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Redskins Wild Card History, Anecdotes, and Fan Memories


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--The Redskins are 6-1 all time in the Wild Card round

--The Redskins won their first 6 Wild Card appearances, finally losing at Seattle in the 2007 season

--The Redskins 6 game WC win streak stretched between the years of 1982-2005

--The Redskins are 3-0 at home in the WC round and 3-1 on the road

--Th Redskins WC games have not been particularly close. Only one of the seven games was decided by 7 or fewer points (a 17-10 win in 2005 at Tampa). All of the other games were decided by 12 or more points.

My Memories:

--1982 (Lions at RFK): The 1982 Championship Game vs Dallas might be my actual first Redskins memory, and on that I'm not sure if I remember the game or the tapes and replays I've watched over the years. So I have no recollection of this Lions game other than researching it over the years. Joey T tossed three TDs to Alvin Garrett and the Redskins rolled 31-7.

1986 (Rams at RFK): I have several snippet type memories of things prior to 1986, the the 86 season was the first one I remember start to finish. I have a memory of just about every game that year and the Rams playoff game really sticks out. This was a late afternoon start back when there were only four wild card teams and no games on Saturday. For those that don't remember or weren't around, the Rams were very good in the 80's, but they were cursed to be in the same division with the 49ers. They were a perennial playoff team, but invariably ran into one of the dominant NFC teams of the era and got ousted. On this day, we just sort of showed up and watched the Rams implode. They out gained us and their offense moved the ball fairly well, but six turnovers doomed them, including 4 lost fumbles. We didn't do a whole lot with the opportunities, settling for four FGs, but we did build a 16-0 lead won the game 19-7. The signature moment came late in the game when Darrell Green caught Eric Dickerson from behind on a dead sprint in the open field...of the three memorable DG chase downs (Dorsett, Dickerson, Curtis Martin) this one is my favorite. Watched from our living room in Tulsa...great time of year--game was played on 12-28 so we were still off from school and had the whole week to enjoy it.

1990 (Eagles at the Vet): Went over this game in detail a few weeks ago when we played Philly. This remains one of the most gratifying wins in Redskins history for me. This was the same year as the MNF "body bag" game and I remember being so confident that Gibbs would get the best of Buddy Ryan. While our offense did enough, it was our defense that had a banner day, stopping Randall and the Eagles cold. It was a methodical 20-6 win and a satisfying one at that. This was also the first year with the four wild card games...we played early Saturday and I remember later that day Miami rallied to beat the Chiefs 17-16.

1992: (Vikings at the Metrodome): The 1992 season was such a grind; every game was brutal as our aging champs battled weekly to defend their title. There were some exhilarating wins that year and crushing losses. One of the better wins came in Minnesota at mid season when Chip Lohmiller kicked five FGs (including the game winner) to beat the Vikings 15-13. We hobbled into Minnesota for that playoff game and I wasn't feeling great about it. But I shouldn't have doubted Gibbs against a lesser coach like Dennis Green. After falling behind 7-0, we dominated the game and won going away, 24-7. Sean Salisbury was the QB that day for the Vikes and his stat line was embarrassing...6-20 with 2 picks. We ate him alive. This win validated our season for me...it was also the early Saturday game and I was able to kick back and enjoy the rest of the weekend games, which included the classic Bills-Oilers 35-3 comeback on Sunday.

1999 ( Lions at FedEx): I know there has been a lot of talk about this game this week and I hate to be Debbie Downer, but this game ranks as my least memorable playoff game by a wide margin. I actually remember very little of it. I have much sharper memories of the Music City Miracle game played earlier that Saturday. Watched both games with my friends at our rent house off campus in Norman. I think the reason I don't recall much of our game is because the Lions were such a crap team. We were so lucky that year. We didn't beat anyone all year, but the NFC was putrid and the Lions were one of two 8-8 teams to make the playoffs that year. As a note of comparison I think the Lions team from THIS year was just as good as that 1999 bunch. We dominated the game like we should have and the score could have been humiliating had it not been for two garbage TDs late. I know it was a big day for the fans at FedEx, but I knew how fortunate we were to catch such a craptastic team in the post season. The big test was the next week in Tampa, where we blew it like we did every other game that mattered in 1999.

