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The CrossFit Thread


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I was just curious if there were other CrossFitters on ES. I have been going since I ran my marathon in November and love it.

The CrossFit games started last week, I signed up for it just to see how I would do.

Week 1:


Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:


This workout begins from the standing position. The Athlete will move from flat on the ground to touching an object with both hands that is 6 inches above their max reach. Score is total reps completed.

Week 2:

WORKOUT 12 . 2

MEN - includes Masters Men up to 54 years old

Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

75 pound Snatch, 30 reps

135 pound Snatch, 30 reps

165 pound Snatch, 30 reps

210 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible

WOMEN - includes Masters Women up to 54 years old

Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

45 pound Snatch, 30 reps

75 pound Snatch, 30 reps

100 pound Snatch, 30 reps

120 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible

Week 3

WORKOUT 12 . 3

MEN - includes Masters Men up to 54 years old

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:

15 Box jumps, 24" box

115 pound Push press, 12 reps

9 Toes-to-bar

WOMEN - includes Masters Women up to 54 years old

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:

15 Box jumps, 20" box

75 pound Push press, 12 reps

9 Toes-to-bar

Week 4

WORKOUT 12 . 4

MEN - includes Masters Men up to 54 years old

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:

150 Wall balls (20lbs to 10' target)

90 Double-unders

30 Muscle-ups

WOMEN - includes Masters Women up to 54 years old

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:

150 Wall balls (14lbs to 9' target)

90 Double-unders

30 Muscle-ups

Week 5

WORKOUT 12 . 5

MEN - includes Masters Men up to 54 years old

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:

100 pound Thruster, 3 reps

3 Chest to bar Pull-ups

100 pound Thruster, 6 reps

6 Chest to bar Pull-ups

100 pound Thruster, 9 reps

9 Chest to bar Pull-ups

100 pound Thruster, 12 reps

12 Chest to bar Pull-ups

100 pound Thruster, 15 reps

15 Chest to bar Pull-ups

100 pound Thruster, 18 reps

18 Chest to bar Pull-ups

100 pound Thruster, 21 reps

21 Chest to bar Pull-ups...

This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.

WOMEN - includes Masters Women up to 54 years old

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:

65 pound Thruster, 3 reps

3 Chest to bar Pull-ups

65 pound Thruster, 6 reps

6 Chest to bar Pull-ups

65 pound Thruster, 9 reps

9 Chest to bar Pull-ups

65 pound Thruster, 12 reps

12 Chest to bar Pull-ups

65 pound Thruster, 15 reps

15 Chest to bar Pull-ups

65 pound Thruster, 18 reps

18 Chest to bar Pull-ups

65 pound Thruster, 21 reps

21 Chest to bar Pull-ups...

This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.


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Wait, are you only doing one WOD a week?

I did it pretty much every day in Iraq in 2009. They had a CrossFit gym and a bunch of the air wingers had gotten certified as instructors before they deployed.

It's a little cliquish, but it's a helluva work out

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Wait, so they're doing the same workout all week?

Don't need to go to a gym to do burpees :D

They announce the workout on Wed night, and you have till Sunday at 5 to record it. Tomorrow will be the primary day to do that WOD for our gym, and Saturday is a make up day. But there is another WOD on Saturday for those who have already done the games WOD.

For the games you don't have to be a member of a CrossFit gym, but you have to submit a video of you doing the WOD.

The Burpee leader did 161 with the 6" jump in 7 minutes.......

---------- Post added February-29th-2012 at 09:49 PM ----------

I will be wearing my Valentines Day WOD outfit in honor of the games WOD tomorrow :ols:

I'm the one on the far left


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I'm debating whether or not I want to get back in to this. I know the first month is going to truly suck. Like horrible leg soreness and ripped up hands suck. I also want to run some 5Ks this summer and am not sure if I will have the energy to do Crossfit Endurance training for that as well.

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I'm debating whether or not I want to get back in to this. I know the first month is going to truly suck. Like horrible leg soreness and ripped up hands suck. I also want to run some 5Ks this summer and am not sure if I will have the energy to do Crossfit Endurance training for that as well.

My race times have not dropped off at all since I started, and I pretty much gave up running except for races so my knees don't takes such a beating. I ran a half marathon 3 weeks ago and my time was right where I wanted it to be.

You are right about the first month being rough, but after that it is fun. The people are great at the CF gym I go to. No meat heads there....

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I was just getting back in to running after basically not doing it for six months. I've put on like 20lbs since I got out of the military last May and I needed to lose 20lbs back then. I'll probably never be 185-190 again, but I would really like to get down to 210

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I was just getting back in to running after basically not doing it for six months. I've put on like 20lbs since I got out of the military last May and I needed to lose 20lbs back then. I'll probably never be 185-190 again, but I would really like to get down to 210

A lot of people here do the Paleo diet, and it is amazing weight loss. Every 2 or 3 months our gym does a Paleo challenge. You get points for WOD's and what food you eat.

Check out this, it has recipes in it. It was created by a member of our Box http://makeminepaleo.blogspot.com/

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I would LOVE to get into CrossFit, but all the CrossFit gyms near me are RIDICULOUSLY expensive. Recomendations anyone?

It is expensive, but there are options if you only go a few times a week. Or you can do the workouts at other gyms, or even at home. Ours has a website that puts out the WOD everyday. http://www.crossfitbeaufort.com/

Every CrossFit does not do the same WODs everyday, except for the Games WOD.

---------- Post added February-29th-2012 at 10:15 PM ----------

lol, I will never be able to do that. I simply enjoy good food too much. The only reason I work out at all is so I can eat that stuff.

