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CSM: Quiz - Are You More Liberal than the President?

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You agreed with the points I was trying to make in short hand?

This is the stuff I've been saying. Not sure why conservatives hate Obama as he clearly reaches across the aisle to either appease opposition or just cooperate to get things done. As you said, he's not a true liberal and Romney is not a true conservative. It's just a crazy election.

My point is that McCain is in the center so Far Right conservatives think he's a commie. Which he's not.

That's why I mentioned it?

President Obama is a bit Libertarian in the Foreign policy realm, I always give him a B+ on how he intercedes.. The drones are his weakness in this field as they are the easy road.

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I keep trying to tell ya that most of ya'll are off the liberal deep end.

Overstated probably, but i still lean towards agreement, especially if you make the necessary qualifier that "conservative" these days means "bat **** crazy", "religious zealot", and plain ole "extremist" notably more than it used to.

and the quiz is pretty silly in terms of credibility, even allowing the obvious excuses for its nature.

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Overstated probably, but i still lean towards agreement, especially if you make the necessary qualifier that "conservative" these days means "bat **** crazy", "religious zealot", and plain ole "extremist" notably more than it used to.

and the quiz is pretty silly in terms of credibility, even allowing the obvious excuses for its nature.

Considering it obvious nature, I'm surprised by the righties and libbies here who are coming up more liberal than the pres. Wouldn't that be the other way around if CSM had an agenda? I do think it's a bit silly, but more because there aren't enough answers available to cover all contingencies. Spot on the def of conservative though :D.

For the record as a dem I find CSM to be very non-inflammatory or opinionated and an excellent provider of news.

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Moderate....but I don't agree with most of his decisions.

Obama's your main man.

You're a moderate liberal, or maybe even an Independent. You agree with most of the decisions President Obama has made while in office, and you understand that compromise is sometimes necessary.

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"Your politics are considered radical by many, and sometimes you even agree with communist policies. You disagree with most of President Obama's decisions, but you may not have voted for him anyway. Someone like Ralph Nader would be a better candidate for you."

Nice, except for the Nader part. And I did vote for Barry and most likely will again.

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You're definitely a lefty!

Your politics are considered radical by many, and sometimes you even agree with communist policies. You disagree with most of President Obama's decisions, but you may not have voted for him anyway. Someone like Ralph Nader would be a better candidate for you.

Big surprise! I think the "communist policies" is telling about where this quiz originates. I do disagree with a lot of what Obama's done, because he hasn't done what he promised. However, any Republican and especially the Republican Party platform are anathema to me.

me and you are comrades :)

---------- Post added September-19th-2012 at 12:20 AM ----------

Hello!! Obama is not a liberal, Neither was Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter. The United States hasn't elected a liberal to the Presidency since LBJ..

Obama is a right leaning pragmatist who's most liberal policy ( healthcare ) was architected by the conservative Heritage foundation, mirrors Mitt Romney's healthcare plan in MA, and was first proposed for the nation by Richard Nixon.

Clinton championed NAFTA, Wellfare reform, and declared in a national speech the era of big government was over.

Carter was a fundamentalist Christian from Georgia.

Why did the GOP say Obama was a socialist, or the most liberal senator in the senate? Same reason they said Kerry was the most liberal senator in the senate, cause it helps them with their base. Hello we have a self identified socialist in the senate, and Ted Kennedy was there when the GOP was making those accusations..

yeah, this is correct. All of it.

America has moved to the right since the 1960s, and outside of that 10-15 year period, has always been a right leaning country.

I used to believe Obama was more a liberal but then 2009 happened and made me realize I was wrong.

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While I generally agree, I'm not sure how far I'd push the idea that Obama's ideology is actually right-leaning based on his record. I suspect that a combination of social and political circumstance coupled with poor political strategy makes him look worse than he is to some degree.

I think we only have his record to base it on. Obama ran for office as a moderate liberal. His record shows him to be a moderate right leaning pragmatist. I think the only thing which makes him look liberal or even left leaning much less socialist is a voice over by a helpful Republican pendant telling folks such.

