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WEx: Redskins Confidential Redskins practice report: Aug. 7 /RGIII Report: Aug. 7

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You can't really compare JC17 to RGIII10 anyway.

JC held the ball too long, but he just stood in the pocket, making himself a big target. Then his throwing motion was large and time consuming.

Even if RG3 holds the ball too long, he seems to feel pressure better, is far more agile, and has that quick release once he makes his late decision. These things will really help him over the next couple of seasons until his reads become second nature. In the meantime, he's going to give secondary's a working because they are going to have to cover longer once things get into "improv mode".

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The early concerns about RGIII are legitimate but he has ample time to prove himself. I would not compare him to Jason Campbell because they are two different style of QB's. The QB you should compare him to is Kevin Kolb. Kolb played high school ball under Art Briles system and again at UH. RGIII was recruited by Briles at UH but RGIII transfered to Baylor after Briles took the job there. The comparison is between QB's in Briles' system that allows them to have outstanding numbers in college. How that translate into the NFL is dependent on each individual player but there has to be somewhat of concerns since Kolb is struggling. On another note, in between Kolb and RGIII, Briles also recruited another QB by the name of Case Keenum (basically played in a very similar system at UH after his first year under Briles) who basically has every NCAA passing record. Keenum was undrafted last year despite throwing for 19K yards, 155 Td's, and only 46 int's. There was a lot of knock on Kolb when he was drafted because the system in which he played, however those same concerns were never really mentioned with RGIII since he played in the B12 or BCS conference.

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who basically has every NCAA passing record. Keenum was undrafted last year despite throwing for 19K yards, 155 Td's, and only 46 int's. There was a lot of knock on Kolb when he was drafted because the system in which he played, however those same concerns were never really mentioned with RGIII since he played in the B12 or BCS conference.

Reminds me of Timmy Chang and Colt Brennan. I don't think RG3 will end up being like those guys.

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Reminds me of Timmy Chang and Colt Brennan. I don't think RG3 will end up being like those guys.

Is it because of athletic ability, accuracy, etc? Is there a reason or justification for your argument other than "because he plays for the skins so I have faith in him". Remember RGIII was non-existent until his senior year. Just curious as what your thoughts are.

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I think one thing that we have to keep in mind, is there are several starters on this defense that has seen this offense for two to three years now. The seasoned vets recognize the formations, and have a good idea whats coming at them. Now you throw in a roookie QB who is still learning the offense and you have a formula for a rookie QB to struggle in practice at times. Now add in that our defense has the potiential to be a top 10 defense in the NFL this year, and any half football knowledge fan could easily recognize that RG3 job has to be pretty damn hard in practice sometime. I am just as excited as the next fan to have RG3 as our QB, but I wont live and die with every great throw or bad one he makes. Like another fan said, he is going to make mistakes, prepare yourself for that, what impresses me with RG3 is, he takes the mistakes he makes and works his butt off to understand and correct it. Thats the making of a great QB!!! My only expectations of RG3 in this game, is to show command, confidence, and leadership of this offense.

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I hope we see meh tomorrow night.

Plain vanilla.

In fact I hope we see BobGriff (lol) thow an interception, and lose a fumble.

I hope the media and every other team in teh league writes us off, and we go fuming back into camp and work our tails off, and show incremental progression though pre-season and hit our first real game, and tear the Saints up with a punishing run game, a rokie QB that makes smart decisions and uses his legs on occasion to devestating effect, and see a RABID D that creates more turnovers than a European Bakery.

Dude relax...I have on slacks today *hides raging hard on*

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One thing for sure RGIII will NEVER live up to the fan-base's expectations.

He could go 18-20 with 2 tds 1 int and 428yds his first game, and we are going to hear about how we hope he solves the INT problem, and "Why dosen't he run more when he gets in trouble"?

"oh and those 2 incompletions were terrible, and we are lucky that they didn't get pick -6ed"

Expectations are so amazingly high, that hopefully they don't get out of control with a Spurrior-ish pre-season showing.

This team needs to be humble, angry, and hungry when season opening kick-off happens.

Personally I'd be ecstatic if he put up those numbers. You'd get no complaints from me. But yeah, some expectations are too high. I agree, a Spurrior-ish pre-season would only serve to raise expectations and lead to the complaints you mentioned. Yes, we're all excited and hopes are riding high. Everyone just needs to chill and remember that RG3 is a rookie.

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Its crazy to see the range of emotions from a lot of the posters here the last few weeks. Its like riding the longest, most insane roller coaster on the planet that goes 150 mph and never ends. I will admit, it is hard to be humble when you have so many people on board with RGIII and this team, but I always keep thinking, these are the Washington Redskins and when in my lifetime has anything panned out for us? I want to finally have everything pan out for us but year after year of just downright craptastic **** happening to us keeps playing through my mind because this team is like the Murphy's Law of the NFL.

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I get the sense Keim is increasingly "glass half empty" and trying to be contrarian in regards to RG3. His tone strikes me as a hater of the RG3 coronation tour.

If you think this about John Keim, then you don't know John Keim or his work.

The most objective, well-respected Skins reporter around.

He is not a "hater."

He is simply reporting what he sees like he always does.

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Boy, i'm thinking should i wait until Saturday before i log back on ES... some folks fail to realize this is "Pre season game #1"... again *In my Allen Iverson Voice*.... "Its Preseason, Man.... Its Preseason.."

---------- Post added August-8th-2012 at 12:22 PM ----------

If you think this about John Keim, then you don't know John Keim or his work.

The most objective, well-respected Skins reporter around.

He is not a "hater."

He is simply reporting what he sees like he always does.

I testify this as the truth... He's not a hater at all.. Keim is one of the best in the business.