2005: (Bucs in Tampa): Culmination and validation of our great run to end the season. I was pretty confident that day. Watched the game with my wife in the same spot in our house in the Tulsa suburbs where I'd watched the other games of that run...was this the first year they started the games later on Saturday? We kicked off the playoffs that year just like we did in 1990 and 1992, and with similar results. Great start, jumped all over them 14-0 after ST's fumble recovery TD. After that, we held on for dear life for three and a half quarters. It was really a terrible game actually. Our offense was stuck in the mud, but the Bucs couldn't really take advantage. A few tense moments late, but I never really feared we'd lose that game. Problem was that by the end of this game, Brunell and Portis were toast and we really never stood a chance in Seattle (especially after Stone Hands dropped the INT). Anyway, the Tampa game was similar to the wins in 90 and 92 in that it validated for me the season and made it all seen worthwhile.

2007: (Seahawks in Seattle): Such a weird, weird game. I knew our team wasn't a true SB contender, but I wondered if maybe we could ride the waves of emotion all the way. Once again we were the early Saturday game and I remember wishing we were the last game just so we could be assured of enjoying it for another 24 hours or so. I wasn't confident that day at all. And it stayed that way until.... The kickoff. When we took the 14-13 lead and then recovered the funky kickoff, I really thought the game was ours and I also thought that maybe we were destined. For those few minutes I was on cloud nine. But then Cooley dropped the pass, Shuisham missed the FG and POOF! All of our magic just disappeared. We were winning the game in the 4th quarter and had the ball first down in the red zone... And lost the game by 21 points. How does that happen? Just a blur really. It ended as suddenly as it started. I was watching the game at my parents house and decided to drive home when we got down 28-14; I listened on the radio in a daze as the Hawks returned that last INT all the way. It was a tough loss to swallow even though I knew our team had little chance going in. The end of that season marked the realization that our best player was dead and that our team likely wasn't in very good position to make a run in the coming years. We were spent physically and emotionally and like I posted earlier this year, I think we went into a tailspin that finally ended when we drafted RG3. Hoping for better results this Sunday, but no matter what I won't have that sad and deflated feeling if we lose like I did five years ago.

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The first Redskins wildcard appearance was in 1971 against the 49ers, which they lost 27-20, IIRC. They lost as a wildcard in 1973 in Minnesota by the same score, 1974 in L.A. and 1976 in Minnesota, though there were no wildcard rounds back then. There was one wildcard team per conference.

The '73 loss was particularly painful because the Redskins were dominating the game in the first half. Then Pat Fischer went down with an injury. Fran Tarkenton proceeded to beat his replacement, Speedy Duncan, like a drum in the second half.

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Those were divisional playoff games... WC was introduced later

Depends on how you look at it I suppose... A "wild card" team was introduced in 1970, but only four teams made the playoffs so they still considered it the "divisional round." The "wild card round" came about in the late 1970s and that is what I based my info on.

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The first Redskins wildcard appearance was in 1971 against the 49ers, which they lost 27-20, IIRC. They lost as a wildcard in 1973 in Minnesota by the same score, 1974 in L.A. and 1976 in Minnesota, though there were no wildcard rounds back then. There was one wildcard team per conference.

The '73 loss was particularly painful because the Redskins were dominating the game in the first half. Then Pat Fischer went down with an injury. Fran Tarkenton proceeded to beat his replacement, Speedy Duncan, like a drum in the second half.

I suspect this is actually talking about wild card weekend. While we were the WC a couple of times in the 70s, wild card weekend didn't start until 1978.

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Those were divisional playoff games... WC was introduced later

Since the Redskins appeared as the NFC Wild Card team each of those years and they lost each of those years in their first playoff game, I consider that part of "Redskins Wild Card History."

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1992: (Vikings at the Metrodome): To me, this one was very satisfying as a young fan... but even as a young fan, I knew deep down in my heart that the league was changing and that the way we were playing football and the players we were playing with were old. I saw this as the last hoorah for a classy, well-coached, full-of-heart veteran team.

