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WP: Iranian scientist involved in nuclear program killed in Tehran bomb attack


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including at least three killings since early 2010 and the release of a malicious computer virus that temporarily disrupted controls of some centrifuges - a key component in nuclear fuel production.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2085069/Iran-nuclear-scientist-Mostafa-Ahmadi-Roshan-killed-magnetic-bomb-Tehran.html#ixzz1jFxXN8aK

Well you don't have to destroy the bunkers if theres nobody left to turn the lights on..

Top Scientisits - check

Procurement - check

Janitorial Staff - next.

warning/error lights don't come on, meltdown, victory.

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Although there is no official definition of terrorism, some might agree that one component of terrorism is that the violence is targeted at groups of innocent 'civilians' in an indiscriminate manner. Rather than a singular targeting of a person because of that person's role or status.


not to mention that the target was a civillian and not a terrorist. It's a shame that civllians and generally sympathetic people have to suffer because of tiffs between terrorist states.

it was probably the Israelis, maybe they're pissed that they don't have the ability to bomb the facilities, and this is their way of venting their frustrations.

I expect terrorism in Israel will go up a notch

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Related? ;)


U.S. military moves carriers, denies Iran link

The U.S. military has said it will halt any blockade of the strategic strait and the top U.S. naval officer acknowledged on Tuesday that preparing for a potential conflict there was something that "keeps me awake at night."

Still, the Pentagon denied any direct link between recent tensions and the movement of aircraft carriers.

"I don't want to leave anybody with the impression that we're somehow (speeding) two carriers over there because we're concerned about what happened, you know, today in Iran. It's just not the case," said Captain John Kirby, a Pentagon spokesman.


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yeah, it's a shame that the politicians don't just assassinate each other

I've always had a soft spot for the "let the Kings fight first" theme, and always liked the idea of extending that to our elected representatives and their service-eligible offspring. talk about putting truth on display.

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Wasn't the King's champion a response to that?

Here, fight him :ols:

****, I'll do it :ols:

---------- Post added January-12th-2012 at 09:18 AM ----------

I'd still hold out the hope that the Ayatollah's champion would be Ahmadinejad and the Knesset's champion would be Netanyahu. In a fight to the death, that's like a win-win situation right there.

I always figures it's not like the masses couldn't go ahead afterwards and nuke, I mean duke, it out if they wanted to...the leaders just have to at least go first ;):D

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Sullivan has a good write-up on the assassination here.


I do not know the life, background or motivations of one Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, who was killed, along with another passenger, when a motorcycle rider out of a Bourne movie stuck a plastic explosive on his car door and blew him to smithereens. What I do know is that he was a scientist working, we're told, as a procurer in Iran's nuclear power/arms program. Does he make the decisions in this theocratic tyranny? Is he responsible for the policy? Maybe he is an adamant Khamenei supporter. Maybe not. But he has been assassinated by someone. How should we respond?

Here's how Rick Santorum responded to these kinds of killings:

On occasion scientists working on the nuclear program in Iran turn up dead. I think that’s a wonderful thing, candidly.

There is no way in Catholic - or indeed any moral - teaching that such assassinations can be celebrated as "wonderful". The person saying so is attacking some of the core truths of Christianity. Here's the response from the Israeli military spokesman, Brig. Gen. Yoav Mordechai:

I don’t know who took revenge on the Iranian scientist, but I am definitely not shedding a tear.

Not even for his fatherless child? Or wife?

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I'd still hold out the hope that the Ayatollah's champion would be Ahmadinejad and the Knesset's champion would be Netanyahu. In a fight to the death, that's like a win-win situation right there.

Thinking of that scene in Dark Knight, where Joker tells the thugs that he has an opening in his organization, but only one opening. "Make it quick".

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I hope we really didn't have anything to do with this shameful act of terrorism.

I doubt it will have much effect except to make the Iranians work harder to get nukes and galvanize the populace further in support of it.

US forces can't assasinate people. The law which was put in effect by the carter administration was replaced by a presidential order put in place by the Reagan administration. The Reagan Presidential order says the President will notify the speaker of the house, the senate leader and the miniority leadership on any change to this order... Then of coarse he can re-instate the order afterwards.

---------- Post added January-12th-2012 at 02:59 PM ----------

It's hard to tell, I'm doubting it was us....probably the Israelis but no one will ever own up to blowing up a scientist in an urban area.

I'm going to assume there is a lot more to this story than we'll ever know, because he seems like such an unlikely target. (I'm really doubting this guy was a young Iranian Robert Oppenheimer)

The Israeli's typically brag about these kinds of things, years even decades after the fact. They do tend to come to light, especially the more public ones...

King David Hotel, Count Bernadotte, The Black September Mob from Munick, Gerard Bull, The PLO engineer bomb maker.. various other's Israel has taken out. etc..

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I think our latest economic sanctions have denied Iran the use of international monitary infrastructure to conduct their international business.. ( oil sales). This means there are additional expenses related to selling iranian oil both for Iran and their customers. The end result is her customers are negotiating reductions in price per barrel and Iran's profit margin per barrel is falling.

I think it's reasonable to assume that Iran's seemingly insane anouncements to close the persian gulf straights are related to the falling profit margin. Iran's tactic is to ratchet up tension, causing oil prices to escalate thus allowing them to recoupe their lost revenue. It's a very dangerous game cause any miscalculation on either side can bring us into a military confrontation. It's like cold war brinksmanship only with financial undertones.

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