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Variety is not only the spice of life, but sleep


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Okay, all you insomniacs, scientists believe they have uncovered one reason reason you might not be sleeping well... Meat and potatoes or tofu and broccoli. In either case, a uniform diet apparently leads to poorer sleep cycles.


Mind you, they are looking at relationships and eliminated all the confounds the could, but the key to longer and more sustained sleep might just be mixing it up.

Does that jibe with your experience?

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I dunno, My wife fixes a variety of meals, different meats, fruits, vegetables sometimes meatless etc. And I am a terrible insomniac. She even takes me out on walks and various other forms of exercise , since we don't have a dog I guess I'm the substitute. I just don't get good sleep.

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I dunno, My wife fixes a variety of meals, different meats, fruits, vegetables sometimes meatless etc. And I am a terrible insomniac. She even takes me out on walks and various other forms of exercise , since we don't have a dog I guess I'm the substitute. I just don't get good sleep.

That's one of the dangers in correlational studies. One thng we discussed was whether the reason variety was associated with better sleep was because it might also generally be associated with other factors like greater socioeconomic condition. A person with more money can afford a more varied diet, but that also likely means that they have other things in hand too.

They said that they tried to account for these confounds, but is it really possible?

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Just to defend my guest a little bit... I think what he did was good science and there is value to a correlational study as long as it doesn't pretend to be something else. It at least helps point you in the direction for future research.

Again, I'd recommend listening to the piece, but here's a one pager from Science Daily that might also be informative.


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That's one of the dangers in correlational studies. One thng we discussed was whether the reason variety was associated with better sleep was because it might also generally be associated with other factors like greater socioeconomic condition. A person with more money can afford a more varied diet, but that also likely means that they have other things in hand too.

They said that they tried to account for these confounds, but is it really possible?

I think there are too many factors to come up with a simple answer.Work stress, money and family stress. Area you live, too many lights too much noise. Also things like the stupid daylight savings time changes. I could go on and on. Just too much even brain and body chemistry. Does your body produce too much or not enough of a certain chemical. It's really endless.

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I think there are too many factors to come up with a simple answer.Work stress, money and family stress. Area you live, too many lights too much noise. Also things like the stupid daylight savings time changes. I could go on and on. Just too much even brain and body chemistry. Does your body produce too much or not enough of a certain chemical. It's really endless.

I think that Grandner would agree. However, his study did say it was a significant factor. It has to be one amongst many puzzle pieces though.

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I dunno, My wife fixes a variety of meals, different meats, fruits, vegetables sometimes meatless etc. And I am a terrible insomniac. She even takes me out on walks and various other forms of exercise , since we don't have a dog I guess I'm the substitute. I just don't get good sleep.

Stop spending time trying to lick yourself and get some more sleep. :)

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