1999 ( Lions at FedEx): I remember this one. My Dad and I had it out over this game. I had just become an Eagle Scout and my dad wanted me to go on this camping trip to show my "leadership skills." I was like, "yeah, that's great, Dad... but the Redskins are playing, so some other time." (My dad is NOT a football fan at all, lol). So no ****, there we were, out in the middle of the woods listening to Sonny and Sam and Frank on a little portable radio, sitting around a fire. Good times... the whole rest of the weekend I couldn't wait to get home to watch the VHS tape my mom had made me of the game. That Tampa game the next week was heartbreaking. We didn't even get a chance to miss the Field Goal. Pass intereference on the fire call, etc... geez. After BMitch's return I thought for sure we had that one.

2005: (Bucs in Tampa): This one was great. I was in Alaska and watched the game at my best friends house in Anchorage. He was giving me **** because I was such a die-hard fan and he knew no matter what he said, however untrue, that I'd believe he was being honest and defend our Redskins... the true troll under the bridge. As Ed said, this was an ugly game, but I never felt uncomfortable. I remember being so nervous after Sean Taylor was caught spitting that we would lose him. Oye. And then, the Seattle game. Ugh... I don't care what anyone says... this 2005 team could've won the Super Bowl against the Steelers. No chance the Bus gets those calls over a Joe Gibbs football team. We also would've beat Green Bay the next week.

2007: (Seahawks in Seattle): I've talked about this game with a couple of you on here before. I was fresh back from a deployment to Iraq and I was getting ready to go to an Army Ranger unit. I was one scary looking mother ****er... 5'11" tall and about 215lbs of rip your head of Redskins fan in a Santana Moss jersey. The week before I had flown down from Anchorage to Virginia to visit my family for the holidays, but really I just wanted to go to the Dallas game... which was fantastic! I flew back up to Anchorage on New Years Eve just in time to kiss my would be wife at midnight. It was a great week and I felt so good about this game for some reason. I hated Jason Campbell and thought that Todd Collins was making the rest of the team "Go" and that all we need was a decisive QB and we'd be set with our defense. My wife (still girlfriend at the time) and I drive out to the Peanut Farm, which is an awesome Sports Bar in Anchorage, and a couple of other Skins fans and I had met and watched the games there with each other. Only for this game, all of the big Ma'ake Kemoeatu looking Seahawks fans came from out of the villages to sit right next to me. They all were hitting on my wife and talking crap and drinking heavily (at 930am no less) and just making it uncomfortable for me and the other three Redskins fans there. My wife called one of her girlfriends to come down so that she could hang out because she saw how pissed I was getting... you can kind of see where this is going already... after Collins threw the TD to Moss in the 4th, I finally started to exhale a little bit. Then, after we recovered the Kickoff (which I thought was a touchdown) I went ape **** and lost my mind. I jumped up on the stage at the bar and started pointing to all of these large gentlemen and yelling "**** you... **** you... **** you... and I don't even know you... but **** you too!" I then pulled off my Santana Moss jersey and began an amazingly erotic display of flexing on the stage. I even had one of the Seahawks fans wifes throw a five dollar bill at me ;) That said... the touchdown was called back because you can't advance a kickoff... unless it's onsides or touched... and we all know what happened next. Suisham missed his kick... the Seahawks rolled, and Todd Collins throws two pick sixes. Oye... The worst walk out of a bar I've ever had to endure. Granted, I brought a lot of it on myself and I know that... but that was one of the worst days I've ever had as a Redskins fan. Then Gibbs retired shortly after that...

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Since the Redskins appeared as the NFC Wild Card team each of those years and they lost each of those years in their first playoff game, I consider that part of "Redskins Wild Card History."

Yes, he should said "wild card round history" since wild card goes back to 1970 while the wild card round only started in 1978.

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My favorite 2 might be 1990 and 1992. The 1990 game has been covered on these boards a lot, but what sweet revenge!! The 1992 game, as mentioned, was our last proud stand (in a win...we played quite well and proud the following week in SF) before the dark days. Despite being beat up and outmanned, we dominated a team in their house.

