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ST: Beijing air pollution goes from ‘crazy bad’ to ‘beyond belief’


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My current opinion, and I don't really know much about China, it's the most disgusting place on earth.


I understand individuals don't on a micro sense make up a culture. Thus, this is not a knock on Chinese. But the government, 'collective citizens' that have not 'revolted' against this and the 'sewer oil' piece I saw last week has me nauseated at the thought of the place.


I understand also that USA can be cast in negative light if only highlighted certain 'flaws'. But damn, the amount of people and restriction of free thought there makes it seem like they have NO HOPE of change.



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If you don't mind me asking, how's your health, or what do you have to do on a daily basis to take necessary precautions? I remember you posting a pic wearing one of those masks awhile back. Personally, from an outsider perspective, just looking at those pics makes me think that spending more than a day there would have me coughing up  a damn lung.


Sorry i missed this post. Umm, you can only do so much to keep healthy. Once you get a cold though and your immunities drop, the flood gates open. Its pretty easy to get lung problems ( I have Bronchitis and a sinus infection) now. But i suppose it certainly could be worse.


To be honest, this winter has been extremely mild in terms of air pollution compared to the last 2 years. But last week there was a pretty bad case... Its best to always carry around a mask just incase the pollution gets really bad.




2pm in chaoyangmen, beijng

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Beijing destroys barbecues to 'limit pollution'


Beijing is waging a war against barbecues in an attempt to cut PM2.5, a tiny particulate matter in the air that can enter deep into the lungs.

Citizens online ridiculed the exercise, suggesting authorities should focus on bigger sources of pollution.


A media officer at Beijing's Xicheng district administration bureau said the hundreds of barbecue grills were confiscated over a three-month campaign and cut up so they couldn't be used again. She refused to give her name, as is common with Chinese officials.



Obligatory Beijing smog picture


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Beijing is waging a war against barbecues in an attempt to cut PM2.5, a tiny particulate matter in the air that can enter deep into the lungs.

A media officer at Beijing's Xicheng district administration bureau said the hundreds of barbecue grills were confiscated over a three-month campaign and cut up so they couldn't be used again.



They can have my Weber when they pry it from my cold, dead, hickory smoked hands.

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Somehow I really don't associate Chinese cooking with barbecue. 


Probably because your image of Chinese food is the americanized stuff you get in most Chinese restaurants in this country.


Look up Char Siu and try if you can find it.

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Smog persists across northern China


Thick smog once again descended upon parts of northern China on Monday, with cities in Hebei, Henan and Shaanxi provinces posting off-the-charts air pollution readings.



Obligatory smog picture.  A policeman directing traffic in heavy smog in Anyang, Henan on December 20, 2013.


The air quality indexes in Xingtai and Shijiazhuang in Hebei Province, Zhengzhou in Henan, and Xi'an in Shaanxi all exceeded the maximum of 500 as of 11am on Monday. 


A thick blanket of dark grey air continued to loom over the city of Xi'an as it suffered a sixth straight day of serious smog.  


“[We have] temporarily limited the production of seven major coal companies including Xingtai Iron & Steel and Zhongmei Xuyang [Coking Co]. Production [of each of these companies] was reduced 30 per cent on average,” the official China National Radio quoted the deputy director of Xingtai’s environmental protection bureau as saying on Sunday. The city had also endured almost a whole week of heavy smog.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ex-Chinese health minister says air pollution kills up to 500,000 people a year


Between 350,000 and 500,000 people die in China each year from severe air pollution, the country's former health minister says.


Chen Zhu, who served as minister until March 2013, released his claims in a commentary published in the December issue of The Lancet medical journal. Chen's revelations are particularly significant, the Telegraph writes, as he is the most senior government official who has mentioned a pollution-related death toll-- which are generally subject to censorship in China.


In the commentary, Chen wrote that pollution is now "the fourth biggest threat to the health of Chinese people" behind heart disease, dietary risk, and smoking. However, he noted that new, tougher regulations for the country -- which he says is now the largest producer of pollutants in the world -- would prevent around 200,000 deaths in the country.



Obligatory smog picture


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  • 2 weeks later...

Smog in Beijing Is So Awful You Have to Catch the Sunrise on a Big Screen


Air pollution in the Chinese capital reached new, choking heights on Thursday. Those who still felt the urge to catch a glimpse of sunlight were able to gather around the city’s gigantic LED screens, where this glorious sunrise was broadcast as part of a patriotic video loop.

This LED screen displays the rising sun in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, which is shrouded in heavy smog on Jan. 16, 2014.
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  • 1 month later...

Beijing Air Pollution Alert Raised To ‘Orange’ For First Time After Smog Levels Become Hazardous


Beijing suffered some of its worst smog levels ever starting Friday, when the Chinese government raised the city’s four-tiered smog alert to “orange,” the second-highest level. The alert prompted schools to cancel outside sports and health officials to issue advisories suggesting children and the elderly stay indoors.


The alert was raised to Orange on Friday as heavy smog rolled into China’s capital, blanketing the metropolis in a thick, gray haze that is expected to last for the next three days. According to the Associated Press, officials were reluctant to raise the urgency level because it would be difficult to enforce certain measures – like taking half of the city’s cars off the road – meant to alleviate high levels of pollution, but public outcry on the Internet and in the media pressured the government to issue the warning.



Obligatory smog picture


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Thick smog is the best defence against US laser weapons, a Chinese military chief has declared on national television.

Zhang Zhaozhong, the Navy Major General for the People's Liberation Army drew massive criticism when he made the statement on CCTV's Haixia Liang'an (Cross-Straits) current affairs programme, adding that lasers were "most afraid of smog".

He said: "Under conditions where there is no smog, a laser weapon can fire [at a range of] 10 kilometres. When there's smog, it's only one kilometre. What's the point of making this kind of weapon?

"It only works when the weather is good. The enemy will target you when the weather is bad.

"Once your enemy knows your disadvantages you are dead. This is a laser weapons' fatal disadvantage."


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You people are so wrong....You are missing the advantages of China's smog..


China's Naval Chief Says Smog is Best Defence Against US Laser Weapons

Thick smog is the best defence against US laser weapons, a Chinese military chief has declared on national television.

Zhang Zhaozhong, the Navy Major General for the People's Liberation Army drew massive criticism when he made the statement on CCTV's Haixia Liang'an (Cross-Straits) current affairs programme, adding that lasers were "most afraid of smog".

He said: "Under conditions where there is no smog, a laser weapon can fire [at a range of] 10 kilometres. When there's smog, it's only one kilometre. What's the point of making this kind of weapon?


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