LOL I only eat some Paleo meals, for some people it is a lifestyle, that's just not for me!

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75 pound Snatch, 30 reps

135 pound Snatch, 30 reps

165 pound Snatch, 30 reps

210 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible

This is borderline insanity, and not in a good way. Your form on that 210 pound snatch is going to be pretty much awful. Exhaustion is going to kick in, and snatches aren't the easiest movement in the world. Snatching 210 pounds is a pretty good accomplishment in and of itself, but snatching 210 pounds for AMAP with 11,250 pounds in tonnage moved already is downright stupid. And doing it in under 10 minutes is even worse.

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I've got nothing but mad respect for the Crossfit community, but because of the exhaustion factor you mention Dawg, there have been reports of serious back injuries due to Crossfit. Box jumps are a big culprit also.

But, injuries happen no matter the workout.

BTW. Love the knee high socks inthat picture. Seriously. Way to rock 'em.

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I've got nothing but mad respect for the Crossfit community, but because of the exhaustion factor you mention Dawg, there have been reports of serious back injuries due to Crossfit. Box jumps are a big culprit also.

I think a lot of the WODs that these CrossFitters do are outstanding. It's not my style of training, but they are very well programmed and make a ton of sense. The one mentioned above, however, does not fall into the well programmed group. As you said, you're basically asking for an injury. And a good portion of WODs are designed horrendously. But like I said, there are also quite a few that are pretty awesome.

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Be careful with any involvement in Crossfit, as many people have got hurt doing it.

Crossfit is primarily a marketing juggernaut and many of their affiliated "coaches" receive little or no training and they are certified without testing. It uses some proven concepts, but the "programming" in many cases is developed by people who have absolutely no clue what they are talking about.

I wouldn't go to a "healthcare professional" whose training was limited to sitting in a class for a weekend and paying a franchise fee, and I wouldn't recommend anyone goes into Crossfit and pay any attention to a "fitness professional" without already understanding whether the exercises and programming is appropriate.

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WOMEN - includes Masters Women up to 54 years old

Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

45 pound Snatch, 30 reps

75 pound Snatch, 30 reps

100 pound Snatch, 30 reps

120 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible


So are they assuming that every woman 18-54 should be lifting the same weight for these workouts? Or are you supposed to adjust to your ability?

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This is borderline insanity, and not in a good way. Your form on that 210 pound snatch is going to be pretty much awful. Exhaustion is going to kick in, and snatches aren't the easiest movement in the world. Snatching 210 pounds is a pretty good accomplishment in and of itself, but snatching 210 pounds for AMAP with 11,250 pounds in tonnage moved already is downright stupid. And doing it in under 10 minutes is even worse.

You scale it for your ability. This is what people don't seem to understand. You don't start with these weights.

When I first started, I did all the lifts with an empty bar, just to learn the form.

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You scale it for your ability. This is what people don't seem to understand. You don't start with these weights.

When I first started, I did all the lifts with an empty bar, just to learn the form.

Then it should be written by percentage of your max, not by listing weights.

That's a programming error. Someone who doesn't know everything about CrossFit reading that is going to try that and find out they can't lift it. And then a good portion of people will give up.

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I think Crossfit can be beneficial for some people, however the majority of people that I know who do it are quite smug. I know there are good people/coaches out there, but I think they're in the minority.There's so much horrendous form and bad coaches out there. I also don't particularly care for some claims they make (such as crossfit being more beneficial to muscle growth than those training for hypertrophy).

As far as the Paleo diet goes, it can be effective (as can any diet that is consistently adhered to). However that being said, their views on certain foods and their methods are largely untrue.

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Then it should be written by percentage of your max, not by listing weights.

That's a programming error. Someone who doesn't know everything about CrossFit reading that is going to try that and find out they can't lift it. And then a good portion of people will give up.

Yes, I agree. That's where coaches are supposed to come in. If you have a good one, they will tell you to scale it to your ability. I've always had good ones. Ironic that Marines were the ones tell me to take it easy and scale it back. I've even had one come in and say, "You're done. You have a dazed look. You're done for the day"

I think Crossfit can be beneficial for some people, however the majority of people that I know who do it are quite smug. I know there are good people/coaches out there, but I think they're in the minority.There's so much horrendous form and bad coaches out there. I also don't particularly care for some claims they make (such as crossfit being more beneficial to muscle growth than those training for hypertrophy).

And the smugness is probably the main reason I haven't really made it a point to go.

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I think Crossfit can be beneficial for some people, however the majority of people that I know who do it are quite smug. I know there are good people/coaches out there, but I think they're in the minority.There's so much horrendous form and bad coaches out there. I also don't particularly care for some claims they make (such as crossfit being more beneficial to muscle growth than those training for hypertrophy).

As far as the Paleo diet goes, it can be effective (as can any diet that is consistently adhered to). However that being said, their views on certain foods and their methods are largely untrue.

I was dating a woman who was a X-ray tech and she said about half the injuries that come in the door are from Crossfit. I think Crossfit can be good if you are a very experienced lifter, looking for something new, but not if you are don't have the experience with olympic style lifts. Most the average joes who are in the gym don't have it and push too fast with no form.

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I was dating a woman who was a X-ray tech and she said about half the injuries that come in the door are from Crossfit. I think Crossfit can be good if you are a very experienced lifter, looking for something new, but not if you are don't have the experience with olympic style lifts. Most the average joes who are in the gym don't have it and push too fast with no form.

Right. This is where scaling and good coaching come in. Essentially, it's like having a good trainer.

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