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According to Jason La Canfora 's Twitter Redskins Looking to Move up to Number 2 Pick (Updated: NFL.com headline as well)


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One of the things that worries me about Gabbert is "how he practices." I didnt even hear about this guy till this draft. Cause his a big guy etc.. has the arm blah blah his suppose to be a top 10 pick come on? Im too worried thinking about us taking a QB. If we do, we could be looking at a reaaaaaaaaallllllll long time getting better

:whoknows: Its fine if you don't like him as a prospect, but if you never heard of Gabbert till the draft, its because you didn't pay very close attention.

And part of that is because if you don't follow these guys closely on your own, you're only going to hear about the players most likely to declare, from the main-stream sports media...and nobody thought Gabbert would declare. It was a smart move on his part, and because of it, some team will get a VERY young QB whose potential hasn't even been scratched.

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steelz...any idea if skins talking to agents of potential fa's yet?

clouds.. i should said maybe Smoke.. team just fielding calls, n yes Blaine is still very much a wild card.. n to the question.. they have talked to a couple of our own FA's and a couple that aint but lets see what the rules is gonna be before we jump into FA..i know u guys is ready, so am i

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If you go by the chart, 10 = 1300 so fair value would be 17 (950) + 60 (300) + 125 (47).

17 (950) + 28 (660) for 10 (1300) is too weighted towards the Redskins for BB to pull the trigger.

The draft pick value chart is really just a guideline. If you feel that the talent in this draft drops at ten and the players in the late 20s don't deserve a first round grade, that will impact how much you value picks 17 & 28.

Ultimately it comes down to the players and how teams have set up their boards. If they don't like the look of the players expected to be there when they pick, they may sacrifice more to move into a better position of value.

Basically, the draft value chart don't necessarily match someone's idea of value.

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One of the things that worries me about Gabbert is "how he practices." I didnt even hear about this guy till this draft. Cause his a big guy etc.. has the arm blah blah his suppose to be a top 10 pick come on? Im too worried thinking about us taking a QB. If we do, we could be looking at a reaaaaaaaaallllllll long time getting better

Can you expand on what you mean by "how he practices"?

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It's just a smokescreen

It's just a smokescreen

It's just a smokescreen


I feel his pain.

Also, Redskins coach Mike Shanahan has ties to two prominent figures in the Broncos' organization -- executive vice president of football operations John Elway and general manager Brian Xanders. Shanahan coached Elway in Denver and worked directly with Xanders.

Glad he cleared up that whole Shanny-Elway connection for the children.

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I just created my twitter account last night so I could follow them and have not been disappointed in the slightest. It's been a lot of fun reading about the draft there. Well that and LL56's hangover. LOL

Haha, seriously LL56 must go to the gym for half the day then spend the other half drinking. They are very fun to read on twitter. Who named them the Posse though? I would have preferred the Fun Bunch.

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:whoknows: Its fine if you don't like him as a prospect, but if you never heard of Gabbert till the draft, its because you didn't pay very close attention.

And part of that is because if you don't follow these guys closely on your own, you're only going to hear about the players most likely to declare, from the main-stream sports media...and nobody thought Gabbert would declare. It was a smart move on his part, and because of it, some team will get a VERY young QB whose potential hasn't even been scratched.

Lots of Laughs, When you are a special player you know about him before draft day nuff said (people want to watch him). yeh, I watched two games (Nebraska and Kansas). My opinion he wasnt special (like a Cam Newton in college). His big and his good wow. Everyone has potential to be good. Maybe Im wrong and could be one of the best I just wouldnt draft him with the 10th pick. Maybe with the 20th pick

Maybe I should of said, his getting overrated in my mind. When I said I didnt know him up till draft day "because his being hyped up waaaaaay too much" Now everyone thinks his a really special Player. Just like C. Ponder now

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Lots of Laughs, When you are a special player you know about him before draft day nuff said (people want to watch him). yeh, I watched two games (Nebraska and Kansas). My opinion he wasnt special (like a Cam Newton in college). His big and his good wow. Everyone has potential to be good. Maybe Im wrong and could be one of the best I just wouldnt draft him with the 10th pick

Maybe I should of said, his getting overrated in my mind. When I said I didnt know him up till draft day "because his being hyped up waaaaaay too much" Now everyone thinks his a really special Player

All I'm saying is that if you or anyone else wasn't aware of him before "draft day", as you specifically said, that's because you aren't paying attention.

It was a big deal when he declared, and most of the media had to scramble to educate themselves on him. Not because he isn't a good prospect, but because they generally focus on the guys definitely declaring.

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All I'm saying is that if you or anyone else wasn't aware of him before "draft day", as you specifically said, that's because you aren't paying attention.

It was a big deal when he declared, and most of the media had to scramble to educate themselves on him. Not because he isn't a good prospect, but because they generally focus on the guys definitely declaring.

I have never heard of him before he declared......but i dont know how you couldn't have heard about him after he did. Maybe he meant before he declared. :whoknows:

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I have never heard of him before he declared......but i dont know how you couldn't have heard about him after he did. Maybe he meant before he declared. :whoknows:

Idk, he specified twice that he was someone he hadn't heard of before the draft, and before draft day.

And I remember steve and dukes pimping Gabbert early in the regular season, loooong before anyone ever even thought he'd declare. So the knowledge was out there, if you watch a lot of college ball like those guys or pay attention to draft talk early in the season.

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I hope Gabbert pans out.

Just saying that it would be far to risky for the redskins to take a QB with the 10th pick. There are waaay to many positions the skins need to fill. Any QB would not help us especially in the top 10 of this years draft. If we put Tom Brady, Peyton Manning on our team we still wouldnt make playoffs.

Only way we should draft a QB is "if" we trade back, cause we would get an additional pick.

I think of way too many problems if we select a QB. If we do I wont be excited more or less "hope for the best"

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