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Kilmer17's roadmap to fix the GOP


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Six years ago, this person who is now accusing the President of "purposeful dereliction of duty an untold number of illegal immigrants will kick off their shoes and come on in, competing against Americans for our jobs and limited public services."


Purposeful... He's intentionally letting illegal immigrants in.  This is insane stuff.

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This is easy: More Ron Paul republicans, less FoxNews republicans.

I'd vote GOP if that were the case, and I've never voted GOP.


how do ya think RP got elected/re-elected?


we get the leaders we demand/support.....may God have mercy on our soul  :P

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how do ya think RP got elected/re-elected?

we get the leaders we demand/support.....may God have mercy on our soul :P

In your opinion, why didn't Ron Paul get the nomination in 2008 and 2012?

I remember something about the media squelching him.

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In your opinion, why didn't Ron Paul get the nomination in 2008 and 2012?

Cause the only time he managed to get more than, I think, 9% of the vote, was in the primary where there were only two names on the ballot, and only like 3% of the voters showed up?

But I'm just going from memory.

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There is a generation of GOPers out there who think infrastructure and national health can be solved with tax cuts, gun rights and prayer. Even if you got a wave of common sense republicans who simply said "Look people, we need to all tighten our belts and solve some problems by working with folks who aren't us...." they'd be called communists or homosexuals or whatever. 


Same goes for the Dems when they aren't in control of the WH, though they do eventually come to the table and deal opposed to shutting down the Gov't to show how tough they are.


Meanwhile I have this - 

House Votes For Tax Breaks To Add $287 Billion More To Deficit


Really? Can't think of a better use of $287 billion? How about that who infrastructure thing? Its going to cost a lot more than that. Hey, you know who needs better access to water from further away? The West/Southwest. That could help. Might even create some jobs and gov't contracts.


How about some tax breaks for companies that bring jobs back from overseas while raising them on companies who have higher than a certain % offshore? Call it the Patriotic Employment Tax.

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There is a generation of GOPers out there who think infrastructure and national health can be solved with tax cuts, gun rights and prayer. Even if you got a wave of common sense republicans who simply said "Look people, we need to all tighten our belts and solve some problems by working with folks who aren't us...." they'd be called communists or homosexuals or whatever. 


Same goes for the Dems when they aren't in control of the WH, though they do eventually come to the table and deal opposed to shutting down the Gov't to show how tough they are.


Meanwhile I have this - 

House Votes For Tax Breaks To Add $287 Billion More To Deficit


Really? Can't think of a better use of $287 billion? How about that who infrastructure thing? Its going to cost a lot more than that. Hey, you know who needs better access to water from further away? The West/Southwest. That could help. Might even create some jobs and gov't contracts.


How about some tax breaks for companies that bring jobs back from overseas while raising them on companies who have higher than a certain % offshore? Call it the Patriotic Employment Tax.

How about a SEX tax. Every time you have sex, you pay a tax.

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Dick Cheney is the greatest troll in America, hands down.  I can't help but admire the guy.

Agreed. I give a little more admiration to Chris Matthews, as annoying as he can be at times. His "let me finish" Monday was a scathing review of the Cheeeeeeney regime, no holding back.
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Cheney is/was so bad that only his daughter will defend him. A brilliant man with seemingly no morals or ethics. The confidence or ego he still gives off when he was so very wrong is amazing. A draft dodger who had a hard-on for war and never seemed see the irony in it. 


I don't want to say he's "evil" per se. I do think he has a mental disability that allows him to be so very smart and driven while unable to understand the differences between right and wrong. Some might not call that a disability. But can anybody think of a VP who's done as much damage to his country as Cheney?

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Cheney is/was so bad that only his daughter will defend him. A brilliant man with seemingly no morals or ethics. The confidence or ego he still gives off when he was so very wrong is amazing. A draft dodger who had a hard-on for war and never seemed see the irony in it. 


I don't want to say he's "evil" per se. I do think he has a mental disability that allows him to be so very smart and driven while unable to understand the differences between right and wrong. Some might not call that a disability. But can anybody think of a VP who's done as much damage to his country as Cheney?

