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What concerts have you been to, or going to this year?


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Last night i went to see Gregg Allman, and the Steve Miller Band in Charleston SC. Gregg was very good, but Steve Miller was on it! He was playin some blues, some of his new stuff, and his well known songs. If you get a chance to see him you should!

On June 4th i have 2nd row seats to see Mr. Buddy Guy, and BB King play in Simpsonville SC. I cannot wait for this. Buddy is one of my all time favorites....

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Just saw the Candyrat Guitar Night a couple of nights ago in Nashville. It was a lot of fun and only $12.

Craig D'Andrea came out, he was good, but not exceptional. However, he was very entertaining.

Ewan Dobson was next. Didn't say a word, just let his guitar playing do the talking. I liked him much better live than on CD. This guy was amazing.

Gareth Pearson was third and he was fantastic. He is a performer as well as a great guitar player. He had the crowd cracking up all night.

Last was Stefano Barone. I like his CDs better. With his live show, it just seemed like too much noise. He did not do a lot of guitar playing, he opted to maximize his fondling of the pedals.

Overall, it was well worth the $12. My wife even enjoyed it and she does not like that kind of music that much.

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This year has been slooooooow down here.

I've seen Matisyahu and Yellowcard do acoustic sets at a radio station and Linkin Park. Saturday is Rise Against (my favorite) and Sunday is 30 Seconds to Mars (second favorite). If the Blackhawks win tonight I'm skipping Sunday's concert because that'll be Game 6 for us.

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I've played in concerts. Does that count? But never attended to watch someone else. I love music, but I've never really been into the live music scene.

Eh, doesn't count.

There's just something special about being in the crowd at a live show for a band whose songs you can sing along with word for word.. Just me:)

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Eh, doesn't count.

There's just something special about being in the crowd at a live show for a band whose songs you can sing along with word for word.. Just me:)

There's also small local "concerts" that go on at places as a side show, if that wants to be considered. :ols: But yeah, never where you have to buy tickets like five years in advance and be surrounded by thousands of drunk and stoned underage kids. Not my thing. The only time I would ever strongly consider the idea would be if I were alive during Woodstock.

edit: and there is no song I have ever been able to say word-for-word.

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