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Obamacare...(new title): GOP DEATH PLAN: Don-Ryan's Express


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Romney has already come out as saying that if elected, he will work to overturn the law. Romney is framing the choice: Vote for me if you are against the health care law, or vote for the other guy if you're for it.

Its probably a good strategy.

It may turn out to be a good strategy, but this law is not going to get repealed like that. In 2010 the GOP PROMISED to repeal the health care law when the won the house. Guess what, one half of one branch of government doesn't get to repeal laws. Even if the GOP wins the House and the POTUS, they are not going to get 60 votes in the Senate; thus, they will not be able to just repeal this law.

If the GOP really wants to repeal this law, come up with a good replacement for it. A lot of dems want to replace this law with something else, but the GOP has offered no replacements. But, Romney is not going to walk into his office in 2013 and just repeal a law. It doesn't work like that.


Actually, I think the great majority of Americans are ready to move on now. I think if Romney makes this his central issue, people will tune him out.

Edited by Tulane Skins Fan
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Well, I'm a little behind on how the Sturm und Drang has been going, but last I checked in, it seemed like the conservatives were sure "Obamacare" (stupid term) would be struck down. So what are "they" saying they think happened on why the court has so unexpectedly (presumably) disappointed them?

Edited by Jumbo
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Romney has already come out as saying that if elected, he will work to overturn the law. Romney is framing the choice: Vote for me if you are against the health care law, or vote for the other guy if you're for it.

Its probably a good strategy.


So Romney came out to say he's against something he himself helped create? Ok. I guess that's a good strategy. But he helped passed this when he was Governor. Who's to believe he's not just saying this because its what he thinks people want to hear and in reality, he supports this law?

I don't know if it would go far enough to need it. But Obama could tie this one around Romney's neck by giving him credit for helping create such a law, and that he's just too humble to take the credit he so rightfully deserves. blah blah blah.

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It may turn out to be a good strategy, but this law is not going to get repealed like that. In 2010 the GOP PROMISED to repeal the health care law when the won the house. Guess what, one half of one branch of government doesn't get to repeal laws. Even if the GOP wins the House and the POTUS, they are not going to get 60 votes in the Senate; thus, they will not be able to just repeal this law.

If the GOP really wants to repeal this law, come up with a good replacement for it. A lot of dems want to replace this law with something else, but the GOP has offered no replacements. But, Romney is not going to walk into his office in 2013 and just repeal a law. It doesn't work like that.


Actually, I think the great majority of Americans are ready to move on now. I think if Romney makes this his central issue, people will tune him out.

The election is close enough for him to make this a central part of his campaign.

Which is one of the reasons the GOP wanted it in front of the Court this summer.

I still dont think this alone sways anyone. But it does fit into an Anti Obama message. The tricky part will be for him to come up with the "replace" part of the equation. It wont have to be specific, but it cant be "Go to my website for details" either.

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Romney has already come out as saying that if elected, he will work to overturn the law. Romney is framing the choice: Vote for me if you are against the health care law, or vote for the other guy if you're for it.

Its probably a good strategy.

You know, i remember back in school when i learned all about how America worked, and how democracy was the greatest thing ever.

So let me get this straight.. Obama is voted in with a super-majority, with healthcare as one of the cornerstones of his campaign.

The Republicans scream throughout the debate that Americans don't want this, even though they voted in all of the people who said they'd do it.

The law passed after some good scuttling attempts, and now the majority conservative court has upheld the law.

So of course in many minds this in NO WAY means that the majority of the American people wanted this, and in NO WAY does the SUPREME Court have the supremacy it takes to convince them that the people voted for it.

So, the answer is to work to overturn the will of the majority.

I think my Civics teacher got it all totally ass backwards.

Now a majority vote means nothing at all... in fact, all it means is that the one's who lost should only SCREAM LOUDER.

We are devo.


Edited by Bang
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Against an incumbent.

This (and every election with an incumbent) was always going to be a referendum on Obama.

