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Another Key to Tragedies: Media


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The Media has gotten a free pass for a lot of things, but it seems like people are really beginning to wise up to their ways with this whole Newtown incident. The media glorifies these killers. They plaster these scumbags names all over their newsfeed, with pictures and biographies. They push blame on every factor under the sun just to drag the issue out further and further.

They set sad music to the pictures of these kids. They make it as dramatic as possible? Why? To drive up ratings.

Dr. Phil wanted to go "help" the people of Newtown, so he went there and filmed a show. Newflash, Phil, if you weren't a media driven attention ghoul of a human being, perhaps you would have went there to help them without your freakin' cameras.

They continue to interview the small children that survived the attack. For what? How deep into the issue are you going to get from a small kid? You just want people to hear they were scared? No **** they were scared. They lost their friends! And some of them may not even fully realize the true nature of what happened. But hey, anything to drive ratings, right?

They have been 100% irresponsible in reporting this story, and its not the first time.

So you want to talk about one of the BIGGEST problems with our country today? It's the way we allow these ****s to be martyred. How about this, media... Instead of blaming video games, or guns, or mental health laws (for the record, I'm not saying we shouldn't at the very least think about these things...) how about looking into the damn mirror. How about understanding that you, the people who are supposed to report news who dramatize it to the point that it becomes a soap opera take some ****ing accountability? How about you stop pretending like you're there to report the facts. You're not. You're there for ratings. You're there for non sense. You're there for self gain.

Look in the mirror and understand that the problems starts with YOU.

Let these people GRIEVE! Let them MOURN. And leave them the **** alone.

****ing ghouls.

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You see the quotes from Morgan Freeman Coach along similar lines I put up in the gun debate thread?

Seemed a very pertinent piece to me.


No. I didn't. If you'd like to post them here I'd love to read them. The media is really beginning to aggravate me.

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I still think the media is a reflection of society and not the driver of a culture.

We can turn them off, they can't force us to watch.

I think partially because of the new found amount of information we have at our finger tips, it forces a natural reaction to become numb at most horrific things. Something like this allows us to feel something, so people attach themselves to it. It's not war, it's not starving children, it's not that far away and people feel a sense of closeness to it, without being in danger themselves. They can safely relate to a piece of the tragedy and the media is just the middle man.

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Thank you for that, I 100% agree. News media is completely out of control these days and everything, EVERYTHING they do contributes solely to worsening our nation these days. They have no value left. They twist every issue, hide view points that don't fit into an us vs them narrative, parrot these ****ized political parties and shove them down our throats and generally throw all sense of common decency out the window at the drop of a hat if it means one more viewer might tune in. It's in a sad, sad state right now and I don't see a light at the end of the tunnel, if anything it will only continue to get worse as these entities grow larger in size and scope.

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Agreed on all points, yet there's nothing that'll come down on them and make them change their ways. The general American public won't get fed up enough to do anything to hit them hard enough where it hurts.

I haven't watched a single bit of news on this, other than when the shooting first went down when I was home sick on Friday. I won't even go on any of their websites...CNN, MSNBC, Fox News...none of them. Honestly, I've gotten all my news through ES.

The media is completely out of control and the absolute last thing they'll do is look at themselves as a problem as long as the money keeps rolling in. Also, a point that KDawg didn't make is the "FIRST" mentality of the media that makes them even crazier...being the FIRST on a scene, being the FIRST to break news, being the FIRST to get an interview, being the FIRST to get inside info...it just makes them all the more rabid. And then they go ahead and advertise it when they tell you how great they are... "We were the FIRST to bring you this story..."

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I still think the media is a reflection of society and not the driver of a culture.

We can turn them off, they can't force us to watch.

I think partially because of the new found amount of information we have at our finger tips, it forces a natural reaction to become numb at most horrific things. Something like this allows us to feel something, so people attach themselves to it. It's not war, it's not starving children, it's not that far away and people feel a sense of closeness to it, without being in danger themselves. They can safely relate to a piece of the tragedy and the media is just the middle man.

You know, I don't disagree with this stance. I haven't watched any of the coverage. I've read articles on it and that's about it. I have no desire to see it. I don't need to know the killer. **** him.

But I'd say the media is more than a middle man. I'd say it absolutely drives people. Without the coverage that they have, people can't watch it. In my opinion, our society is VERY media driven.

But, to your point, you're right. People CAN choose not to watch it. And our society loves their drama.

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Interesting and pretty powerful stuff for someone of that ilk to come out and say. And very pertinent to the OP which I wholeheartedly agree with:

“You want to know why {these shootings keep happening}. This may sound cynical, but here’s why.It’s because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single victim of Columbine? Disturbed people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he’ll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

CNN’s article says that if the body count “holds up”, this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer’s face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer’s identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don’t sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.

You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem. You can help by turning off the news."


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I've been saying for a while now that the media is an evil empire. Can't expalain the anger I felt when those ****s were interviewing the surviving children. Asking them "How did they feel?" What do you think? You ignorant mother ****ers!

Everytime I hear about the media asking a kid how they feel about this event, I feel like bashing their foot with a sledge hammer and saying, "Hey, how did you feel when I just crushed your foot? Pleasant?"

---------- Post added December-19th-2012 at 08:25 AM ----------


Interesting and pretty powerful stuff for someone of that ilk to come out and say. And very pertinent to the OP which I wholeheartedly agree with:

On. The. Money.


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Following VT, I decided that as a reporter or media guy the one thing I would not do is say the name of the killer. I don't know if that's meaningful to anyone else, but I figure part of what these guys want is fame and attention. Certainly, what they do is news. It needs to be reported, but what I can do is not cast light on him.

So, when I talk about him with a forensic psychiatrist, I'll talk about the killer, the shooter, the murderer, etc. but not use his name. When I talk about the victims I focus on the tragedy and the healing process.

