around a minimum of 25% body fat. JJ watts lean body mass is way higher than Zions because he weight trains to build a lot more muscle to withstand all the hits and to help his explosiveness. Plus he also became a pro at a later age and has been lifting weights for way longer. 

Zion is a freak but he is fat and needs to lose weight. He could easily lose 50 lbs and weight train and gain some muscle. He isn’t anywhere near his physical prime. But being 285 is going to ruin his career. 

I agree with you Steve he is an incredible athlete. 

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I think you are underestimating Zion's fitness Doc.  David Griffin speculated that he was somewhere between 8.5% body fat and 9% body fat when in midseason form.




“He also has a body type that we’re learning to deal with as a 19-year-old kid. He can be 274 pounds and 8½ percent body fat. He can be 280 pounds and 9% body fat. As we’ve gone through this process for our medical team, learning how they’re going to keep him lean and giving him the core strength and stability and control he needs to handle all the torque he generates, typically that means you’re doing to do things to strengthen those areas. In this case, he gains muscle mass so fast and gains weight so fast, no one’s ever dealt with anybody like him before. He’s 19. It’s going to be a learning experience for all of us.


He also mentioned in that article that Zion has an extraordinarily low resting heart rate and that it took him running on the treadmill an extremely long time for the medical team to get his heart rate up in the stress testing they did.


Zion is a better and more gifted athlete than Watt IMO, even if you ignore the superior skill/coordination that goes with being an NBA caliber athlete.  IMO he's the most gifted athlete to come into the NBA since LeBron.  He's not as strong as Watt right now, but I think he'll be stronger than Watt by the time he hits his mid 20's.  He's a 99th percentile human in terms of strength and explosion.

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That’s is a bold face lie, which I expect from Griffin. There is no way he was anywhere near that body fat percentage. 

im not underestimating his fitness. You can be very fit and still be overweight. There is absolutely no way he was 280 and 9% body fat. It doesn’t work that way. Unless he is on steroids. But you can visibly see his fat.

If you are 280 and 9% body fat and 6’6” you are looking like body builder. 

LeBron at 6’9 in Miami probably on steroids was super lean and 265. You telling me Zion at mid season was just as lean but 15 heavier? That doesn’t make any sense. 

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14 hours ago, Barry.Randolphe said:

He's actually in better shape than I was expecting....he looks pudgy in a jersey



Same thing with Harden and Wall.  People bag in them being overweight, but they're pretty clean around the middle.  The jersey just hangs weird on them.  They have heavy musculature in the chest and neck and arms that makes them look different from typical slender NBA athletes.  When your shoulders are that wide and your arms are that long, if you've got thick joints, you can carry a ton of good weight in your upper body without getting a sloppy belly or getting slow.  That's why these guys have such an easy time getting into the paint and scoring through contact.

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13 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

He’s what 1 year older than Lebron in his rookie season? He’s a lot bigger and with more developed musculature. 

that’s wild 


Some people just gain weight and develop musculature more easily than others.  Must be something about the way they metabolize food.  Building muscle (without having to use steroids Doc) is probably just really easy for Zion, whereas the rest of us would have to eat like ten thousand good calories a day and lift and run all of the time we're not eating in order to keep up with a proportional amount of growth.  And even then we probably don't have the frame to carry the weight like him.  The young man is just gifted.  That's why I think he's a comic book character.

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I'm looking forward to watching Zion and his career unfold.  He's fun to watch for sure.


But the ESPN hype machine is ridiculous.  On Sportscenter this morning, they had some trivia about "He's the first player to score such and such amount of points and have this many rebounds in his first two games..." Stats that no one would think to track or even really care about.  Like, some intern had to be up pretty late trying to figure out a stat line over his first two games that no other player had ever come up with across their first two games.  It's stupid. 


I get why the hype machine exists, he's a freak athlete with a great feel for the game.  Great power with a lot of finesse, too.  It's just obnoxious that ESPN is so consumed with covering every little thing and making a huge deal out of it.

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5 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

15 assists from Lonzo Ball.  I'm not sure if that guy will ever turn into a scoring threat but as a pure, pass first point guard, he's pretty good.  


he plays really good defense when he's focused. that shot is just too broken to ever score consistently, but I thought he could top out as a taller Rondo. Rondo's basketball IQ was elite though, not sure if Ball can match it

Edited by StillUnknown
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1 hour ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

On Sportscenter this morning, they had some trivia about "He's the first player to score such and such amount of points and have this many rebounds in his first two games..." Stats that no one would think to track or even really care about.  Like, some intern had to be up pretty late trying to figure out a stat line over his first two games that no other player had ever come up with across their first two games.  It's stupid.

Absurd combinations of stats is practically an NBA tradition.  They dig up absurd stats like that on a weekly basis.  Things like "He's the first player with 23+ points, 7+assists, 9rebounds, and eat 2 hot dogs at half time on a Wednesday night game... and he's only 20 years old!"  🤣

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