If Romney doesn't have an alternative plan yet. he should just use his plan from Mass. That'll probably work.

Boehner: "This is a dark day for America. If we are forced to have healthcare, it's only a matter of time before we have education."
Edited by Buford
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Why wouldn't it have to be specific? He's running for president.
Because in an election year ANY specific proposal is fair game to beat somebody up with.

The GOP has had many years since the Clinton health plan to do something, ANYTHING, of substance in this area. They've avoided it like the plague mostly in fear of political consequences now. Suddenly they grow a spine? It would be interesting, but I'm not holding my breath. Any proposal will be long on "Obama bad" and "free market good" with as little meat as possible.

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You know, i remember back in school when i learned all about how America worked, and how democracy was the greatest thing ever.

So let me get this straight.. Obama is voted in with a super-majority, with healthcare as one of the cornerstones of his campaign.

The Republicans scream throughout the debate that Americans don't want this, even though they voted in all of the people who said they'd do it.

The law passed after some good scuttling attempts, and now the majority conservative court has upheld the law.

So of course in many minds this in NO WAY means that the majority of the American people wanted this, and in NO WAY does the SUPREME Court have the supremacy it takes to convince them that the people voted for it.

So, the answer is to work to overturn the will of the majority.

I think my Civics teacher got it all totally ass backwards.

Now a majority vote means nothing at all... in fact, all it means is that the one's who lost should only SCREAM LOUDER.

We are devo.


The solution is to misrepresent what the law is about, which so far they've done a pretty good job at. If they continue to succeed, this issue becomes a winner despite the fact that the majority who understand the law like what it does. Every legitimate poll I've seen that claimed "the majority doesn't like Obamacare" counted together those who want a repeal with those who believe it doesn't go far enough.
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Or run with with quotes from Obama saying it's not a tax, or from back when he was running and opposed a mandate.

Ok, yeah. Do that one too. Get way down in those weeds. The counter will only be an ad with the folks of Mass thanking Romney for inventing the Healthcare that was adopted nationally.

Look, I know this must be frustrating and unexpected. But do you really think the path to victory and winning over the indy's is to move back to this when the challenger is so much weaker on the topic than many others? Bang already broke it down perfectly.

Anyway, nobody is repealing anything now. Even if Romney wins...he isn't. And deep down I think he supports this law.

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Ok, yeah. Do that one too. Get way down in those weeds. The counter will only be an ad with the folks of Mass thanking Romney for inventing the Healthcare that was adopted nationally.

Look, I know this must be frustrating and unexpected. But do you really think the path to victory and winning over the indy's is to move back to this when the challenger is so much weaker on the topic than many others? Bang already broke it down perfectly.

Anyway, nobody is repealing anything now. Even if Romney wins...he isn't. And deep down I think he supports this law.

It's neither frustrating NOR unexpected, (though I diid think a Roberts vote to uphold would accompany a Kennedy one as well ). But I do plan on responding to smarthy remarks about what Mitt did in Mass with similar "deep weeds" comments on what Obama did prior as well.

Good for the goose........

As for what Mitt would or wouldnt do, it's irrelevant. Because 1- I dont think it matters much at all in the election. And 2- If it did, the pertinent point is how it plays int he campaign, not how it would fail to be implemented.

Even if Mitt wins (less than 30 percent chance), he wont have 51 votes in the Senate (much less 60) to pass a repeal bill.

All said though, it can be a political winner in campaign donations and talking points for a while.

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Even if Mitt wins (less than 30 percent chance), he wont have 51 votes in the Senate (much less 60) to pass a repeal bill.

All said though, it can be a political winner in campaign donations and talking points for a while.

Well said, and I agree on both points. I think he's probably made a boat load of cash since this morning. Only problem is that an average candidate could use that money well. Money was never an issue with him. Its who is Mitt Romney and what has he consistently stood for over his career? Right now we only have enough to fill up a post-it note.

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