Not completely sure if that helps or is the right way to go, but I've been allowed to do that and it feels right. Mind you, like most, there's no way to avoid the pressure and hurt of events like this.

Is it right to shoot the messenger in these cases? I'm not sure. I do believe that events like these are part of why the media came to be in the first place. It's a tough balance.

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I've been saying for a while now that the media is an evil empire. Can't expalain the anger I felt when those ****s were interviewing the surviving children. Asking them "How did they feel?" What do you think? You ignorant mother ****ers!

That was seriously the worst. What did they expect them to say? "Oh I'm having a great day today!" Give me a break.

And honestly, where were the parents of those kids? No way I'm letting my kid go on the national news after something like this.

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Is it right to shoot the messenger in these cases? .

Shoot the messenger? Poor choice of words, first off.

Second, yes, yes it is. They aren't reporting facts. They're dramatizing facts. Making things some huge production piece rather than news. They don't need to ask kids how they were feeling. They don't need to name the killer. They don't need to profile him. They don't need to show his face all over the news shows. They don't need to whore themselves out and pretend that they're going to a place to help but really they just wanted to find a way to get their cameras there. None of that is responsible.

I'm blaming the media for that part. Not the reporting of the event. Sensationalism at its finest.

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Interesting and pretty powerful stuff for someone of that ilk to come out and say. And very pertinent to the OP which I wholeheartedly agree with:


That reminds me of the fantastic movie The Frighteners staring Michael J Fox, but I digress.

In some situations, you're right, but this was different. This wasn't that premeditated it seems. Mentally ill kid was angry at his mother trying to send him away (for his own good and hers) and he was hurt and acted out. We should learn this kids name and change the system so it doesn't happen again.

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Freeman's agent already addressed thevquote saying that Freeman didn't say it.

Well darn. That is a shame because I fully concur with the piece. And it somehow seemed fitting coming from someone I greatly admire off screen as well as on.

Well, attributed to him or not, IMHO, their very pertinent words that fit into the OP and the premise of the thread.


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I will give Anderson Cooper some creidt. Over the weekend he refused to talk about or mention the name of the killer.

One problem I have with the constant, heart-breaking 24 hour coverage (which I've stopped watching) is that the psychos that see this get that feeling of satisfaction and therefore they can only imagine the feeling they would get in committing the same type of crime.

So. We can add another culprit to the issue.

1.Crazy mother ****ers.

2.Guns. Yes guns.

3.The media.

BTW. I'm still emotional about what happened and for some reason, those children, the adults and the victims families are the last thing I think about before I close my eyes at night. I know it might seem odd, but it has even made me feel guilty about even entertaining the thought of enjoying the Holidays knowing what they are going through.

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Shoot the messenger? Poor choice of words, first off.

Second, yes, yes it is. They aren't reporting facts. They're dramatizing facts. Making things some huge production piece rather than news. They don't need to ask kids how they were feeling. They don't need to name the killer. They don't need to profile him. They don't need to show his face all over the news shows. They don't need to whore themselves out and pretend that they're going to a place to help but really they just wanted to find a way to get their cameras there. None of that is responsible.

I'm blaming the media for that part. Not the reporting of the event. Sensationalism at its finest.

And in candor you are probably right. I think we have long been in a yellow journalism phase. Part of that is the internet, competing with the speed of blogs, part is money and ratings as its always been, and part of it is irresponsiblity.

That's one of the reasons why I've always prefered the NPR style to the for profit style.

I'm not sure how much of the puzzle the media plays in encouraging similar acts, but I do suspect it is some... probably in the same vein as playing violent video games, or watching heroic movies where the main character blows away dozens remorselessly. I also think that there are a ton of other factors and I know you're not dismissing them by examining this part of the picture.

The misinformation part I have a little less problem with because at first especially you are gathering everything you can and mistakes are bound to be made. It is reality. Viewers and Readers should know that. They should listen with concern and skepticism.

The sensationalization is a different problem though in this particular case, I think it would feel sensational because of what this **** did. 20 kids in an elementary school. That's about as horrible as you can get even using the flattest, just the facts, language possible.

---------- Post added December-19th-2012 at 08:48 AM ----------

That was seriously the worst. What did they expect them to say? "Oh I'm having a great day today!" Give me a break.

And honestly, where were the parents of those kids? No way I'm letting my kid go on the national news after something like this.

I told my reporters they were not to talk to parents or children that day. I don't see news value in that just vampirism. We did talk to a neighborhood pastor.

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..... BTW. I'm still emotional about what happened and for some reason, those children, the adults and the victims families are the last thing I think about before I close my eyes at night. I know it might seem odd, but it has even made me feel guilty about even entertaining the thought of enjoying the Holidays knowing what they are going through.

For 'odd' read thoroughly decent, caring, human being. Brought home even more by the big family man and father/ grandfather you are I'm sure

Let that raw emotion out man. You certainly aren't the only one to spare a thought in that direction.


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I told my reporters they were not to talk to parents or children that day. I don't see news value in that just vampirism. We did talk to a neighborhood pastor.

I mean and what good information were the kids going to give anyway? "Yeah we saw a guy with a gun." I mean its just stupid.

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I mean and what good information were the kids going to give anyway? "Yeah we saw a guy with a gun." I mean its just stupid.

It's just theater. It's designed to make the audience feel and bring them into the reality of the moment. Sometimes, we praise that. If you go into the Newseum and you look at the photos that win Pulitzers, their all intimately horrific, but there's a difference between bringing light to a tragic situation and being a voyeur... I think the latter is a trap some fall into. It's powerful stuff, but it's also cruel. I will say sometimes those pictures bring needed attention and help, but I think that is much less the case here than when it is done in other situations.

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