If you have a non arbitrary definition for what is liberal and conservative and apply it to Obama; then he is clearly more pragmatic than ideological, and clearly more moderate right leaning than left leaning.

In my largely uninformed opinion, I'd have to say that Obama's biggest failing is probably that he's not hard-headed and stubborn enough to push his agenda without letting it get torn to shreds by bad compromises along the way.

You sound pretty well informed to me. I think you are correct. He's not driven by personal ideas or philosophy of how things should work like Reagan was. He's more driven reflexively by seeing a problem, finding a solution, and finally tailoring his solution to what he things is possible. His solutions are heavily weighted by looking for things which have worked in the passed, like his healthcare plan which fundamentally was a reform to the existing system, and not something new. This is the very essence of conservatism. You can also see this in how he dealt with ( banking reform, Iraq, Afghanistan, GM and the entire financial crisis ).

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That quiz is ridiculous :ols:

The options for the quiz are totally skewed toward Obama: e.g. here's a generally reasonable option vs. completely radical options most conservatives I know don't even support.

As a result, I picked all radical options and "probably won't be voting for Obama in November." lol

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yeah, this is correct. All of it.

America has moved to the right since the 1960s, and outside of that 10-15 year period, has always been a right leaning country.

I used to believe Obama was more a liberal but then 2009 happened and made me realize I was wrong.

Clearly Ronald Reagan moved the center in this country to the right. I'm not really sure otherwise the country has moved. I think the GOP has significantly moved to the right, as such when the country turns to them as an alternative to Democrats we get ever more right leaning leaders (verbally anyway)... But in reality there is no real trend towards conservatism... Reagan was perhaps the first modern conservative to obtain office. Bush Sr; wasn't a conservative prior to teaming with Reagan, and was a moderate in office, which ultimately assisted in getting him gone. Bush Jr. I think was further towards the extreme. That's really not much of a trend, especially since only Reagan got his VP elected to follow himself up, thus resulting in a clear indication he moved the center.

Reagan was the architect on how to win an election, for all Republican Presidential candidates who came after him including Romney... ( Push to the right, empower the right, trust your base will carry you )... Jimmy Carter was the architect for all Democrats who have come after him including Obama. ( Push to the center, confront the left, trust there are more voters in the center than on the fringes ).

What you are left with is a political system which doesn't cover the left. I would also argue that the country craves a left leaning president which for those ideologically unfamiliar with the term it means ( new ideas ).. Obama's campaign slogan "Hope and Change" was a rallying cry to liberals. As was George Bush's "compassionate conservative"... Hell even Jimmy Carter's slogan... "A leader for a Change"....

American's do crave Change, and change is often a desire for new ideas... Only our political parties really don't support that or haven't recently... Maybe Howard Dean will come back and try is hand at this again, I believe he is an ideological liberal, and I think the country would support him as they almost did in the 2004 election.

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I delibrately gave the most extreme often stupid answers alternating from the left to right every question. .

And the Results are....

You're a moderate liberal, or maybe even an Independent. You agree with most of the decisions President Obama has made while in office, and you understand that compromise is sometimes necessary.

This survey is definately weighted to find people more liberal than the President.

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This survey is definately weighted to find people more liberal than the President.

Or most Americans are more liberal than Obama. Obama ran for office and was elected to change things. ( Hope and Change ). He was a new face, who claimed to have new ideas, and the majority of the country supported that. What we got with Obama was not new ideas, but a rehashing of the old ideas. Merely a competent Bush. That leaves the majority who supported Obama's change message in the last election to his left this time around...

That's a political strategy most modern democrats take.

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I delibrately gave the most extreme often stupid answers alternating from the left to right every question. .

And the Results are....

You're a moderate liberal, or maybe even an Independent. You agree with most of the decisions President Obama has made while in office, and you understand that compromise is sometimes necessary.

This survey is definately weighted to find people more liberal than the President.