The Tampa win in 2005 was nice. Once it become realistic that we were going to make the playoffs (right after beating Dallas in week 15 maybe), my goal became to make the playoffs and win. That became even more important once we were slotted with the early Saturday time slot (who wants to be the first team eliminated from the playoffs?). As mentioned, it was UGLY, but we got the W. I remember that game had some revenge involved in it as well. Tampa had beaten us earlier in the year by going for 2 after scoring what seemed to be the tying TD. The decision was fine, but Alstott could have been ruled down before crossing the goal line (plus, it was questionable whether we were even offsides on the blocked PAT which put the Bucs at the 1 for the 2-point try).

So, in wild card games with some shred of revenge, we have fared well. On Sunday we square off against a team that has ended our only 2 playoff runs since the Y2K scare...time to get a little more revenge and figure out a reason to be mad at the Falcons.

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The first Redskins wildcard appearance was in 1971 against the 49ers, which they lost 27-20, IIRC. They lost as a wildcard in 1973 in Minnesota by the same score, 1974 in L.A. and 1976 in Minnesota, though there were no wildcard rounds back then. There was one wildcard team per conference.

The '73 loss was particularly painful because the Redskins were dominating the game in the first half. Then Pat Fischer went down with an injury. Fran Tarkenton proceeded to beat his replacement, Speedy Duncan, like a drum in the second half.

What sucked is we played a great 49er team with John Brodie who were 12-4 and were dominating until they blocked a Mike Bragg punt and it all went to hell, this was also the game that Richard Nixon supposidly called a play for an end around with Roy Jefferson and we lost 13 yards. I think Allen was blaming old Tricky Dickey

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1990 (Eagles at the Vet): Went over this game in detail a few weeks ago when we played Philly. This remains one of the most gratifying wins in Redskins history for me. This was the same year as the MNF "body bag" game and I remember being so confident that Gibbs would get the best of Buddy Ryan. While our offense did enough, it was our defense that had a banner day, stopping Randall and the Eagles cold. It was a methodical 20-6 win and a satisfying one at that. This was also the first year with the four wild card games...we played early Saturday and I remember later that day Miami rallied to beat the Chiefs 17-16.

The one lasting memory of that game was the instant replay of a possible Brian Mitchell fumble. Only because they spent soooooooooo long on the decision.

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I was actually kind of bummed that there wasn't a Skins vs Seattle history thread this week. One of the things about the Seahawks was that we beat them in week 3 of 2005, which might have been the first time that I felt confident that Gibbs 2 had his offensive mojo back. Conversely, we beat them in 2008, which might have been the last time that I had any hope for Jim Zorn, as we would get crushed the next week by the Giants, the week after by the Ravens, and then lose embarrassingly to a one-win Bengals team. And lets not even mention 2009.

The 2005 and 2007 playoff games have already been covered to some extent here. One thing both games had in common was the inability of the Redskins offense to get it going early. That wasn't as surprising in 2005, as Brunell was gimpy and on the heels of the anemic performance in Tampa. But I think people expected more in 2007, after how Collins had played to end the regular season. Both games were pretty bad......so glad this year's is in the friendly confines of FedEx.

Finally, folks in other threads have mentioned that we beat Seattle last year with a lot of the same personnel we have now. But with the blast of fresh air that RG3 has provided and other factors, that game might as well have been 10 years ago. I remember a long pass to Anthony Armstrong and how we had a few kicks (FG and PAT) blocked, but that's about it.

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Tampa. 2005. One of the ugliest games I've ever seen.

IIRC the game swung in our favor fairly fast. I think Lavar intercepted Chris Simms and ran it back to like the 2-3 yard line, and Portis ran it in for 6. Then on their next drive, they fumbled, and there was a mad dash. Marcus Washington ended up with the ball, fumbled, and it was picked up by Sean Taylor and he took it in. 14-0 at that point and I thought we were going to blow them out of the water.

Then the game got ugly and they got back in it. Portis took a beating in that game, as Brunell was pretty much useless and Tampa (who had the number 1 defense that year) stacked the box.on him. At the end of the game I think Brunell only had 43 yards passing, and the offense total had like 105 or something like that. Brutal game.