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If you think this about John Keim, then you don't know John Keim or his work.

The most objective, well-respected Skins reporter around.

He is not a "hater."

He is simply reporting what he sees like he always does.

I testify this as the truth... He's not a hater at all.. Keim is one of the best in the business.

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I can't believe people are already worried and it is only training camp. Really people??? I'm just going to leave this quote here by one of the great philosopher of the 21st century:

"But its...its easy ... to, to talk about... It's easy to sum it up when you're just talking about practice. We're sitting in here, and I'm supposed to be the franchise player, and we in here talking about practice. I mean, listen, we're talking about practice, not a game, not a game, not a game, we talking about practice. Not a game. Not, not ... Not the game that I go out there and die for and play every game like it's my last. Not the game, but we're talking about practice, man. I mean, how silly is that? ..."

-- Allen Iverson

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I hope we see meh tomorrow night.

Plain vanilla.

In fact I hope we see BobGriff (lol) thow an interception, and lose a fumble.

I hope the media and every other team in teh league writes us off, and we go fuming back into camp and work our tails off, and show incremental progression though pre-season and hit our first real game, and tear the Saints up with a punishing run game, a rokie QB that makes smart decisions and uses his legs on occasion to devestating effect, and see a RABID D that creates more turnovers than a European Bakery.

I think a lot of people/media are forgetting about the Redskins Defense. That Defense bought into and believed in Rex Grossman and man they played lights out until Beck came in. I can't even imagine the fight they will put up for Bob Griffin. Bob sounds like a rookie in training camp so I'm not really surprised. However, the guys will def work to improve himself between now and week 1. I have a feeling no matter what we see tomorrow, the Robert Griffin III that we see down in NO will be a lot further along.

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I saw one report on ESPN about Luck and thats it. RGIII is on TV everytime I turn it on. It is starting to scare me. There is alot of pressure (media, fans, endorsements) being put on the young man.

Granted we're in the area and hometown fan base... Maybe around Indiana Luck is getting similar coverage? RG3 does have more endorsements, but I'm glad they limit his media sessions to once/week

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All I need from RG3 tomorrow is a clean bill of health. I do not need 500 yards passing and 3 touchdowns because it is the preseason. I just want RG3 to get the game experience and not be so caught up on being perfect and playing loose. I prefer RG3 to experiment in the preseason so it will not carry over into the regular.

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That's funny I have gotten the exact opposite from Keim's RGIII reports. Have you read his other training camp reports - or just the one posted in this thread? I ask because they seem to be fair and balanced to me. I have seen him talk about RGIII correcting mistakes, showing improvements in some throws, and/or his ability to put the ball in tight windows or the exact place it needs to be for the receiver to get yards after the catch. And even when discussing his incompletions or interceptions, I have seen Keim go further than most reports and explain how he may have threw to the wrong shoulder or he missed a particular read by the defense - things which hopefully will be corrected with time. And most importantly to me, in even his most detailed analysis I have seen Keim drop a friendly reminder that he is just a rookie at the beginning of his first training camp so not to read too much into anything. I'm not trying to plug his work but I haven't seen anything that makes me believe he is being contrarian for sport or a hater.

LFS- Hard to put my finger on it because he's a good tap dancer/writer and always covers his tracks, hedges. I've read eveything he's written since the ota's and TC in regards to RG3. For my taste he's just harped quite a bit and been out front constantly on the holding the ball too long issue. Also the he's just a rookie line. Between the lines I sense he's decided/realized that most fans and local media Are pretty googoo over rG3, and that he was gonna take a wait and see approach before coronation, just in case we have to ring the "I told you so battle cry" if the kid fails. I like him and read him and have no real issue with him taking this view if that is his view, who knows, his prerogative. But All the way down to the Specific daily camp article solely to review RG3, I smell something. Read back through them, some are double edged and fair nonetheless.

Totally may be wrong, happens plenty, but idk something may be afoot! Lol.

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If you think this about John Keim, then you don't know John Keim or his work.

The most objective, well-respected Skins reporter around.

He is not a "hater."

He is simply reporting what he sees like he always does.

Don't know the guy personally, read almost everything he writes on the skins. If you know the guy obviously it gives you greater context to the writing and the man. So I'm totally fine, keeping that in mind for the future. It was by no means to disparage the guy, have usually loved his skins coverage, just the feeling I've gotten on the rg3 articles in particular. Nothing over the top though or subversive. If you know him, it's food for thought, if you don't I'll still keep it mind. Thanksbud.

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LFS- Hard to put my finger on it because he's a good tap dancer/writer and always covers his tracks, hedges. I've read eveything he's written since the ota's and TC in regards to RG3. For my taste he's just harped quite a bit and been out front constantly on the holding the ball too long issue. Also the he's just a rookie line. Between the lines I sense he's decided/realized that most fans and local media Are pretty googoo over rG3, and that he was gonna take a wait and see approach before coronation, just in case we have to ring the "I told you so battle cry" if the kid fails. I like him and read him and have no real issue with him taking this view if that is his view, who knows, his prerogative. But All the way down to the Specific daily camp article solely to review RG3, I smell something. Read back through them, some are double edged and fair nonetheless.

Totally may be wrong, happens plenty, but idk something may be afoot! Lol.

The local beat guys have hardly been "ga-ga" over RG3. Rich Campbell has also hit on the "he holds the ball too long", and Tandler, while not as critical, has mentioned it as well. And Mike Jones...well, he gets around to it like 7 hours after we after everyone else does.

All the beat guys also have to deal with near panicked fans going crazy on Twitter that RG3 is struggling, hence the "calm down, he's just a rookie" comments.

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