The problem is that this is the predictable result of someone who has been raised in a culture which values exactly those qualities.

I see it in other specialized cultures.

I look at Supreme Court nominees.

For 50 years, abortion has been a litmus test which has been given great weight in these matters.

But a few decades back, we discovered that Supreme Court nominees have to be confirmed. And that the confirmation process is a setting in which things can be grandstanded before the public. And that people who have said things in which they declare a political position, and people remember it, "can and will be used against you".

People with strong, declared, ideological positions, have a hard time getting confirmed.

Does this mean that, when it's time to nominate a new justice, that President X tells his staff "find me a moderate, who won;t have an ugly confirmation fight"? Nobody believes that.

Instead, the orders are "Find me the most rabidly partisan person you can find.  One who, since his teenage years, has been Heiling The Fuerer for in his Party Meetings.  (Where he's surrounded by other Party Faithful.) But who has intentionally concealed his Party Membership whenever he isn't in the meetings."

They don't want people who aren't ideologues. They want people who are ideologues who have decades of experience at lying about it.

I remember when W decided to nominate his secretary to the Supreme Court. His own Party went a mild version of ballistic (because they wanted him to nominate somebody who was even more partisan.)

And after a day or two of this, W actually goes public to announce that "Trust me, folks. She's been working for me for 30 years. I know how she feels about abortion."

His way of supporting his nominee, was to publicly announce that she has spent decades reciting the appropriate slogans, in private.


I remember when the Supreme Court was deciding the 2000 election.  Stories came out that one of the Justices (a female one, but I don't remember who) had announced at a DC party, that she really wanted Bush to win, because she wants to retire, but there's no way she's going to retire if there's a Democrat in the White House. 


Her reaction to the news stories? 


She doesn't deny making the comment.  She will not say that she's biased in her ruling. 


No, her response was along the lines that well, she thought she was in a room where nobody would quote her. 


For a long time, there was this scene, in a lot of movies, that didn't make any sense, to me. The scene is where the KGB is showing up to drag off some Russian (who may or may not be guilty of some crime, depending on the movie). And, as the guy is being dragged away, he's screaming about what a loyal Party member he is.

I'm thinking "What the heck does being Republican or Democrat have to do with this situation? Isn't everybody in Russia a member of the Party? Why aren't you yelling something relevent, like whether you're innocent of the crime?"

But for the last couple decades, I've been thinking or the R's and D's as being much more analogous to the Communist Party. As a group where people gather to be surrounded by similar people, who all kneel before an altar and Heil a swastika (OK, so my analogies are kinda mixed. Shoot me.) with a bunch of other insincere people. And they all hold this competition to see which one can act like he's even more a True Believer than the guy next to him.

A meeting where a couple of people, all in black, stand in the corners of the room, and keep notes of how many times each person Heils the Flag, and whether he seemed sincere. And then later, The Party will then bestow some kind of reward on the people who impressed them as being more fanatically loyal than the other people who are trying to act like they're fanatically loyal.


I think a lot of politics, today, are now run by Pod People. People who literally aren't Human, any more. Who have been wholly absorbed by The Overmind.

I see them establishing factories. Mechanisms and institutions which are designed, from the ground up, to create more Pod People, so that we can take control of the government.

(People may think I'm talking about Fox News, and it's certain;y an example. But no, I'm talking about Liberty University. An organization founded for the purpose of gathering together people who have already been identified, in their teens, as Pod People. And then giving them advanced levels of indoctrination, together with a diploma, so that they can then use said diploma to go get a job in the government, without actually having to risk their Pod Children going to a real university, where they might be exposed to people who aren't Pod People.)


There's a Daily Show interview that I think kinda touches on the subject. (And it's rare for me to even watch the Daily Show interviews.)

His guest is Kevin Spacey, and they're discussing his show, House of Cards. And the fact that, when doing research for the show, he actually was invited to spend time shadowing the Majority and Minority Whips of the House.

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