Or maybe Obama isn't nearly as liberal as some people seem to think. :whoknows:

---------- Post added September-19th-2012 at 11:09 AM ----------

I'm "more liberal" than President Obama. I also took the Romney version of the quiz and apparently I'm also "Romney all the way!". :|

There's a Romney version of the test? Is that one where every answer changes to whatever the current test taker wants it to be?

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There's a Romney version of the test? Is that one where every answer changes to whatever the current test taker wants it to be?

Only if you take the test behind closed doors, and hand it your credit card with at least a $50,000 balance. If you don't have 50k, the test will just ignore you.

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Clearly Ronald Reagan moved the center in this country to the right. I'm not really sure otherwise the country has moved. I think the GOP has significantly moved to the right, as such when the country turns to them as an alternative to Democrats we get ever more right leaning leaders (verbally anyway)... But in reality there is no real trend towards conservatism... Reagan was perhaps the first modern conservative to obtain office. Bush Sr; wasn't a conservative prior to teaming with Reagan, and was a moderate in office, which ultimately assisted in getting him gone. Bush Jr. I think was further towards the extreme. That's really not much of a trend, especially since only Reagan got his VP elected to follow himself up, thus resulting in a clear indication he moved the center.

Reagan was the architect on how to win an election, for all Republican Presidential candidates who came after him including Romney... ( Push to the right, empower the right, trust your base will carry you )... Jimmy Carter was the architect for all Democrats who have come after him including Obama. ( Push to the center, confront the left, trust there are more voters in the center than on the fringes ).

What you are left with is a political system which doesn't cover the left. I would also argue that the country craves a left leaning president which for those ideologically unfamiliar with the term it means ( new ideas ).. Obama's campaign slogan "Hope and Change" was a rallying cry to liberals. As was George Bush's "compassionate conservative"... Hell even Jimmy Carter's slogan... "A leader for a Change"....

American's do crave Change, and change is often a desire for new ideas... Only our political parties really don't support that or haven't recently... Maybe Howard Dean will come back and try is hand at this again, I believe he is an ideological liberal, and I think the country would support him as they almost did in the 2004 election.

well I was thinking about the policy shift over the last 30+ years vs presidents.

There were 2 articles during the conventions in WaPo that showed the move to the right for both parties in their national platforms. It was pretty interesting.

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well I was thinking about the policy shift over the last 30+ years vs presidents.

There were 2 articles during the conventions in WaPo that showed the move to the right for both parties in their national platforms. It was pretty interesting.

I will have to try to look that up. I know Kennedy was a fairly conservative Democrat ( anti communist, strong on defense, fiscally restrained), sandwiched between FDR, Truman, and LBJ who were all classic liberals. Well at least they invented the Democratic Liberal icon....

It all goes to what your definition of liberal or conservative is....

The classic definition for conservative which applies to Rome's Kato as well as Reagan or Bush Jr.. is when faced with a problem, do you look to the passed for what has worked before?

or do you try to invent something entirely new( which describes FDR, Truman, and Johnson )...

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Dude, being a liberal is a bad thing. It's something Democrats are accused of. I can't remember the last time a Democratic candidate self identified as liberal, maybe LBJ? Obama certainly hasn't, nor did Kerry, Gore, or Clinton. Being Liberal is certainly a negative. It's what the GOP labels you before they run over you with the truck.

No democrat running for national office has defended that term in nearly 50 years, and the GOP has used it in every election.

Hell the Democrats experimented with the term Progressive which is a synonym for Liberal; and the GOP talking heads came out and proclaimed progressives as WORSE than liberal.

That is so unbeliveably warped and sad I don't know wether to laugh or cry. Can't say that I am really surprised, from the country that made communisim=evil, social healthcare=evil and gay marriage=evil I guess it is not much of a stretch to make liberals=evil.

Are all Americans blind to propganda, or just blind to American propoganda? Do you not see that Americans are the only ones who view the word Liberal as you guys do? don't belive me, check out the 2 very different definitions of Liberal from Dictonary.com (an American based company) and from the Oxford Dictonary (an English publication).



   [lib-er-uhl, lib-ruhl] Show IPA



favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.