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--1982 (Lions at RFK): The 1982 Championship Game vs Dallas might be my actual first Redskins memory, and on that I'm not sure if I remember the game or the tapes and replays I've watched over the years. So I have no recollection of this Lions game other than researching it over the years. Joey T tossed three TDs to Alvin Garrett and the Redskins rolled 31-7.

This was the first year I watched a full season of the Skins. The vivid memory I have of this game was Jeris White intercepting the ball and taking it back for a TD to start off the scoring.

1986 (Rams at RFK): The signature moment came late in the game when Darrell Green caught Eric Dickerson from behind on a dead sprint in the open field...of the three memorable DG chase downs (Dorsett, Dickerson, Curtis Martin) this one is my favorite.

Green catching Dickerson is one of my lasting memories of him. That, running the punt back for a TD against Chicago, and helping to break up the TD in the waning seconds against the Vikings.

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2005: (Bucs in Tampa): This one was great. I was in Alaska and watched the game at my best friends house in Anchorage. He was giving me **** because I was such a die-hard fan and he knew no matter what he said, however untrue, that I'd believe he was being honest and defend our Redskins... the true troll under the bridge. As Ed said, this was an ugly game, but I never felt uncomfortable. I remember being so nervous after Sean Taylor was caught spitting that we would lose him. Oye. And then, the Seattle game. Ugh... I don't care what anyone says... this 2005 team could've won the Super Bowl against the Steelers. No chance the Bus gets those calls over a Joe Gibbs football team. We also would've beat Green Bay the next week.
Green Bay wasn't in the playoffs that year. Had we beaten Seattle, our opponent in the NFCCG would've been Carolina.

I think we could've won the SB had we gone with Ramsey in the playoffs. Brunell played well for the most part during the regular season, including 2nd NYG game (when he got hurt), but he looked very shaky against a weak eagles team the following week. Brunell's dismal performance vs TB should've made it abundantly clear that Ramsey, who played well in spot duty during the season, was the better option at that point.

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Green Bay wasn't in the playoffs that year. Had we beaten Seattle, our opponent in the NFCCG would've been Carolina.

I think we could've won the SB had we gone with Ramsey in the playoffs. Brunell played well for the most part during the regular season, including 2nd NYG game (when he got hurt), but he looked very shaky against a weak eagles team the following week. Brunell's dismal performance vs TB should've made it abundantly clear that Ramsey, who played well in spot duty during the season, was the better option at that point.

Ah, you're right! For some reason I remember Seattle playing Green Bay in the snow and it being an impressive win. Thank you!

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Ah, you're right! For some reason I remember Seattle playing Green Bay in the snow and it being an impressive win. Thank you!

In 2007, Seattle played GB in the snow after they beat us and the Pack handled them pretty easily that day.

Let's say we win that 2007 game...we would have gone to Dallas and guess who would have had to play in the blizzard? The Giants. I doubt they win in those conditions, which means their first ring never happens, which means maybe Coughlin isn't retained....

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  • 3 months later...

the 2005 tampa game was very memorable for me even though it was an ugly game. lavar arrington with the interception and sean taylor with the touchdown and the bucs nearly beating us AGAIN! i was only 11 years old when the skins beat the bills to win the super bowl and i watched all of that game. for some reason i didn't watch the redskins win in the wildcard @ minnesota the next season. the next big playoff memory after that '92 season was when the skins went up 27-0 at the half in the first playoff game at FedEx Field in 2000. i had to go to work during the 2nd half, but after watching the redskins not go to a playoff game the whole time i was a teenager was really special. there were other wildcard games in the past when either i was too young or not even alive to see that would probably be better to me, but just from my personal experience its that 2000 wildcard game with norv turner.

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In 2007, Seattle played GB in the snow after they beat us and the Pack handled them pretty easily that day.

Let's say we win that 2007 game...we would have gone to Dallas and guess who would have had to play in the blizzard? The Giants. I doubt they win in those conditions, which means their first ring never happens, which means maybe Coughlin isn't retained....

That's a whole lot of what if's. Let's just make it simpler... In week 3, if Ladell Betts doesn't trip over Casey Rabach at the goal line on 4th and goal, against the Giants, and walks in, Tom Coughlin (already on everyone's ****list at that point) would be surely canned, at 0-3.

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