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Is there anyone who will NOT vote?


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I missed the voter registration deadline in Virginia. Thats my fault, Im cool with that, I was undecided for so long, that by the time I decided to vote, it was too late. What Im not cool with is the fact that places, such as D.C., have same-day registration. This inherently benefits slackers, and we all know slackers are more likely to be democrats ;-), so it looks like Virginia is purposefully skewing the election to republicans while D.C. is doing it for democrats.

No, seriously, voter registration procedures and deadlines should be homogenized across the nation. Same-day registration should be allowed everywhere. If D.C can figure out the logistics behind same-day registration, then everybody can, no excuses.

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I don't believe our country will be any different in 4 years regardless of who wins. The system is broken and the country is too divided. At least both sides looking down on someone like me unifies them for a minute or two.

Co-sign this.

Didn't vote, just don't care enough. I don't think anything is going to change by me voting. Doesn't matter who is president. There might have been a couple state propositions that would interest me but I am not intrigued enough to look.

Funny thing is that I am one of the most patriotic people on this board. Love my country, just don't care for politics. They are hogwash.

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I am a voter, and I do take it seriously. I do feel it is a right that I take pride in.

HOWEVER; I'm glad some people don't vote. Many, if not most, are not properly educated to make an informed decision. If you decided to spend your time in another way than learning about the issues, that's fine.... and that's the beauty of the freedom in our country. I appreciate the honesty of the people who realize, "I did not inform myself, so I'm not voting." This is even more important on state issues. How many people are going to vote against/for Question 7 or Question 4 (in MD) without a real understanding of what they are voting for? Probably alot. There were a few things I didn't cast a vote for, I sure didn't learn anything about possible judges getting elected, so I didn't vote on them. I would rather have 100 informed voters than 1,000,000 uninformed voters.

Atleast we're not in Australia... not voting is a federal crime.

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How DARE that piddly little court reject the tyranny of the majority?

The nerve! I swear, it's like they think they're an equal branch of government with a constitutional duty to provide some sort of "check" (or "balance," if you will) on the other branches.


I could care less if the Supreme Court called it unconstitutional if the Governor tried to pass the bill into law, but when the actual people that the constitution of the United States is suppose to protect votes something into law and then it's "unconstitutional?" So please, continue with more sarcasm instead of actually bringing something to the subject, or is this another because I don't vote I have no rights thing again?

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Me. I'm not voting because I just don't care anymore. I think very little positive about America and I only see it getting worse. I feel no loyalty to it.

Same, it makes little difference who wins. Same thing, different coating. It's like red and brown M&M's lol.

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I will vote, but i know quite a few people personally who voted in 2008 but refuse to this time. Most were Obama voters last time, but a few were GOP'ers too. All of them dislike their choices this go around.

Its been the reverse for me. I voted for Ted Nugent last election because I hate Obama and didn't like McCain, as a presidential candidate. Ironically I voted for Romney in the 04 Primary. That was actually a good thing. Short of Abraham Lincoln rising from the grave with Ronad Reagan as his running mate, no Rep candidate would've won that election year.

The only person I know for sure not voting is an ex. She said she just didn't want to vote. As far as I know she might not even be registered.

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