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HH's Pepper Spray Challenge: Donation Thread


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Alright, so I accepted Thiebear's challenge to take a blast of 3 MILLION scoville-unit foaming pepper spray in the mug with open mouth and eyes. He's fronted $40 bucks for the challenge, and twa has agreed to kick in another $10.

We will arrange a date and time, and allow you to attend in person if you wish. The event will be videotaped, and posted in a thread on ES, so that you can enjoy my misery. :D

Once we reach the $80 mark (I have to make it worth my while at least a little bit, and cover my travel. :ols:) every penny over and above that will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

Here's your chance ES. See me suffer, and help a good cause at the same time. It's a win-win!!

*If this thread violates any forum rules, please lock, with my apologies.*

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Pepper spray is basically just a good product. You'll be fine. Probably won't even notice it.

It's a great tool. And the fact that I'll get hit with it willingly proves that it's not the horribly cruel, drastically injurious weapon of destruction that some think it is.

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Or that you're a really weird masochist.


Well, obvoiusly I enjoy pain, or I wouldn't be a Skins fan. :ols:

---------- Post added November-23rd-2011 at 12:16 PM ----------

H_H- I'm in for $10. Paypal?

Awesome, thank you brother.

And yeah, probably paypal. I'll set it up when I get home and let you guys know.

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It's a great tool. And the fact that I'll get hit with it willingly proves that it's not the horribly cruel, drastically injurious weapon of destruction that some think it is.

Sorry, I made a typo in that post. Meant to say "food product," not "good product." The product is only as good as the person using it, which as we've clearly seen lately, makes it actually quite a cruel weapon in the wrong hands.

Submitting to a painful violent-person-submission device as an exercise of your nonviolent freedom just underscores the wrong-headedness of blasting protesters who also had something to nonviolently demonstrate, but who were hit with it at somebody else's insistence instead.

Still, I'll happily watch your video.

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Pepper Spray: “Food Product” or Dangerous Weapon?

Although pepper spray is considered a "less-than-lethal" weapon, it can be deadly in extreme cases and has a number of health side effects. It is nowhere near being edible or "a food product" and standard U.S. grade pepper spray has been classified as between two to five million Scoville Heat Units, significantly hotter than bhut jolokia or habanero peppers.

After being sprayed with pepper spray, a victim will instinctively close his or her eyes and may feel his or her eyelids "burning and bubbling," which quickly follows a sensation of choking.

The average full-effect of a spray can last between thirty and forty-five minutes, however side effects are known to last several hours and even weeks. A single spray causes temporary blindness, difficulty breathing, burning sensations on the face and other areas affected, uncontrollable coughing, runny nose, upper body spasms and gagging. Victims remain sensitive to light for days following an attack.

. . . even weeks. :pfft:


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I'm willing to attend the spraying to hand H_H wet paper towels afterward. I will charge him $20 per towel.

(Hog, seriously, don't do this.)

It's not a big deal, and it gives me a chance to help a cause that's important to me. A half hour of burning is nothing compared to what cancer patients have to endure...a literal walk in the park by comparison.

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Someone else would have to spray you, I don't hurt innocent people. Its a rule.

I may joke around but there are possibilities i wouldn't want to think about for the rest of my life. I'll back out like a wus.

You need cancer money, i can put 40$ in there as a e-penalty.

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Count me in for $20. Not because I want to see HH suffer (I promise), but because I'm genuinely curious to hear a 1st hand account of the effects from someone I'd trust to tell it straight and because the money goes to a good cause.

Also, same question as #98QBKiller...where will this be taking place?

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