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Should the Redskins trade up for Luck?


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With Carson Palmer going to Oakland for possibly 2 1st rounders, this means Luck's value has probably gone up to at least 3 1st round picks if any team wants to move up. Seems like no player is worth 3 1st round picks, but the Redskins need a franchise QB more than anything. If Shanny likes him enough, I say we should do this. We can upgrade our wr core through later rounds and o-line depth the same way. Another good offseason filled with moves like this past years and we are in a good position. We need that franchise QB so badly and I know there are other QBs that are great in this draft, but Luck is in a different league than them. So, if we have the 16th or so pick in the draft, should we do this? We have a shot at being a good team now and I would hate to have to develop a QB for a couple years and let our defense get older. Let's win now.

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luck will cost at least 6 total picks. This team has way way way way way way way too many holes to trade away 6 or 7 picks and atleast half of those 6-7 would be 1st round picks.

Forget about luck

We will get a quality prospect but it will not be luck. Maybe landry jones or barkley but not luck no way in hell

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If your picking 16th - you wouldn't have enough value in your picks for a top 2 pick. There is a point system and it wouldn't work unless someone was willing to take 2013 picks - but that never will happen. Your not getting Luck, which means you will not get a franchise caliber QB next year , unless you get " lucky" with one in the midrounds. Don't hold your breath

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We need atleast 2 Good wide receivers. Maybe Niles and Hank will one day become those great wide outs but now we just have a bunch of 30+ year old on the decline.

We need more Talent @ Oline. NOT DEPTH but talent. Depth only does so much. you can have a starting online then have a bunch of stephen heyers as your backups and you aint in no better shape

We need a QB that goes without saying

We need to get a more talent @ ILB

We need 1 more quality CB

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I agree, this has been discussed in many threads, none of which turn out well.

Noone is giving the Luck pick (first pick in the draft) up. Noone. Anyone who is in the position in the first place needs him, and plain and simple, no oneis giving that pick away.

Why would we trade up when there will be other quality QB's for us to take (especially if we keep losing games we could concievibly win) without tossing in next years first or second rounder on top of our first round pick... we need all the picks we can get for O-linemen to surround our future franchise QB with.

Trading picks is the practice and belief we just broke ourselves of, please lets not start feeding our GM bad ideas he can turn into habits. Danny did enough of that with Vincent. Look at how the raiders just mortgaged their future on Carson "Mumra" Palmer. A first round this year, a second next year that gets escalated to a first if they go to the playoffs? For an eighty year old QB with one good knee? It may not be the same exact scenario, but with that extra draft pick a quality O-lineman could have been had to protect ranother QB that may give you comperable production. Maybe not the same production, but comperable.

Sorry OP, I cant get on board with an idea like this.

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If your picking 16th - you wouldn't have enough value in your picks for a top 2 pick. There is a point system and it wouldn't work unless someone was willing to take 2013 picks - but that never will happen. Your not getting Luck, which means you will not get a franchise caliber QB next year , unless you get " lucky" with one in the midrounds. Don't hold your breath

there will be more quality QB's in the draft other then Luck...

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If your picking 16th - you wouldn't have enough value in your picks for a top 2 pick. There is a point system and it wouldn't work unless someone was willing to take 2013 picks - but that never will happen. Your not getting Luck, which means you will not get a franchise caliber QB next year , unless you get " lucky" with one in the midrounds. Don't hold your breath

I agree with you that we wont be getting Luck. We are not that Lucky. But do you really think that no other QB coming out of the draft is franchise caliber? I mean Luck is about as guaranteed to be that caliber as you will get, and every draft pick is a gamble, but there are other quality QB's coming out. We have to take a shot this time.

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There is no reason to trade up for Luck. This QB class is deep and we can find a franchise QB without sacrificing much.

I believe this is true. No need to bet the farm to get one guy. Plus, we haven't seen Beck yet. I'm not saying we don't need a young gun, but if Beck proves to be a gamer, at 30 years old he has a few years left and we are no longer In Extremis.

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Sorry, but I doubt anybody will trade away the Luck pick. If we traded away 4 WHOLE drafts to the Colts, maybe, just maybe, they would take that since they obviously need a lot of players and ONLY IF Peyton can come back to play for 3 more years. Every other team that doesn't have 4 wins already would take Luck and try to trade away their current QB.

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Do it. We've given up so much to try and find a QB and if we trade up, we won't need to worry about it for a long time. Good QBs make the rest of the holes on a team less conspicuous.

I'm in the minority, but you don't win without a franchise QB, no matter what other parts you assemble around him. Luck is the most NFL-ready franchise QB to come around in a long time. You guys want to start winning now? Trade up for Luck. You want to wait and hope that Ryan Tannehill isn't the next Ramsey or Campbell while we draft pieces around him? Fine by me but the chances of success in my eyes are better with the star QB already in place.

One caveat - if we can trade up for less or stay put and draft Robert Griffin, I'm all for that too. But I would have no complaints if we traded a lot of picks for Luck. We had 12 this past year and all of them made the team (either PS or active roster) so we can afford to spend some now.

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I've seen some of barkley's games. The guy throws a nice deep ball. He would be a nice consolation prize.

I'm not impressed by Barkley. I'm wary of USC QBs in general because of Leinart and Sanchez (whom I thought would bust from the beginning and is well on his way) and Barkley doesn't seem to be any better than those guys. I'd stay away from him.

The only QBs I like from this potential class are Luck, Griffin, Tannehill to a point, and Russell Wilson whom I think will end up being a quality backup.

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Not going to happen, what ever team that has the first pick, most likely the dolphins or Indy, there's no way the pass on a kid with his potential, even if he rides the pine behind Manning for three years.

I was going to start another thread but I think this one would suffice. Since we probably won't get Luck, who is the 2nd or 3rd best QB in the draft. Or better yet, which one of the prospects best fits what Shanahan is trying to build in DC?

Bottom line? We haven't had a franchise QB since Joey T and with the success of Stafford, Bradford, Newton, Dalton and the likes, these kids seem to be coming out more and more pro ready. So, what say you? Since Luck will most assuredly be off the board, whose next?

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I was going to start another thread but I think this one would suffice. Since we probably won't get Luck, who is the 2nd or 3rd best QB in the draft. Or better yet, which one of the prospects best fits what Shanahan is trying to build in DC?

Griffin if he comes out. He'll probably be the number 1 overall pick in 2013 though, so he might stick around at Baylor.

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