( often initial capital letter ) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.


of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism.


favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.


favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.

and Oxford

Definition of liberal


1willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas: liberal views towards divorce

favourable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms: liberal citizenship laws

(in a political context) favouring individual liberty, free trade, and moderate political and social reform: a liberal democratic state

(Liberal) relating to Liberals or a Liberal Party, especially (in the UK) relating to the Liberal Democrat party: the Liberal leader

Theology regarding many traditional beliefs as dispensable, invalidated by modern thought, or liable to change.

2 [attributive] (of education) concerned with broadening a person’s general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training: the provision of liberal adult education

3(especially of an interpretation of a law) broadly construed or understood; not strictly literal: they could have given the 1968 Act a more liberal interpretation

4given, used, or occurring in generous amounts: liberal amounts of wine had been consumed

(of a person) giving generously: Sam was too liberal with the wine

And if Liberalism is so bad and evil and should never rear it's ugly head, then the great ol' US of A would never have been formed as all of the forefarthers used liberal philosophies to justify overthrowing the ruling British goverment of the time. So Liberalism can be used to found a nation, but it must be stopped at all costs after that.

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Congratulations! You're more liberal than President Obama!

You're proudly towing the liberal line, canvas tote bag and all. You've probably been frustrated with President Obama's policies on more than one occasion, especially when he compromises with Republicans. You probably miss the Clinton years, and may have even been a Hillary supporter in '08.

Actually, I originally was a Hilary supporter b/c of her stance on healthcare :D

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That is so unbeliveably warped and sad I don't know wether to laugh or cry. Can't say that I am really surprised, from the country that made communisim=evil, social healthcare=evil and gay marriage=evil I guess it is not much of a stretch to make liberals=evil.

Yes but that generally describes politics doesn't it.

Are all Americans blind to propganda, or just blind to American propoganda? Do you not see that Americans are the only ones who view the word Liberal as you guys do?

Couple of thoughts here... (1) pretty much. (2) All politics is a circle, conservatism was indefensible in this country in the 1930's - 70's; But as liberals and then moderates failed, Conservatism was the last man standing and got another go. We are nearing that same predicament in this country. People are hungry for a change and new ideas, they just don't understand that's what liberalism is all about. New ideas is what liberalism brings to the table. Still the horse-sense of the average American is what has saved this country in our worst times, it's what will save us in the future too. It's not that they are always right, it's that they are right when they have had to be.

(3) We also equate the word socialist with both communism and Nazism. We do this even though every other democracy in the world subscribes to socialism, and neither the communists nor the Nazi's did. Our closest allies, Canada, UK, Australia, Japan, even Israel are all liberal socialist republics. Our good friend Tony Blaire had the charter of his own party changed to include the word socialist.

And if Liberalism is so bad and evil and should never rear it's ugly head, then the great ol' US of A would never have been formed as all of the forefarthers used liberal philosophies to justify overthrowing the ruling British government of the time.

Actually the founding fathers were revolutionaries which is the extreme left leaning philosophy. Liberal or Socialist is the moderate left leaning position. They absolutely set out to create a government such like none other which preceded them.

So Liberalism can be used to found a nation, but it must be stopped at all costs after that.

It's not as bad as all that.. It's fine to have liberal ideas, you just can't call them liberal ideas and expect folks to take you seriously.

Best of all is if you can have really liberal ideas and get the GOP to subscribe to them; then it doesn't even matter if they are good ideas or not conservatives will support them.

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Nothing like seeing two guys with the same philosophy argue about it! Brilliant! :ols:

We, on the left, have co-opted the word progressive to take the place of liberal in the every day politica vernacular. I hear it used all the time on Sirius Left.

Actually Republican Teddy Roosevelt was one of the pioneers of the progressive moment in the United States around 1900. Likewise I've heard the term Progressive used to label Democrats much more than I've heard Democrats claiming or defending that term.

But for the record Progressive is a synonym with liberal. It's not the more aggressive of two philosophies bent on world domination. It is merely the consideration of new ideas for problems which face the nation.

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